Black vine weevil
Otiorhynchus sulcatus
The black vine weevil feeds on many garden and landscape plants such as azalea, rhododendron, euonymus, grapes, and liquidambar. Adult weevils are roughened, hard-shelled flightless beetles, approximately 0.5 inch long, black in color with small patches of white scales on the forewings. They have elbowed and clubbed antennae and their head is elongated into a long, broad snout. Adults do not fly. Larvae are whitish grubs.
Adults generally feed on foliage. Leaves or flowers appear notched or ragged, and leaves or needles may be clipped from twigs. Where budbreak coincides with adult emergence, a high percentage of primary buds and new shoots may be destroyed. Otherwise damage is not serious. The most serious damage is done by larvae, which feed on roots and can kill or weaken some plants, especially azalea and rhododendron, increasing damage from root diseases such as Phytophthora. Feeding on branches can cause limb breakage. Feeding galleries may be seen in the crotches of limbs.
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