Admire 240

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

For control of insect pests in horticultural crops
This product contains no colourant. An appropriate colourant must be added when this product is applied to seed. Regulations pertaining to the "Seeds Act" must be strictly adhered to when using this product as a seed treatment.

ADMIRE 240 Flowable Systemic Insecticide, containing the active ingredient imidacloprid, is intended for the control of insect pests in a wide variety of vegetable crops, fruit crops, Christmas trees and as a seed piece treatment for potatoes.

Store in cool, dry place and in such a manner as to prevent cross contamination with other pesticides, fertilizers, food, and feed. Store in original container and out of reach of children, preferably in a locked storage area.

Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal.
Recyclable Container: Do not reuse this container for any purpose. This is a recyclable container, and is to be disposed of at a container collection site. Contact your local distributor/dealer or municipality for the location of the nearest collection site. Before taking the container to the collection site:
Triple- or pressure-rinse the empty container. Add the rinsings to the spray mixture in the tank.
Make the empty, rinsed container unsuitable for further use.
If there is no container collection site in your area, dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements.
Disposal of Unused, Unwanted Product: For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills.

The interaction of many equipment and weatherrelated factors determines the potential for spray drift. The applicator is responsible for considering all of these factors when making application decisions. Avoiding spray drift is the responsibility of the applicator. Avoiding applications when wind direction is toward the aquatic area can reduce risk of exposure to sensitive aquatic areas.

To prepare the spray, add a portion of the required amount of water to the spray tank and with agitation, add ADMIRE 240 Flowable Systemic Insecticide. Complete filling the tank with balance of water needed. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application.

Treated areas may be replanted with any crop specified on an imidacloprid label, or any crop for which a tolerance exists for the active ingredient, as soon as practical following the last Rotation of fields treated with ADMIRE 240 Flowable Systemic Insecticide to cereal grains (wheat, barley, oats) is acceptable after a minimum plant-back interval of 30 days and to peas and beans (including fababeans, soybeans, adzuki beans, mung beans, lima beans, scarlet runners, dry common beans, snap common beans), after a minimum plant-back interval of 9 months. Rotation to all other food and feed crops will require that a 12 month plant-back interval be observed. Green manure and other cover crops not intended for human or animal consumption are acceptable rotational crops which do not require a plant-back interval following treatment. Do not graze or harvest such cover crops for food or feed.
Imidacloprid is persistent and has a high potential for carryover; it is not recommended that this product be used in fields treated with ADMIRE 240 Flowable Systemic Insecticide during the previous season.

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Potatoes0 l7
Red beet0 l
Edible burdock0 l
Carrots0 l
Celeriac0 l
Chervil0 l
Chicory0 l
Ginseng0 l
Horseradish0 l
Parsley0 l
Parsnip0 l
Radishes0 l
Rutabagas0 l
Salsify0 l
Skirrets0 l
Turnips0 l
Arracacha0 l
Arrowroots0 l
Chinese artichoke0 l
Artichokes0 l
Cassava0 l
Chayote0 l
Chufas0 l
Taro, dasheen0 l
Ginger0 l
Leren0 l
Sweet potatoes0 l
Turmeric0 l
Bean yam0 l
True yam0 l
Amaranth0 l
Amaranth0 l
Chervil0 l
Corn salad0 l
Cress0 l
Endive0 l
Lettuce0 l
Orach, atriplex0 l
Purslanes0 l
Radicchio0 l
Spinach0 l
New zealand spinach0 l
Cardoon0 l45
Celery0 l45
Celtuce0 l45
Finocchio, florence fennel0 l45
Anise0 l45
Fennel0 l45
Rhubarbs0 l45
Broccoli0 l
Rapini0 l
Brussels sprouts0 l
Cabbage0 l
Cauliflower0 l
Chinese broccoli0 l
Chinese cabbage0 l
Bok choy0 l
Gai Choy0 l
Collard greens0 l
Kale0 l
Kohlrabi0 l
Mizuna0 l
Mustard greens0 l
Mustard spinach0 l
Rape greens0 l
Beans0 l
Lupines0 l
Kidney beans0 l
Dry lima beans0 l
Navy beans0 l
Pinto beans0 l
Runner beans0 l
Snap beans0 l
Tepary beans0 l
Wax beans0 l
Adzuki beans0 l
Asparagus0 l
Blackeyed peas0 l
Catjang peas0 l
Chinese long beans0 l
Cowpea0 l
Crowder peas0 l
Moth beans0 l
Mung beans0 l
Rice0 l
Southern peas0 l
Peas0 l
Snow peas0 l
Chickpeas0 l
Guars0 l
Lablab beans0 l
Lentils0 l
Pigeon peas0 l
Soybeans0 l
Eggplant0 l7
Ground cherries0 l7
Okra0 l7
Pepinos0 l7
Peppers0 l7
Sweet peppers0 l7
Tomatoes0 l7
Tomatillos0 l7
Chayote0 l
Waxgourds0 l
Citron melons0 l
Cucumbers0 l
Gherkins0 l
Gourds0 l
Cucuzzas0 l
Hechimas0 l
Momordica charantia0 l
Balsam apple0 l
Chinese cucumber0 l
Melons0 l
Cantaloupe0 l
Santa Claus melon0 l
Snake melon0 l
Pumpkins0 l
Squash0 l
Pattypan squash0 l
Hubbard squash0 l
Acorn squash0 l
Spaghetti squash0 l
Straightneck squash0 l
Crookneck squash0 l
Gem squash0 l
Zucchini0 l
Calabazas0 l
Watermelon0 l
Apples200 - 380 ml7
Crabapples200 - 380 ml7
Loquat200 - 380 ml7
Hawthorn200 - 380 ml7
Medlar200 - 380 ml7
Pears200 - 380 ml7
Quince200 - 380 ml7
Tejocote200 - 380 ml7
Apricots200 - 230 ml7
Cherries200 - 230 ml7
Nectarines200 - 230 ml7
Peaches200 - 230 ml7
Plums200 - 230 ml7
Plumcot200 - 230 ml7
Caneberries175 - 1200 ml
Raspberries175 - 1200 ml
Loganberry175 - 1200 ml
Aronia berries175 - 1200 ml
Blueberries175 - 1200 ml
Black currant175 - 1200 ml
Red currant175 - 1200 ml
Buffalo currants175 - 1200 ml
Elderberries175 - 1200 ml
Gooseberries175 - 1200 ml
Cranberries175 - 1200 ml
Huckleberries175 - 1200 ml
Jostaberries175 - 1200 ml
Juneberries175 - 1200 ml
Grapes0 l
Gooseberries0 l
Kiwifruit0 l
Maypop0 l
Strawberries0 l
Bearberries0 l
Bilberries0 l
Cloudberries0 l
Lingonberries0 l
Muntries0 l
Almonds0 l
Beechnuts0 l
Brazil nuts0 l
Butternuts0 l
Chestnuts0 l
Chinquapins0 l
Hazelnuts0 l
Hickory nuts0 l
Macadamia nuts0 l
Pecans0 l
Pistachios0 l
Walnut0 l
Sorrels0 l
Chard0 l45
Snap peas0 l
Cashews200 - 230 ml7
Cranberries1200 ml30
Hops230 ml28
Peanuts200 ml14
Artichokes200 ml7
Tobacco0 l
Basil0 l
Borage0 l
Coriander0 l
Costmary0 l
Horehounds0 l
Lavender0 l
Lemongrass0 l
Lovage0 l
Marigold0 l
Marjoram0 l
Rosemary0 l
Sage0 l
Savory0 l
Thyme0 l