Acceleron DX-109

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For seed treatment use in soybeans

In soybeans, Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment protects against diseases caused by seed- and soil-borne Fusarium and Rhizoctonia. Make all applications according to the use directions in this label. Use the high rate of Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment when disease pressure is expected to be high.

Apply Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment as a water-based mixture using standard slurry or mist-type seed treatment application equipment. The exact amount of water needed to provide the mixture or slurry rate (mL/100 kg of seed) for optimum coverage is difficult to predict since weather conditions, hot or cold, seed type and surface and equipment used all have a bearing on coverage. Consult a seed treatment specialist regarding slurry rates recommended for the crop seed to be treated with Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment. The required amount of Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment should then be diluted with the recommended amount of water that will provide uniform and complete coverage on the seed surface. Uniform application on seed and complete seed coverage are necessary for seed safety and best disease protection. Seed should be sound and well cleaned prior to treatment. The purchaser of Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment is responsible for ensuring that all seed treated with this product are adequately dyed with a suitable color to prevent its accidental use as food for man or feed for animals.

- Do not use treated seed for food, feed or oil processing.
- Do not store Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment near feed or foodstuffs.
- Do not contaminate feed or foodstuffs.
- DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Any seed treated with this product must be either thoroughly stained with a conspicuous colour or coated with a material that renders it conspicuous. Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment is sold only to individuals who can comply with these requirements. Regulations pertaining to the coloration of treated seed enforced under the Seeds Act must be strictly adhered to when using this product.

"This seed has been treated with Acceleron DX-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment containing pyraclostrobin. DO NOT use for food, feed or oil processing".
Thoroughly clean auger after handling treated seed before using same auger for handling commercial or feed grains.
Leftover treated seed should not be stored where there is a chance of it becoming mixed with untreated seed.
Store treated seed in cool, dry conditions.
When planting treated seeds, workers must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemicalresistant gloves made of any waterproof material (such as nitrile, butyl, neoprene and/or barrier laminate) and shoes plus socks.
When planting soybean seeds, a closed cab planter is required at all times. All workers outside the closed cab must wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants, coveralls, chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material (such as nitrile, butyl, neoprene and/or barrier laminate), shoes plus socks and a respirator with a NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved organic-vapour-removing cartridge with a pre-filter approved for pesticides OR a NIOSH/MSHA/BHSE approved canister approved for pesticides.

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