Dual II Magnum
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2024-12-31
- Registration number
- 25729
- Active materials
- S-metolachlor915 g/l
Crop information:
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide provides selective weed control in:
Corn (1) (hybrid, silage, seed, sweet)
Dry common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Snap common beans (yellow and green)
Lima beans
Sugar beets
Red beets
Transplanted tomatoes
Sweet white lupins
Peas (grown for processing)
Fruit trees (bearing and non-bearing)
Strawberries (bearing and newly planted)
Second-year or older poplar stoolbeds
Second-year or older transplant or seedling stock of:
White Spruce, Norway Spruce, Black Spruce, White Pine, Jack Pine and Red Pine
Transplanted broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and mustard greens
Highbush blueberries (new and established plantings)
Field peppers
Outdoor Ornamentals (Woody and Herbaceous)
Asparagus (established beds)
Established conifers for field production
Sweet Potatoes
Pearl millet (animal feed only)
Crop Group 9 – Cucurbit Vegetables
(1) DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide contains benoxacor which has been shown to enhance S-Metolachlor metabolism in corn. This enhanced metabolism can reduce the potential of S-Metolachlor injury to corn seedlings when grown under unfavourable weather conditions such as cool temperature or water stress. Use of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide will not provide improved crop safety on other labelled crops.
Weeds controlled:
American Nightshade (1)
Fall Panicum
Eastern Black Nightshade (1)
Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
Crabgrass (smooth, hairy)
Old Witchgrass
Barnyard Grass
Yellow Nutsedge (2)
Redroot Pigweed (3) (suppression only)
(1) Pre-emergent treatments sometimes give better control than pre-plant surface, pre-plant incorporated or post-emergent treatments.
(2) Pre-plant incorporated treatment only. Extended periods of dry hot weather following application may result in reduced nutsedge control.
(3) Pre-plant incorporated and pre-emergent treatments only.
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Eastern Canada: Pre-plant Surface or Pre-plant Incorporated or Pre-emergent or Early Post-emergent;
Prairies and Interior B. C.: Pre-plant Incorporated or Pre-emergent if irrigated within 10 days;
Coastal B. C.: Pre-emergent.
For minimum tillage (reduced tillage), and no-till (zero-till) systems in corn and soybeans. Do not use for soybean, immature seed.
Applications may be made up to 30 days before planting.
To the extent possible, do not move treated soil out of the row or move untreated soil to the surface during planting, or weed control will be diminished.
Immediate incorporation is not necessary.
Incorporation equipment should include rolling or western harrows.
On sandy soils, heavy rainfall following an incorporated treatment may cause leaching of the herbicide.
Incorporation instructions:
Type of equipment / Maximum working depth / Minimum speed
"S"-Tine (Danish) cultivator / 10 cm / 10 km/hr
"C"-Tine cultivator with overlapping sweeps / 10 cm / 10 km/hr
Tandem disc (maximum 18 cm spacing between discs) / 10 cm / 6 km/hr
Power driven cultivator / 5 cm / any
Mulch Master / 5 cm / 10 km/hr
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide may be applied as an overall spray or as a band treatment. For band treatment, a suitable press wheel mounted ahead of the nozzle should be used for levelling the band. For
band application, use proportionately less material.
Apply evenly to a firm, lump-free seed bed.
Rain is required within 10 days or a shallow cultivation or use of a rotary hoe is necessary.
Pre-emergent applications may also be made in reduced tillage, ridge tillage, and no-till systems in corn and soybeans.
Minimize exposure of untreated soil when cultivating or fertilizing.
Apply when corn is in the spike to 6-leaf stage and before weeds pass the 2-leaf stage.
Some leaf burn may occur but yield will not be affected.
DO NOT tank-mix DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide with fluid fertilizers, oils, oil concentrates or surfactants when applying post-emergent.
Do not graze treated immature crops or cut for hay. Do not harvest sweet corn within 45 days of application. Do not harvest other corn within 80 days of making a post-emergent application.
Do not apply to soils that contain less than 1% or more than 10% organic matter. Winter cereals may be planted 4 1/2 months following application. If drought conditions persist after either a pre-plant surface, pre-plant incorporated or pre-emergent application, annual grass control may not be adequate.
