Callisto 480 SC
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2027-12-31
- Registration number
- 27833
- Active materials
- mesotrione480 g/l
A herbicide for use in field, seed, and sweet corn, MGI tolerant soybeans, mesotrione tolerant soybeans, flax, cranberry, asparagus (established), blueberry, rhubarb, pearl millet, sorghum and turf for control of annual broadleaf weeds.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide is a suspension concentrate herbicide that has soil residual activity and provides selective control or suppression of annual broadleaf weeds in corn, MGI tolerant soybeans, and other listed crops. CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide has a high level of crop safety to allow for flexibility in application timing in corn, MGI tolerant soybeans, and cranberries.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide may be tank mixed with a range of herbicides as part of a one pass broad-spectrum weed control program in corn, and MGI tolerant soybeans.
In post-emergent applications, CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide is absorbed through the leaves and is rapidly translocated to the plant's growing points.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide may also be tank mixed with a post-emergent grass herbicide for broader spectrum post-emergent weed control in corn.
1.) Pre-emergent Application: (Field Corn, Production Seed Corn and Sweet Corn) – Eastern Canada Only
Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide at 0.30 L per hectare in a spray volume of 200 L and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the “MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label).
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will control:
redroot pigweed
wild mustard
common ragweed (suppression).
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide tank-mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM, PRIMEXTRA II MAGNUM, DUAL II MAGNUM plus AATREX LIQUID 480 will provide broad-spectrum control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds. Consult the tank mix partner label for precautions, use rates and weeds controlled.
Use Rates for Pre-emergent Application
Weeds controlled – rate/ha CALLISTO480SC HERBICIDE (for Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses –)
a) Broadleaf Weeds – 0.3 L
b) Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses – 0.3 L + rate / ha tank mix partner (1):
1.25 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
1.25 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
2.) Early Post-emergent Application: (Field Corn only) - Eastern Canada only
Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide at 0.30 L per hectare in a spray volume of 200 L and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the “MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label).
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will control:
redroot pigweed
wild mustard
common ragweed (suppression).
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide tank-mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM, PRIMEXTRA II MAGNUM, DUAL II MAGNUM plus AATREX Liquid 480 will provide broad-spectrum control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds. Consult the tank mix partner labels for precautions, use rates and weeds controlled.
Use Rates for Early Post-emergence Application
(Spike to 2 leaf stage of corn and cotyledon to 2 leaf stage of weeds)
Weeds controlled – rate/ha CALLISTO480SC HERBICIDE (for Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses –)
a) Broadleaf Weeds – 0.3 L
b) Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses – 0.3 L + rate / ha tank mix partner (1):
1.25 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
1.25 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
3.) Late Post-emergent Application: (Field Corn only) - Eastern Canada only
Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide at 0.21 L per hectare in a spray volume of 100-200 L of water and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the “MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label).
Always add a spray surfactant. Use the non-ionic surfactant AGRAL 90 at 0.20% v/v.
For best results, apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to actively growing weeds. Weeds that emerge after an application of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will be controlled after they absorb the herbicide from the soil provided there is sufficient moisture for uptake.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will control:
eastern black nightshade
redroot pigweed
common ragweed (suppression only)
up to the 8 leaf weed stage.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide tank-mixed with AATREX will provide control of all four weeds listed above. CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide tank-mixed with AATREX and a glyphosate containing product will provide control of all four weeds listed above plus emerged annual and perennial weeds for use ONLY on glyphosate tolerant corn. CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide tank-mixed with Ultim® or Accent® or Accent + AATREX or Ultim + AATREX will provide broad-spectrum control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds. Consult tank mix partner labels for precautions. Consult Ultim and Accent labels for use rates and weeds controlled.
