Southern corn leaf blight
Cochliobolus heterostrophus
Lesions on maize leaves, caused by race O, are elongated between the veins, tan in colour, 2-6 x 3-22 mm long, with limited parallel margins and buff-to-brown borders. Variation in lesion size and shape may occur between inbreds and hybrids with different genetic backgrounds. Race O usually attacks only the leaves.
Lesions produced by race T are tan in colour, 0.6-1.2 x 0.6-2.7 cm, spindle-shaped or elliptical, with yellow-green or chlorotic halos. Later, race T lesions often have dark, reddish-brown borders and may occur on the leaves, stalks, leaf sheaths, ear husks, shanks, ears and cobs. A black, felty mould may cover affected kernels, and ear and cob rot may occur, with substantial losses in harvesting and shelling.
Seedlings from kernels infected by Race T may wilt and die within 3 to 4 weeks after planting. The early death of leaves, resulting from infection by either race, predisposes the plants to stalk rot.

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