Nitrogen solutions or complete liquid fertilizers may replace water as a carrier for pre-plant surface, pre-plant incorporated or pre-emergent application of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide alone or in tank mixes in corn. Do not use fertilizer solutions for post-emergent applications. Always predetermine the compatibility of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide or labelled DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide tank mixes with your water or liquid fertilizer carrier by mixing small proportional quantities in advance. Always consult the label of the tank mix partner if tank mixtures are to use liquid fertilizer as the carrier.
Many dry bulk granular fertilizers may be impregnated with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide plus AATREXherbicide for pre-plant incorporated application to control weeds in corn. Prepare the herbicide/fertilizer mixtures by using any commonly used dry bulk fertilizer blender. Spray herbicide mixture uniformly onto fertilizer. If the herbicide/fertilizer mixture is too wet, the use of a highly absorptive powder (generally less than 2% by weight) such as Microcel E, diatomaceous earth or finely powdered clay is recommended.
For best results, apply DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide/fertilizer mixtures or DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide plus AATREX herbicide/fertilizer mixtures uniformly to the soil with properly calibrated equipment immediately after blending and incorporate according to label directions.
Note: Apply a minimum of 225 kg per hectare of dry granular fertilizer impregnated with recommended rates of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide alone or DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide tank mixtures.
Do not impregnate DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide alone or with AATREX herbicide onto nitrate fertilizers, superphosphates, or limestone.
Spray Pressure - 200 - 300 kPa
Spray Volume - minimum 150 litres per hectare. The use of higher water volumes and larger spray tip sizes will generally increase spray deposition and reduce drift.
Keep bypass line at bottom of tank to minimize foaming.
Use 16 mesh suction screens, 50 mesh line and tip screens.
1. Fill sprayer 1/2 full of carrier. Start gentle agitation.
2. Add wettable powder or wettable granule tank-mix partner, if applicable. Slurry with water first if using liquid fertilizers as the carrier.
3. Add liquid flowable tank-mix partner, if applicable, and agitate thoroughly.
4. Fill tank 9/10 full of carrier and add DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide and other emulsifiable concentrate or solution tank-mix partners.
5. Top off tank with carrier, maintain agitation and spray.
6. Do not let stand without agitation.
7. Sprayer equipment should be thoroughly flushed with clean water and drained before and after use of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide and its tank mixes.
Note: If using Fieldstar herbicide ensure that the water soluble packets and the Fieldstar herbicide are completely dissolved before proceeding to the next step.
Timming – Pre-plant Surface (up to 30 days before planting)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds3
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 or 216 g Fieldstar (4, 7)
Timming – Pre-plant Surface (up to 30 days before planting)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (5) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (5) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (5) or 2.35 – 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (5) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (5)
Timming – Pre-plant Surface (up to 30 days before planting)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 (6) + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (5) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (5) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (5) or 2.35 – 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (5) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (5)
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Nutsedge, Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied alone
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 or 216 g Fieldstar (7)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied alone
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including triazine tolerant weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 1.25 L Banvel II (7) or 3.7 - 4.5 L Marksman (7, 8) OR + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 + 1.25 L Banvel II (7) OR + 216 g Fieldstar (7) OR + 0.3 L CALLISTO480SC OR + 0.3 L CALLISTO 480SC + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (5) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (5) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (5) or 2.35 – 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (5) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (5)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and the following annual Broadleaf Weeds including triazine tolerant weeds: Redroot Pigweed, Lamb’s Quarters, Velvetleaf, Common Ragweed, Mustard (wild, wormseed), Eastern Black Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.5 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 70 g Converge 75WDG (7, 9 )+ 1.1 L Converge 480 (7, 9)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 (6) + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (5) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (5) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (5) or 2.35 – 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (5) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (5) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (5)
Timming – Early Post-Emergent (spike to 2-leaf stage)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied alone
Timming – Early Post-Emergent (spike to 2-leaf stage)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480
Timming – Early Post-Emergent (spike to 2-leaf stage)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including triazine tolerant weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 3.7 - 4.5 L Marksman (7, 8 ) or 600 mL - 1.25 L Banvel II (7) OR + 2.3 L AATREX Liquid 480 + 600 mL - 1.25 L Banvel II (7) OR + 0.3 L CALLISTO 480SC (10) OR + 0.3 L CALLISTO 480SC + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 (10)
Timming – Post-Emergent (3 to 6-leaf stage) (hybrid and silage corn only)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied alone (7)
Timming – Post-Emergent (3 to 6-leaf stage) (hybrid and silage corn only)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including triazine tolerant weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 3.7 - 4.5 L Marksman (7, 8, 11 ) or 600 mL - 1.25 L Banvel II (7, 11) OR + 2.3 L AATREX Liquid 480 + 600 mL - 1.25 L Banvel II (7, 11)
Timming – Post- Emergent (3 to 6-leaf stage) (hybrid, silage and sweet corn only)
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480 (12)
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed populations.