Use Rates for Post Emergent Application
(3 to 8 leaf stage of corn and up to 8 leaf stage of broadleaf weeds)
Weeds controlled – Rate / Ha CALLISTO 480SC HERBICIDE (1) + Rate / Ha tank mix partner (2):
Eastern black nightshade, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, common ragweed (suppression only) – 0.2 L
Eastern black nightshade, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, common ragweed - 0.21 L + 0.58 L AATREX Liquid 480
Weeds controlled by CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide plus weeds controlled by Ultim 75DF - 0.21 L + 33.7 g Ultim 75DF (3)
Weeds controlled by tank mixture of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide + AATREX plus weeds controlled by Ultim 75DF - 0.21 L + 0.58 L AATREX Liquid 480 + 33.7 g Ultim 75DF (3)
Weeds controlled by CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide plus weeds controlled by Accent 75DF - 0.21 L + 33.4 g Accent 75DF
Weeds controlled by tank mixture of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide + AATREX plus weeds controlled by Accent 75DF - 0.21 L + 0.58 L AATREX Liquid 480 + 33.4 g Accent 75DF
Weeds controlled by CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide plus emerged annual and perennial weeds (for use ONLY on glyphosate tolerant corn) - 0.21 L + 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (4) or 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (4) or 1.67 L Roundup Weathermax (4) or 2.5 L Roundup Original (4) or 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (4) or 2.5 L Glyfos (4) or 2.5 L Credit Plus (4) or 2.5 L Vantage (4) or 2.5 L Vantage Plus (4) or 2.5 L Renegade (4)
Weeds controlled by tank mixture of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide + AATREX plus emerged annual and perennial weeds (for use ONLY on glyphosate tolerant corn) - 0.21 L + 0.58 L AATREX Liquid 480 + 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (4) or 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (4) or 1.67 L Roundup Weathermax (4) or 2.5 L Roundup Original (4) or 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (4) or 2.5 L Glyfos (4) or 2.5 L Credit Plus (4) or 2.5 L Vantage (4) or 2.5 L Vantage Plus (4) or 2.5 L Renegade (4).
(1) Add AGRAL 90 at 0.2% v/v.
(2) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(3) Tank mixes containing Ultim can only be applied up to the 6 leaf stage of corn.
(4) Some perennial weeds may not be controlled with these rates of TOUCHDOWN iQ, TOUCHDOWN TOTAL, Roundup Weathermax, Roundup Original, Roundup Transorb, Glyfos, Credit Plus, Vantage, Vantage Plus or Renegade Herbicide. Consult the TOUCHDOWN iQ, TOUCHDOWN TOTAL, Roundup Weathermax, Roundup Original, Roundup Transorb, Glyfos, Credit Plus, Vantage, Vantage Plus or Renegade herbicide label regarding perennial weeds controlled.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide can be applied surface pre-plant, pre-emergent or post-emergent (up to first flower (R1 growth stage)) to soybeans that are identified as MGI (mesotrione, glufosinate and isoxaflutole) tolerant. Applications to soybeans that are not MGI tolerant will result in significant crop injury including yield loss or soybean death. For a list of MGI tolerant soybean varieties, contact a Syngenta Technical Representative.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide can be applied from 7 days prior to planting up through and including R1 growth stage for control of weeds in soybeans.
Under some environmental conditions, post-emergence applications of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide can result in temporary crop whitening. When these symptoms occur following application, new soybean growth is unaffected and plants fully recover.
Harvest MGI tolerant soybean seed at normal maturity, DO NOT graze or harvest treated forage or hay for livestock feed.
1. Apply no more than 0.30 L/ha CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide per MGI tolerant soybean crop per year. One application per crop year.
2. Do not apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to more than 140 ha of MGI tolerant soybeans per day.
3. Do not apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide after early flowering (R1 growth stage) of MGI tolerant soybeans.
4. Do not harvest soybeans for at least 45 days following application.
Surface Pre-plant or Pre-emergent Application
Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide prior to MGI tolerant soybean emergence at 0.30 L per hectare in a spray volume of 100-200 L of water and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the “MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label).
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will control the weeds below (pre-emergence and up to the 2 leaf stage):
lamb’s -quarters
redroot pigweed
wild mustard
common ragweed (suppression).
If other annual or perennial weeds are emerged at application, CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide may be tank mixed with other registered soybean herbicides listed in the table below.
