Apron XL LS

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

A seed treatment fungicide for control of early season Phytophthora root rot, systemic downy mildew, and Pythium causing damping-off, seed rot diseases of certain crops.

For use in seed treatment plant only. All seed treated with this product must be conspicuously coloured at the time of treatment.

For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean up of spills.

APRON XL LS Fungicide is a systemic fungicide seed dressing specifically for the control of diseases caused by soil-borne Pythium and Phytophthora spp. and for systemic downy mildews. For control of other soil-borne diseases, such as Rhizoctonia spp., APRON XL LS Fungicide should be applied in combination with other registered seed dressing fungicides.
APRON XL LS Fungicide may be applied as a water-based slurry with other registered seed treatment insecticides and fungicides through standard slurry- or mist-type commercial seed treatment equipment.
Note: Treatment of highly mechanically scarred or damaged seed, or seed known to be of low vigour and poor quality, except for the purpose of curative control of existing disease pests, may result in reduced germination and/or reduction of seed and seedling vigour. Treat a small quantity of seed using equipment similar to that planned for treating the total seed lot. Conduct germination tests on a small portion of the seed before committing the total seed lot to a selected seed treatment. Due to seed quality and seed storage conditions beyond the control of Syngenta Canada Inc., no claims are made to guarantee the germination of carry-over seed.

Experience has shown that strains of fungus resistant to metalaxyl-M and S-isomer may develop. Failure to control the disease will result in crop damage and/or yield losses. Since the occurrence of the resistance cannot be foreseen, Syngenta Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for any loss of, or damage to, crops resulting from the failure of APRON XL LS Fungicide to control the resistant fungus strains.

Apply APRON XL LS Fungicide as a water-based slurry utilizing standard slurry seed treatment equipment which provides uniform seed coverage. Uneven or incomplete seed coverage may not give the desired level of disease control. Thoroughly mix the recommended amount of APRON XL LS Fungicide into the required amount of water for the slurry treater and dilution rate to be used. Follow the manufacturer’s application instructions for the seed treatment equipment being used. Maintain constant agitation of the slurry during the seed treatment process. Allow the seed to dry before bagging. Depending on planting equipment, seed treated with APRON XL LS Fungicide or a combination of APRON XL LS Fungicide and MAXIM 480FS Colourless Seed Treatment Fungicide may not flow through planting equipment at the same rate as untreated seed. Recalibrate this equipment before planting treated seed.
For control of seed-borne and soil-borne fungi which cause seed decay, damping-off and seedling blights on field corn, sweet corn and popcorn apply MAXIM 480FS Colourless Seed Treatment following rates and directions on the label, in a tank mix with APRON XL LS Fungicide. Follow all appropriate use rates, directions, precautions, etc. as specified on the APRON XL LS Fungicide and MAXIM 480FS Colourless Seed Treatment Fungicide labels.
When a rate range is specified, use the higher rate of APRON XL LS Fungicide when planting into fields with a history of Pythium damping-off disease (Pythium spp.) and/or under high disease pressure.
This product contains no colourant. An appropriate colourant must be added when this product is applied to seed. Regulations pertaining to the "Seeds Act" must be strictly adhered to when using this product. A red colourant must be added when this product is applied to grain.

Export Use:
For treatment of seed for export, treater should verify actual registered rate in country of destination and/or use before exportation. Seed treated in accordance with the export use pattern must be labelled or tagged as follows: “FOR EXPORT ONLY - NOT FOR DOMESTIC SALE OR USE IN CANADA. This seed has been treated with APRON XL LS Fungicide which contains metalaxyl-M and S-isomer. Use chemical resistant gloves when handling treated seed. Do not use for food, feed or oil processing. Store away from food and feed.”

Registered for cultures
Sweet corn
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Winter barley
Spring barley
Winter oats
Spring oats
Winter rye
Spring rye
Kidney beans
Dry lima beans
Navy beans
Pinto beans
Runner beans
Snap beans
Tepary beans
Wax beans
Adzuki beans
Blackeyed peas
Chinese long beans
Crowder peas
Moth beans
Mung beans
Rice beans
Southern peas
Lablab beans
Snow peas
Pigeon peas
Sugar beets