(2) Consult the label of the product(s) to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for specific instructions regarding broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations, and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(3) Apply pre-plant surface applications of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide plus AATREX Liquid 480 Herbicide only when emerged annual weeds are less than 6 cm tall. If emerged annual weeds are taller than 6 cm, apply TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicides prior to the tank mix application or make an application of a 3-way tank mix of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide plus AATREX plus TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicides. Consult the tank mix partner label for specific instructions regarding precautions, restrictions, recommended rates and additives.
(4) Annual broadleaf weeds beyond the 2 leaf stage of growth will not be controlled by surface preplant applications of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide and Fieldstar herbicide.
(5) Some perennial weeds may not be controlled with these rates of TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicides. Consult the TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide labels regarding perennial weeds controlled.
(6) It is recommended that liquid formulations of products be used when tank mixing with TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide. Consult the TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide labels for specific instructions regarding precautions, restrictions, recommended rates and additives.
(8) Use the lower rate of Marksman herbicide on sand or sandy loam soil and the higher rate on loam or clay soils.
(9) Follow all soil type restrictions on the Converge 75WDG herbicide label.
(11) Do not apply tank mixes containing Marksman or Banvel II beyond the 5 leaf stage of corn.
NOTES for Pre-plant Surface and Pre-emergent Applications Only:
For improved burndown of small emerged annual weeds, the following additives may be applied in mixtures of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide with AATREX Liquid 480 herbicide:
Crop Oil, 28-0-0 or 10-34-0 at 5% v/v
Crop oil concentrate at 1% v/v
Non-ionic surfactant at 0.1% v/v
If annual weeds are larger or perennial weeds are present, use TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicides in the tank mix (See preceding table).
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Green and Yellow Foxtail, Barnyard Grass and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480
Timming – Pre-emergent with irrigation
Weeds controlled – Green and Yellow Foxtail, Barnyard Grass and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 - 3.1 L AATREX Liquid 480
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for specific instructions regarding soil-type variations and other restrictions.
Timming – Pre-plant Surface (up to 30 days before planting)
Weeds controlled (1) – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including Nightshade (4)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – + 1.0 - 2.2 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F or 1.0 – 2.2 L Sencor Soybean or 670 g - 1.45 kg Sencor 75DF or 670 g - 1.45 kg Lexone DF (5)
Timming – Pre-plant Surface (up to 30 days before planting)
Weeds controlled (1) – Annual Grasses, Nightshade, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (6) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (6) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (6) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (6)
Timming – Pre-plant Surface (up to 30 days before planting)
Weeds controlled (1) – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including Nightshade, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (6) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (6) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (6) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (6) + 1.0 - 2.2 L Sencor 500F (7) or Sencor 480F (7) or 1.0 – 2.2 L Sencor Soybean (7) or 670 g - 1.45 kg Sencor 75DF (7) or 670 g - 1.45 kg Lexone DF (5, 7)
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled (1) – Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied alone
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled (1) – Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – + 550 - 750 g Sencor 75DF or 850 mL - 1.1 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F or 850 mL - 1.1 L Sencor Soybean or 540 - 640 g Lexone DF (5) or 312 mL Pursuit (8)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled (1) – Annual Grasses and Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied alone