Use Rates for Surface Pre-plant Application- Up to 7 days prior to planting:
Weeds controlled – Rate / Ha CALLISTO 480SC HERBICIDE + Rate / Ha tank mix partner (1):
Broadleaf Weeds - 0.30 L + 1.15 - 1.75 L DUAL MAGNUM
Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses + 0.30 L + 1.15 - 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
Broadleaf Weeds plus emerged Annual and Perennial Weeds - 0.30 L + 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (2) or 1.8 L TRAXION Herbicide (2) or for other glyphosate products, consult the label to deliver the equivalent of 850- 900 g ai/ha
Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses, plus emerged Annual and Perennial Weeds - 0.30 L + + 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (2) or 1.8 L TRAXION (2) + 1.15 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(2) Some perennial weeds may not be controlled with these rates of TOUCHDOWN, TRAXION or other glyphosate, herbicide. Consult the TOUCHDOWN TOTAL, TRAXION or other glyphosate herbicide label regarding perennial weeds controlled.
Use Rates for Pre-emergent Application:
Weeds controlled – Rate / Ha CALLISTO 480SC HERBICIDE + Rate / Ha tank mix partner (1):
Broadleaf Weeds - 0.30 L
Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses - 0.30 L + 1.15 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
Early Post-emergent Application - MGI tolerant soybeans emerged up to second trifoliate (V2 growth stage) and up to 2-8 leaf stage of broadleaf weeds
Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide at 0.30 L per hectare in a spray volume of 100-200 L of water and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the “MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label).
For best results, apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to actively growing weeds. Weeds that emerge after an application of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will be controlled after they absorb the herbicide from the soil provided there is sufficient moisture for uptake.
If weeds are beyond the 2 leaf stage then add a spray surfactant. Use the non-ionic surfactant AGRAL® 90 at 0.20% v/v.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will control the following weeds up to the 8 leaf stage:
redroot pigweed
wild mustard
common ragweed (suppression).
Use Rates for Early Post-emergent Application (MGI tolerant soybeans emerged up to second trifoliate (V2 growth stage) and up to 2-8 leaf stage of broadleaf weeds)
Weeds controlled – Rate / Ha CALLISTO 480SC HERBICIDE (1) + Rate / Ha tank mix partner:
Eastern black nightshade, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, common ragweed (suppression only), lamb’s quarters (3) and wild mustard (3) - 0.21 - 0.30 (3) L
Weeds controlled by CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide plus emerged annual and perennial weeds (For use ONLY on MGI tolerant soybeans) - 0.21 - 0.30 L + 1.5 – 2 L/ha Liberty 200SN (1, 2)
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(2) Application of this tank mix to soybeans that are not glufosinate and mesotrione tolerant will result in severe crop injury or death.
(3) Use the 0.30 L/ha rate to control lamb’s quarters and wild mustard
Late Post-emergent Application - MGI tolerant soybeans from third trifoliate (V3) up to first bloom (R1 growth stages) and emerged broadleaf weeds up to 8 leaf stage:
Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide at 0.21 L per hectare in a spray volume of 100-200 L of water and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the “MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label).
Always add a spray surfactant. Use the non-ionic surfactant AGRAL 90 at 0.20% v/v.
For best results, apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to actively growing weeds. Weeds that emerge after an application of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will be controlled after they absorb the herbicide from the soil provided there is sufficient moisture for uptake.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will control the following weeds up to the 8 leaf stage:
eastern black nightshade
redroot pigweed
common ragweed (suppression only).
Use Rates for Late Post Emergent Application (MGI tolerant soybeans from third trifoliate (V3) up to first bloom (R1 growth stages) and emerged broadleaf weeds up to 8 leaf stage)
Weeds controlled – Rate / Ha CALLISTO 480SC HERBICIDE (1) + Rate / Ha tank mix partner (2)
Eastern black nightshade, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, common ragweed (suppression only) - 0.21 L
Weeds controlled by CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide plus emerged annual and perennial weeds (for use ONLY on MGI tolerant soybeans) - 0.21 L + 1.5 – 2 L/ha Liberty 200SN (1, 3)
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(2) Some perennial weeds may not be controlled with these rates. Consult the Liberty 200SN label regarding perennial weeds controlled.
