Yellow rust
Phragmidium rubi-idaei
Of the major caneberry crops, yellow rust infects only red raspberry and is not a systemic pathogen, meaning the pathogen does not spread internally through the plant. In spring, yellowish orange pustules (aecia) form on the tops of raspberry leaves close to the ground. Early season observation of aecia on the tops of leaves is a general way to distinguish this rust from late leaf rust, which also infects red raspberry.
Severely affected leaves can dry out and die. Later in June and July, orange to yellow pustules (uredinia) appear on the undersides of leaves; these structures later darken as black teliospores develop from the middle of July to fall. The yellow rust fungus overwinters as teliospores on the bark of remaining floricanes (fruiting canes). Such canes are the sources of inoculum that affect emerging leaves and primocanes (vegetative canes) the following spring.