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled (1) – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – + 850 mL - 2.25 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F or 850 mL – 2.25 L Sencor Soybean or 550 g - 1.5 kg Sencor 75DF or 540 - 960 g Lexone DF (5) or 1.6 - 2.5 L Afolan F or 1.9 - 2.3 L Lorox L (5) or 1.75 - 2.25 kg Lorox DF (5) or 312 - 420 mL Pursuit (8) or 210 - 550 g Lexone DF (5) plus 1.4 - 2.0 kg Lorox DF (5) or 210 - 550 g Lexone DF (5) plus 1.5 - 2.0 L Lorox L (5) or 465 - 665 g Sencor 75DF plus 1.4 - 2.0 kg Lorox DF (5) or 465 - 665 g Sencor 75DF plus 1.5 - 2.0 L Lorox L (5) or 750 mL - 1.0 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F or Sencor Soybean plus 1.4 - 2.0 kg Lorox DF (5) or 750 mL-1.0 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F or Sencor Soybean plus 1.5 - 2.0 L Lorox L (5)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled (1) – Annual Grasses, Nightshade, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (6) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (6) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (6) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (6)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled (1) – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including Nightshade, Emerged Annual or Perennial Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (3) – + 2.6 - 2.7 L TOUCHDOWN 480 (6) or 2.0 L TOUCHDOWN 600 (6) or 1.7 – 1.8 L TOUCHDOWN TOTAL (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L TOUCHDOWN iQ (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Original (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Roundup Transorb (6) or 1.23 - 1.30 kg Roundup Dry (68.5% glyphosate) (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Glyfos (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Credit (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Vantage Plus (6) or 2.35 - 2.5 L Renegade (6) + 850 mL - 2.25 L Sencor 500F (7) or Sencor 480F (7) or 850 mL - 2.25 L Sencor Soybean or 550 g – 1.5 kg Sencor 75DF (7) or 540 - 960 g Lexone DF (5,7) or 312 - 420 mL Pursuit (8)
(1) For optimum nightshade control, use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide applied pre-emergently and choose a tank-mix partner which is also registered for the control of nightshade.
(2) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems. For redroot pigweed suppression, apply a minimum of 1.25 L of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide per hectare.
(3) Consult the label of the product(s) to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for specific instructions regarding broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(4) Apply pre-plant surface applications of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide plus Sencor herbicide or DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide plus Lexone herbicide only when emerged annual weeds are less than 6 cm tall. If emerged annual weeds are taller than 6 cm, apply TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide prior to the tank mix application or make an application of a 3-way tank mix of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide plus TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide plus Sencor or Lexone herbicide. Consult the tank mix partner label for specific instructions regarding precautions, restrictions, recommended rates and additives.
(5) Tank mixes with Lexone or Lorox herbicide are for use in eastern Canada only.
(6) Some perennial weeds may not be controlled with these rates of TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide. Consult the TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide label regarding perennial weeds controlled.
(7) It is recommended that liquid formulations of products be used when tank mixing with TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide. Consult the TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide label for specific instructions regarding precautions, restrictions, recommended rates and additives.
(8) Do not apply Pursuit herbicide as a pre-plant incorporated application more than one year in sequence. Only soybeans, field corn, spring barley, spring wheat and winter wheat may be planted the season following application of Pursuit herbicide. Winter wheat should not be planted within 120 days of the application of Pursuit herbicide.
CAUTION: Soybeans should be seeded at least 4 cm deep or crop injury may result. Do not apply DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide if soybeans have emerged.
Notes for Pre-plant Surface and Pre-emergent Applications ONLY:
For improved burndown of small emerged annual weeds, the following additives may be applied in mixtures of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide with Sencor 500F, Sencor 480F, Sencor Soybean, Sencor 75DF, Lexone DF, or Pursuit herbicide:
Crop oil, 28-0-0, or 10-34-0 at 5% v/v
Crop oil concentrate at 1% v/v
Non-ionic surfactant at 0.1% v/v
If annual weeds are larger or perennial weeds are present use TOUCHDOWN, Roundup, Glyfos, Credit, Vantage or Renegade herbicide in the tank mix (See preceding table).
Eastern Canada and B.C.
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporation
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Nutsedge
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.15 - 1.75 L
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems. For redroot pigweed suppression apply a minimum of 1.25 L of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide per hectare.
CAUTION: Beans should be seeded at least 4 cm deep or crop injury may result.
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 750 g - 1.5 kg Sencor 75DF or 1.1 - 2.25 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F or 830 g - 1.2 kg Lexone DF
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 1.6 - 2.5 L Afolan F or 750 g - 1.5 kg Sencor 75DF or 1.1 - 2.25 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F or 830 g - 1.2 kg Lexone DF or 1.9 - 2.3 L Lorox L or 1.75 - 2.25 kg Lorox DF
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for specific instructions regarding soil-type variations and special restrictions.