(3) Application of this tank mix to soybeans that are not glufosinate and mesotrione tolerant will result in severe crop injury or death.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide can be applied surface pre-plant (up to 7 days prior to planting) or post-plant pre-emergence to soybeans that are identified as mesotrione tolerant. Applications to soybeans that are not mesotrione tolerant will result in significant crop injury. Applications to mesotrione tolerant soybeans may result in significant early visual crop injury/bleaching with no adverse effects on maturity or crop yield. For a list of mesotrione tolerant soybean varieties, contact a Syngenta Technical Representative. Harvest mesotrione tolerant soybean seed at normal maturity, DO NOT graze or harvest treated forage or hay for livestock feed.
Surface Pre-plant (Up to 7 Days Prior to Planting) or Post-plant Pre-emergent Application: Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide prior to mesotrione tolerant soybean emergence at 0.30 L per hectare in a spray volume of 200 L and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa (refer to the “MIXING AND SPRAYING INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label).
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide will control the weeds below (pre-emergence and up to the 2 leaf stage):
redroot pigweed
wild mustard
common ragweed (suppression).
If other annual or perennial weeds are emerged at application, CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide may be tank mixed with other registered soybean herbicides listed in the table below.
1. Apply no more than 0.30L/ha CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide per mesotrione tolerant soybean crop per year. One application per crop year.
2. Do not apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to emerged mesotrione tolerant soybeans.
3. Do not apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to more than 140 ha of mesotrione tolerant soybeans per day.
Use Rates for Surface Pre-plant Application Up to 7 Days Prior to Planting:
Weeds controlled – Rate / Ha CALLISTO 480SC HERBICIDE + Rate / Ha tank mix partner (1):
Broadleaf Weeds - 0.30 L + 1.15 - 1.75 L DUAL MAGNUM
Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses - 0.30 L + 1.15 - 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
Broadleaf Weeds plus emerged Annual and Perennial Weeds - 0.30 L + 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (2) or 1.8 L TRAXION Herbicide (2) or for other glyphosate products, consult the label to deliver the equivalent of 850- 900 g ai/ha
Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses, plus emerged Annual and Perennial Weeds - 0.30 L + + 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (2) or 1.8 L TRAXION (2) + 1.15 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(2) Some perennial weeds may not be controlled with these rates of TOUCHDOWN, TRAXION or other glyphosate, herbicide. Consult the TOUCHDOWN TOTAL, TRAXION or other glyphosate herbicide label regarding perennial weeds controlled.
Use Rates for Post-plant Pre-emergent Application:
Weeds controlled – Rate / Ha CALLISTO 480SC HERBICIDE + Rate / Ha tank mix partner (1)
Broadleaf Weeds - 0.30 L
Broadleaf Weeds and Annual Grasses - 0.30 L + 1.15 – 1.75 L DUAL II MAGNUM
(1) Consult the label of the product(s) tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide for specific instructions regarding grass and broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
Pre-Harvest Intervals
Crops - PHI (days)
Field corn grain/stover – 100
Field corn forage – 45
Sweet corn – 50
Soybeans – 45
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide may be used pre-emergent on field corn, production seed corn, sweet corn and mesotrione tolerant soybeans. Post-emergent applications may be made on Field Corn only. Not all seed corn inbreds, sweet corn varieties, and Mesotrione tolerant soybean varieties have been tested; the use of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide must be approved by the seed company and comply with the directions given by the seed company (corn and/or Mesotrione tolerant soybean).
Although CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide has a flexible recropping profile, certain crops may be sensitive to low concentrations in the soil. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to crop rotation plans prior to using CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide (refer to "RECROPPING GUIDELINES").
Dry conditions following application may reduce the pre-emergent activity of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide. If an activating rain (12 mm) is not received within 7-10 days after a pre-emergent application, rotary hoeing is suggested to activate the herbicide.
Do not apply to soils that contain less than 1% or more than 10% organic matter.
When applied post emergent, thorough coverage of emerged weeds is essential for effective control with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide. Although weed competition is quickly halted, visual symptoms of dying weeds (discolouration) may take up to 2 weeks to appear depending on the weed species and growing conditions.
