Cherry-Prunus rust mite
Aculus fockeui
Pest description and crop damage. The adult mite is a typical eriophyid mite with a cylindrical body, yellow in color early on but changing to brownish yellow or tan with age. The adults are minute and can barely be seen with the naked eye when placed against a black background. Immature mites are similar in structure to the adults but smaller and white. The mites feed on the surface of the leaf with piercing-sucking mouthparts, sucking fluids from the cells. Mature plum foliage may be curled upward or dwarfed. The lower surfaces of the leaves become brown or bronze and scurfy. Feeding on younger leaves causes development of small yellow spots on the leaves, followed by shotholing. The impact of this feeding on vigor and yield is uncertain. Prunus rust mites are seldom a problem except on young, unsprayed trees.
Biology and life history. The mite overwinters as an adult female under bud scales. As the buds expand, they leave the buds, scatter over the expanding foliage, and feed for several days before laying eggs. A complete generation requires 6 to 22 days, and generations are produced continuously in summer. As foliage hardens or degrades, overwintering females are produced for the following year.