CAUTION: Do not apply DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide at ground crack or if potatoes have emerged. Do not use on the variety Superior.
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide can be applied as:
1. a pre-plant incorporated spray in tank mix combination with Pyramin herbicide or,
2. a pre-emergent spray in tank mix combination with Pyramin herbicide or,
3. a pre-plant incorporated spray, followed by a pre-emergent spray of Pyramin herbicide.
Rate per hectare DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / Tank mix partner (2) - 8.25 - 10.25 L Pyramin FL 430 g/L
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Consult the Pyramin FL herbicide label for specific instructions regarding soil-type variations and other restrictions.
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide can be applied either as:
1. a pre-plant incorporated spray or,
2. a pre-emergent spray.
Rates per hectare DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 - 1.75 L
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
To control nutsedge, DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide must be applied as a pre-plant incorporated spray.
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Annual Nightshades (American Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade), Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / tank mix partner (2) – + 0.5 - 1.4 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for specific instructions regarding weeds, rates, soil-type and organic matter variations and other restrictions.
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses
Timming – Pre-emergent
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide 1.10 - 1.75 L
Remarks - Make one treatment per year with ground application equipment. Apply in 200 - 300 L of total volume per hectare.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems. For redroot pigweed suppression apply a minimum of 1.25 L of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide per hectare.
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including Nightshade (3)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) 1.10 - 1.75 L plus Lorox DF 2.0 - 3.0 kg
Make one treatment per year using ground application equipment. Apply in 200 – 300 L of water/ha. Do not spray after lupins have emerged. Lupins should be planted at least 5 cm deep. Use the lower rate of Lorox DF herbicide on light coloured soils with less than 2% organic matter. Do not harvest lupins within 80 days of treatment.
(1) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for additional specific instructions regarding broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(2) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems. For redroot pigweed suppression apply a minimum of 1.25 L of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide per hectare.
(3) For optimum nightshade control, use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide.
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds including Nightshade (3)
Timming – At planting or Pre-emergent
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) 1.10 - 1.75 L plus Sencor 75DF 670 g
Make one application per year. Apply as a broadcast spray during planting or as a separate operation after planting but before the crop has emerged. Lupin seed must be planted at least 4 cm below the soil surface. Do not apply to sandy or light soils with less than 2% organic matter or to muck soils. Better weed control will be obtained if light rainfall or irrigation follows application.
Rotational crops such as onions, celery, peppers, cole crops, lettuce, spinach, sugar beets, table beets, turnips, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers and melons, tobacco and non-triazine tolerant canola are sensitive to Sencor herbicide and may be injured if planted into soil treated with Sencor herbicide during the year of application and the following year. After-harvest tillage practices which provide thorough mixing of the soil may be helpful in reducing the possibility of injury to succeeding crops. Do not use treated vines for feed and forage.
(1) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for additional specific instructions regarding broadleaf weeds, soil-type variations and rotational crop, grazing or other restrictions.
(2) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems. For redroot pigweed suppression apply a minimum of 1.25 L of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide per hectare.
(3) For optimum nightshade control, use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide.
Timming – Post planting, pre-emergent to weeds
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds (Late-season emerging fall panicum and crabgrass may not be controlled by this treatment)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) 1.25 - 1.75 L plus PRINCEP NINE-T (1) 1.1 - 2.2 kg
Remarks - Apply once per year. Avoid contact with trunk and leaves of trees. Do not use on sandy soils with less than 2% organic matter. Best results are obtained with applications made after rain has settled the soil around trees. Use only a tractor-mounted boom sprayer to apply.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide and PRINCEP Nine-T herbicide for heavier weed problems.
Timming – Post planting, pre-emergent to weeds
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha - DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide 1.75 L
Remarks - Apply once per year as a band under the trees. Avoid contact with trunk and leaves of trees. Do not use on sandy soils with less than 2% organic matter. Use only a tractor-mounted boom sprayer to apply.
Timming – Post planting, pre-emergent to weeds
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds (Late-season emerging fall panicum and crabgrass may not be controlled by this treatment)
Rate / Ha - DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide 1.75 L plus PRINCEP NINE-T 2.5 kg
Remarks - Apply once per year as a band treatment under the trees. Avoid contact with trunk and leaves of trees. Do not use on sandy soils with less than 2% organic matter. Use only a tractor-mounted boom sprayer to apply.