Optimum control of emerged weeds will be obtained when weeds are actively growing. Under unfavourable conditions, such as drought, heat, flooding, prolonged cool temperatures or insufficient fertility, adequate control may not be achieved and re-growth may occur.
Temporary crop injury (bleaching) may occur under extreme weather conditions or when the crop is under stress due to inadequate or abnormally high moisture levels or extreme temperatures. The symptoms are most visible where excessive rates have been applied, such as sprayer overlaps. Corn and mesotrione tolerant soybeans quickly outgrow these effects and continues to grow normally.
Do not make a foliar post-emergent application of any organophosphate or carbamate insecticide within 7 days before or 7 days after a CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide application or severe injury may occur to either corn or mesotrione tolerant soybeans. Syngenta Canada Inc. will not be held responsible for losses or damage resulting from such use.
Severe injury and crop yield loss may occur if CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide is applied to crops that are treated with Lorsban.
CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide may be applied prior to or following a pyrethroid-type insecticide such as FORCE Insecticide or MATADOR 120EC Insecticide.
Do not cultivate corn within 7 days before or after a post-emergent CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide application.
Make only one application of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide per year.
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
DO NOT apply by air.
Buffer zones:
Use of the following spray methods or equipment DO NOT require a buffer zone: hand-held or backpack sprayer and spot treatment.
The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.
Method of application – field sprayer (1)
Buffer zone (metres) required for the protection of:
Aquatic habitat for field corn, seed and sweet corn, mesotrione tolerant soybeans, MGI tolerant soybeans, flax, asparagus (established), rhubarb, pearl millet, sorghum, highbush and lowbush blueberry, and turf - 1
Terrestrial habitat for field corn, seed and sweet corn, mesotrione tolerant soybeans, MGI tolerant soybeans, flax, asparagus (established), rhubarb, pearl millet, sorghum, highbush and lowbush blueberry, and turf – 4
Aquatic habitat for cranberry – 1
Terrestrial habitat for cranberry - 10
(1) For field sprayer application, buffer zones can be reduced with the use of drift reducing spray shields. When using a spray boom fitted with a full shield (shroud, curtain) that extends to the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 70%. When using a spray boom where individual nozzles are fitted with cone-shaped shields that are no more than 30 cm above the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 30%.
For tank mixes, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture and apply using the coarsest spray (ASAE) category indicated on the labels for those tank mix partners.
Water Volume:
Apply in 100 – 200 litres per hectare.
Spray Pressure:
206 – 300 kPa
Spray Nozzles:
Flat Fan with 50 mesh or larger screens. For uniform coverage and increased penetration of the crop canopy, set the nozzles at a downward angle of 90 degrees (90).
Post-emergent applications of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide must be applied with the non-ionic surfactant AGRAL 90 at 0.2% v/v (2.0 L for each 1000 L of spray mixture).
1. Ensure that the sprayer is totally clean.
2. Fill the sprayer half full with water. Engage gentle agitation.
3. Ensure that the agitation system is working properly and that it creates a rippling or rolling action on the water surface.
4. If required, add Ultim or Accent slowly and agitate until completely dispersed.
5. Add CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide and PRIMEXTRA II MAGNUM or AATREX Liquid 480 herbicide (if an applicable tank-mix) slowly and agitate until completely dispersed. To ensure complete dispersion, wait 2 or 3 minutes after the last of the herbicide has been added to the tank.
6. Fill the tank to three quarters full with water.
7. Add DUAL II MAGNUM if required.
8. Add TOUCHDOWN iQ Liquid, TOUCHDOWN TOTAL, Roundup Weathermax, Roundup Original, Roundup Transorb, Glyfos, Credit Plus, Vantage, Vantage Plus, or Renegade if required. Refer to the label of the tank mix partner and the surfactant for the specific mixing instructions.
9. Add the non-ionic surfactant if applicable (e.g., AGRAL 90) at 0.2% v/v.
10. Continue agitation while completing the filling of the sprayer with water.
11. Always ensure that agitation is maintained until spraying is completed, even if stopped for brief periods of time.
12. If agitation is stopped for more than 5 minutes, re-suspend the spray solution by running on full agitation prior to spraying. CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide must be sprayed the same day as mixing.
