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Stoxx (Anu Products Limited) (Pyriproxifen 10% EC) is a broad-spectrum insecticide manufactured by Anu Products Limited. It is an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation containing 10% pyriproxifen.

Mode of action: Pyriproxifen is an insect growth regulator (IGR) insecticide. It works by disrupting the molting process of insects, preventing them from developing into the next stage. This leads to death.

Dosage and application: The recommended dosage of Stoxx varies depending on the crop and target pest. For most crops, the recommended dosage is 240-260 ml per hectare. Stoxx should be applied as a foliar spray using a conventional sprayer.

Benefits of using Stoxx

  • Broad-spectrum activity against a wide range of sucking and chewing pests
  • Ovicidal, larvicidal, and nymphicidal activity
  • Long residual activity
  • Easy to apply

Safety and precautions

  • Stoxx is a moderately toxic insecticide. It is important to follow all safety precautions when handling and applying this product.
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling Stoxx, including gloves, goggles, and a respirator.
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  • Do not apply Stoxx to crops that are close to harvest.
  • Dispose of empty Stoxx containers safely.


Stoxx is a versatile and effective insecticide that can be used to control a wide range of sucking and chewing pests on a variety of crops. It is a good choice for farmers who are looking for a broad-spectrum IGR insecticide that is easy to apply and has a good safety profile.

Additional information:

  • Stoxx is a compatible insecticide, so it can be mixed with most other pesticides. However, it is always best to test a small area of the crop before mixing Stoxx with another pesticide to make sure there is no phytotoxicity.
  • Stoxx is a cost-effective insecticide that is easy to find and purchase. It is a popular choice for farmers in developing countries due to its broad-spectrum activity, good safety profile, and affordability.
Registado para culturasTaxa
Algodão0.24 - 0.26 l
Quiabo0.24 - 0.26 l
Pimenta chili0.24 - 0.26 l
Berinjela0.24 - 0.26 l