Timming – Post planting, pre-emergent to weeds
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha - DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide 1.75 L plus Lexone DF 1.0 kg
Remarks - Apply once per year as a band under the tree(s). Avoid contact with trunk and leaves of trees. Do not use on sandy soils with less than 2% organic matter. Use only a tractor-mounted boom sprayer to apply.
PROCESSING PEAS (Eastern Canada only)
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Eastern Black Nightshade, Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1)- 1.25 - 1.75 L
Remarks - Make one application per year. Apply in 150 - 250 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
Timming – Pre-emergent or early post-emergent to weeds
Weeds controlled – Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha - DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) 1.25 - 1.75 L
Remarks - Apply to spruce and pine in forest tree nurseries prior to budbreak. DO NOT APPLY DUAL II MAGNUM HERBICIDE WITHIN 4 WEEKS AFTER BURST OR UNTIL THE NEEDLES HAVE HARDENED. May be applied as a pre-emergent or early post-emergent application to weeds before they pass the 2 leaf stage. For Poplar Stoolbeds, apply to dormant and flushing stoolbeds.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
The DIRECTIONS FOR USE for this product for the uses described below were developed by persons other than Syngenta Canada Inc. and accepted for registration by Health Canada under the User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion program. Syngenta Canada Inc. itself makes no representation or warranty with respect to performance (efficacy) and/or crop tolerance (phytotoxicity) claims for this product when used on the crops listed below.
Accordingly, the Buyer and User assume all risks related to performance and crop tolerance arising, and agree to hold Syngenta Canada Inc. harmless from any claims based on efficacy and/or phytotoxicity in connection with the uses described below.
Timming – Post Transplant Apply within 2 days after transplanting and prior to weed emergence. Do not incorporate.
Weeds controlled – Nightshade, Annual Grasses and Redroot Pigweed (2)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 – 1.75 L
Remarks - Make one application per year. Apply in 300 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Suppression only.
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Annual Nightshades (American Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade), Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.0 – 1.25 L
Remarks - + 330 - 660 g Sencor 75DF plus 1.0 – 2.0 L Treflan EC (3, 4) or 500 mL - 1 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480 plus 1.0 – 2.0 L Treflan EC (3, 4)
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems and for control of nightshade.
(2) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for specific instructions regarding weeds, rates, soil-type and organic matter variations and other restrictions.
(3) Use lower rates on light textured soils, higher rates on heavier soils.
(4) Make Only One Application Per Year. Do Not Apply Within 60 Days Of Harvest.
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Annual Nightshades (American Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade), Nutsedge, and Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / Tank mix partner (2) - none
Timming – Pre-plant Incorporated
Weeds controlled – Annual Nightshades (American Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade), Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 - 1.75 L
Rate per hectare / Tank mix partner (2) - + 0.5 - 1.4 L Sencor 500F or Sencor 480F
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II Magnum herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II Magnum herbicide for specific instructions regarding weeds, rates, soil-type and organic matter variations and other restrictions.
REMARKS: Apply in 150 - 300 L water/ha. Make only one application per year. Do not harvest within 60 days after application.
NOTE: DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide MAY DAMAGE TRANSPLANTS THAT HAVE BEEN WEAKENED BY ANY CAUSE RESULTING IN REDUCED CROP YIELD. TO PREVENT DAMAGE, PLANT ONLY HEALTHY TRANSPLANTS. DO NOT PLANT WHEN WET, COOL OR UNFAVOURABLE GROWING CONDITIONS EXIST. FOLLOW ALL APPLICATION AND INCORPORATION DIRECTIONS EXACTLY. Tomato varieties differ in tolerance to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide. Since not all tomato varieties have been tested for tolerance to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide, first use of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide should be limited to a small area of each variety to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice. Additionally, consult your plant supplier for information on the tolerance of specific tomato varieties to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide.
Timming – Pre-emergent
Weeds controlled – Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds including triazine tolerant weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.25 L
Rate per hectare / Tank mix partner (2) – + 2.1 – 3.1 l Aatrex LIQUID 480 + 790 mL– 1.56 L Afolan F or 790 mL – 1.56 L Lorox L or 750 g – 1.5 kg Lorox DF
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply as pre-emergent treatment. Apply in 150 L water/ha minimum. Do not harvest sweet corn within 45 days of treatment. Apply by ground equipment only.