13. Do not mix, load or clean spray equipment where there is a potential to contaminate wells or aquatic systems.
The DIRECTIONS FOR USE for this product for the uses described below were developed by persons other than Syngenta Canada Inc. and accepted for registration by Health Canada under the User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion program. Syngenta Canada Inc. itself makes no representation or warranty with respect to performance (efficacy) and/or crop tolerance (phytotoxicity) claims for this product when used on the crops listed below.
Accordingly, the Buyer and User assumes all risks related to performance and crop tolerance arising, and agree to hold Syngenta Canada Inc. harmless from any claims based on efficacy and/or phytotoxicity in connection with the uses described below.
Timming (1) – pre-emergent
Weeds Controlled – Tall Waterhemp
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L
Rate (2) / Ha Tank Mix Partner – 3 – 4 L PRIMEXTRA II MAGNUM (3) in 200 L carrier/ha
Remarks - make only one application per year. Apply by ground equipment only.
Timming (1) – post-emergent (4)
Weeds Controlled – Volunteer Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis), Large Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), Giant Ragweed (5) and Tall Waterhemp, Common Cocklebur (5)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.21 L
Rate (2) / Ha Tank Mix Partner – 0.58 L AATREX Liquid 480 Herbicide + 0.2% v/v AGRAL 90 in 100 - 200 L water/ha
Remarks - make only one application per year. Apply by ground equipment only.
(1) Apply at 3-8 leaf stage of corn.
(2) Consult tank mix partner label for precautions.
(3) Use higher rate of PRIMEXTRA II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(4) Apply at the unifoliate to trifoliate leaf stage of adzuki bean, at the 1-6 leaf stage of large crabgrass, when giant ragweed is at the cotyledon-10 leaf stage and up to the 8 leaf stage of Tall Waterhemp and when common cocklebur is up to the cotyledon – 6 leaf stage.
(5) Suppression only.
Timming – post-emergent (2)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.21 L
Rate (1) / Ha Tank Mix Partner – 0.2% v/v AGRAL 90
Remarks – make only one application per year. Apply in 100-200 L water/ha at 205-300 kPa. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Do not harvest sweet corn treated with CALLISTO 480SC within 50 days of treatment. Harvest seed corn at the normal interval. Seed corn inbreds and sweet corn varieties may vary in their tolerance to herbicides, including CALLISTO 480SC. Since not all seed corn inbreds or sweet corn varieties have been tested for tolerance to CALLISTO 480SC, first use of CALLISTO 480SC should be limited to a small area of each variety to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice. Additionally, consult your seed supplier for information on the tolerance of specific seed corn inbreds to CALLISTO 480SC. Do NOT apply on Delmonte 2038 as unacceptable crop injury will occur. DO NOT enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours.
(1) Consult tank mix partner label for precautions.
(2) Late post-emergence (3-6 leaf stage).
ESTABLISHED CRANBERRY BEDS (choose 1 timming of 3)
Timming – pre-emergent (1) and early post-emergent
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (2), vetch (2) and creeping buttercup (2)
Timming – late post emergent (3)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.21 L (4)
Weeds controlled – eastern black nightshade, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, common ragweed (2), vetch (2) and creeping buttercup (2)
Remarks – make only one application per year. Apply in 200 L water/ha for pre-emergence application and in 100 - 200 L water/ha at 206 - 300 kPa for post-emergence application. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. DO NOT apply by hand. Use only ground boom equipment when applying this product. Do not apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide through any type of irrigation equipment. Bearing Beds – apply between bud break and fruit set. Do not harvest within 60 days of treatment. Non-Bearing Beds – apply between bud break and 60 days prior to fall or winter flooding. Do not harvest within 365 days of treatment. Do not flood within 60 days of treatment. Do not apply directly to water or areas where surface water is present. Do not spray to runoff. Do not apply if rainfall or sprinkler irrigation for frost protection is expected within 48 hours. Wait at least 18 months after the last CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide application in cranberries before replanting cranberries. Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours.
Timming – post emergent to the weeds (3)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 2 applications of 0.21 L (4)
Weeds controlled – weeds controlled with a single application of 0.21 L plus cinquefoil (Potentilla spp.) (2), goldenrod, rushes (Juncus Canadensis, J. effuses, J. bufonlus, J. tenuis) (2), and sedges (Carex spp.) (2)
Remarks – maximum 2 applications per year. Allow for a minimum of 14 days between applications.
(1) Up to the 2 leaf weed stage.
(2) Suppression only.
(3) 3 to 8 leaf weed stage.
(4) Add AGRAL 90 at 0.2% v/v.
Timming – pre-emergent to asparagus (established)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.3 L
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (suppression only)
Remarks - can be applied by broadcast or banded application. For banded applications, the application must be made to account for band width (i.e. to deliver desired rate per hectare). Apply after fern mowing, disking, or other tillage operation but prior to spear emergence. Apply in 100 – 200 L/ha of water at 206 – 300 kPa. Make only 1 application per season. If weeds are emerged at the time of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide application, the addition of AGRAL 90 at the rate of 0.2% v/v is recommended. If weeds have not emerged, no adjuvant is recommended. Use of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide on asparagus (established) may cause bleaching and may even lead to yield reduction. DO NOT apply by air. Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours.
Timming – pre-emergent to weeds (1)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L/ha
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (4)
Timming – post emergent to weeds (2)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L/ha (3)
Weeds controlled – eastern black nightshade, velvetleaf, redroot pigweed, common ragweed (4)
Remarks - make only one application per year. Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide up to 8 leaf stage to weeds and prebloom to crop. Apply broadcast (directed spray to the base of the plant) ground application. Apply in 100-200 L/ha water at 206-300 kPa. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR.
(1) Up to 2 leaf weed stage.
(2) 3 to 8 leaf weed stage.
(3) AGRAL 90 at 0.2% v/v.
(4) Suppression.
Timming – pre-emergent to weeds (1)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L/ha
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (4)
Timming – post emergent to weeds (2)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L/ha (3)
Weeds controlled – eastern black nightshade, velvetleaf, redroot pigweed, common ragweed (4)
Remarks - make only one application per year. Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide up to 8 leaf stage to weeds. Do not harvest crop within 60 days of application. Apply broadcast (over the top of the blueberries) ground application. Apply in 100-200 L/ha water at 206-300 kPa. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR.
(1) Up to 2 leaf weed stage.
(2) 3 to 8 leaf weed stage.
(3) AGRAL 90 at 0.2% v/v.
(4) Suppression.
SOD (PRODUCTION ONLY) (choose 1 timming of 2)
Timming – pre-emergent to weeds (1)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L/ha
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (4)
Timming – post emergent to weeds (2)
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.21 L/ha (3)
Weeds controlled – eastern black nightshade, velvetleaf, redroot pigweed, common ragweed (4)
Remarks - make only one application per year. Apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide pre-emergence to weeds in established sod OR prior to, or post-seeding and prior to emergence of weeds OR post-emergence to weeds (regardless of whether prior to, or post-seeding). Cool-season turf species and varieties may vary in their tolerance to herbicides, including CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide. Since not all cool-season turf varieties have been tested for tolerance to CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide, first use of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide should be limited to a small area of each variety or mixture to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice. Additionally, consult your seed supplier for information on the tolerance of specific cool-season turf varieties to CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide. Do not apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to creeping bentgrass. Apply in 250 L/ha of water. Make application close to anticipated weed seed germination. Apply at grass seeding or close to seeding for best performance. Weed control is most effective on young, actively growing weeds. Avoid spraying on newly germinated turfgrass plants. Efficacy will be reduced under moisture stress or from applications to mature weeds. CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide may reduce density of fine fescue seedings. CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide can be used on grass seed blends that contain less than 20% by weight of hard or fine fescue. Wait until the newly germinated turf has been mowed two times or four weeks after emergence (whichever is longer) before making a post-emergence application. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. DO NOT apply by hand. Use only ground boom equipment when applying this product. Do not apply CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide through any type of irrigation equipment. Do not apply directly to water or areas here surface water is present. Do not spray to runoff.
(1) Up to 2 leaf weed stage.
(2) 3 to 8 leaf weed stage.
(3) AGRAL 90 at 0.2% v/v.
(4) Suppression.
Timming – pre-emergent to flax and weeds
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (1)
Remarks - make only one application of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide per year. Apply in 200 L water and a minimum pressure of 206 kPa. Apply by ground equipment only. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Applications of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to emerged flax can result in severe crop injury. Do not graze treated immature crops or cut for forage or hay.
(1) Suppression only.
Timming – pre-plant
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (1)
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in 100-200 L water/ha at 205-300 kPa. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Do not apply to pearl millet grown in course textured soils. Do not apply more than 0.30 L/ha per crop or per year.
Apply 7-14 days before planting pearl millet. Apply at up to the 2-leaf stage of weeds. Application to emerged pearl millet can result in severe crop injury.
(1) Suppression only.
Timming – pre-plant
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L/ha
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (1)
Remarks - make only one application per year. Apply in 100-200 L water/ha at 205-300 kPa. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Do not apply to sorghum grown in course textured soils nor to sudangrass, or sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. Do not apply more than 0.30 L/ha per crop or per year. Apply 7-14 days before planting sorghum. Apply at up to the 2-leaf stage of weeds. Application to emerged sorghum can result in severe crop injury.
(1) Suppression only.
Timming – pre-emergent to crop, pre-emergent up to 2-leaf stage of weeds
Rate / Ha Callisto 480 SC Herbicide – 0.30 L/ha
Weeds controlled – lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed, velvetleaf, wild mustard, common ragweed (1)
Remarks - make only one application per year. Do not harvest within 42 days of application. Apply in 200 L/ha water at 206-300 kPa. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. CAUTION: Apply to dormant (prior to spring greenup) rhubarb. Applications of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to rhubarb that is not dormant will result in crop injury. Rainfall or irrigation after the CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide application may increase the risk of injury to emerging rhubarb. Repeated use of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide in low pH soils may cause injury to rhubarb plants. Wait at least 18 months after the last CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide application in rhubarb before replanting rhubarb.
For resistance management, CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide is a Group 27 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide and other Group 27 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide or other Group 27 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.
Certain crops have been shown to be sensitive to low residues of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide in the soil. The minimum recropping interval is the time between the last application of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide and the anticipated date of planting of the next crop.
To avoid injury to subsequent crops after an application at the recommended rate of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide, the following recropping intervals should be observed.
Crop – minimal recropping interval:
winter wheat - 3 months,
spring wheat, field corn (grain or silage), seed corn, sweet corn - 10 months,
alfalfa, potato, soybeans, transplanted tomato, white beans - 11 months,
all other crops - bioassay.
Observe the recropping guidelines of any product(s) to be tank mixed with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide.
In the event of crop failure, only field corn (grain or silage), seed corn, or sweet corn can be planted as a salvage crop in the same fields in which the failed crop was treated with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide. An application of CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide must NOT be made to the salvage crop.
Land treated with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide CAN ONLY BE PLANTED TO A CROP NOT LISTED IN THE PREVIOUS TABLE if a field bioassay can be successfully performed. The bioassay must indicate normal growth with no yield reductions.
A bioassay may be conducted in any year following the year of application to assess the tolerance of the tested crop intended for planting in the year following the bioassay. Do not conduct a bioassay in the year of application. When conducting a field bioassay, it is very important to select a representative area(s) of the field previously treated with CALLISTO 480SC Herbicide to plant the test crop(s).
Aproved provinces - NB, NS, ON, PE, QC.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Corn | 0.3 l |
Soybeans | 0.3 l |
Winter flax | 0.3 l |
Cranberries | 0.3 l |
Asparagus | 0.3 l |
Blueberries | 0.3 l |
Rhubarbs | 0.3 l |
Millet | 0.3 l |
Sorghum | 0.3 l |
Spring flax | 0.3 l |