Crop - Dry Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris species only)
Timming – Pre-plant incorporated OR Pre-emergent soil application
Weeds controlled – American Nightshade(2), Fall Panicum, Eastern Black Nightshade (2), Foxtail (green, yellow, giant), Crabgrass (smooth, hairy), Old Witchgrass, Barnyard Grass, Yellow Nutsedge (3), Redroot Pigweed (4)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.15 to 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in 150 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only.
NOTE: Dry common bean varieties may vary in their tolerance to herbicides, including to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide. Since not all dry common bean varieties have been tested for tolerance to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide, first use of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide should be limited to a small area of each variety to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice. Additionally, consult your seed supplier for information on the tolerance of specific varieties of dry common beans to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide.
CAUTION: Beans should be seeded at least 4 cm deep or crop injury may result.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Pre-emergent treatments sometimes give better control than pre-plant incorporated.
(3) Pre-plant incorporated treatment only. Extended periods of dry hot weather following application may result in reduced nutsedge control.
(4) Suppression only.
Crop - Dry Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris species only)
Timming – Pre-plant incorporated
Weeds controlled – American Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade, Fall Panicum, Foxtail (green, yellow, giant), Crabgrass (smooth, hairy), Old Witchgrass, Barnyard Grass, Yellow Nutsedge (3), Redroot Pigweed (4)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) – 1.15 to 1.75 L
Rate / Ha Tank mix partner (2) - 0.312 L Pursuit Herbicide
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in 150 L – 400 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only. DO NOT harvest within 100 days of treatment.
NOTE: Dry common bean varieties may vary in their tolerance to herbicides, including to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide. Since not all dry common bean varieties have been tested for tolerance to the tankmix of Pursuit plus DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide, first use of this tankmix should be limited to a small area of each variety to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice. Additionally, consult your seed supplier for information on the tolerance of specific varieties of dry common beans to the tankmix of Pursuit plus DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide.
CAUTION: Beans should be seeded at least 4 cm deep or crop injury may result.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Refer to the Pursuit Herbicide label for additional recommendations, precautions and restrictions not specified on this label.
(3) Extended periods of dry hot weather following application may result in reduced nutsedge control.
(4) Suppression only.
Crop - Cranberry Beans
Timming – Pre-plant incorporated OR Pre-emergent soil application
Weeds controlled – American Nightshade (3), Eastern Black Nightshade (3), Fall Panicum, Foxtail (green, yellow, giant), Crabgrass (smooth, hairy), Old Witchgrass, Barnyard Grass, Yellow Nutsedge (4), Redroot Pigweed (5)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate / ha tank mix parthner (2) - + 0.312 L Pursuit Herbicide
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply by ground application equipment only.
CAUTION: Beans should be seeded at least 4 cm deep or crop injury may result.
Crop - Kidney Beans
Timming – Pre-plant incorporated OR Pre-emergent soil application
Weeds controlled – American Nightshade (3), Eastern Black Nightshade (3), Fall Panicum, Foxtail (green, yellow, giant), Crabgrass (smooth, hairy), Old Witchgrass, Barnyard Grass, Yellow Nutsedge (4), Redroot Pigweed (5)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.15 - 1.75 L
Rate / ha tank mix parthner (2) - + 0.312 L Pursuit Herbicide
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply by ground application equipment only.
CAUTION: Beans should be seeded at least 4 cm deep or crop injury may result.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Consult the label of the product to be tank mixed with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for specific instructions regarding soil-type variations and other restrictions.
(3) Pre-emergent treatments sometimes give better control than pre-plant incorporated.
(4) Pre-plant incorporated treatment only. Extended periods of dry hot weather following application may result in reduced nutsedge control.
(5) Suppression only.
Timming – Post-emergent, apply within the period from cotyledon to 4 leaf stage of sugar beets, but before weed emergence
Weeds controlled – Nightshade, Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 – 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in 150 – 300 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only. Do not use more than 1 application per year. Do not harvest within 120 days of treatment. DO NOT USE SUGAR BEET TOPS FOR FEEDING TO LIVESTOCK.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
NOTE: DO NOT tank-mix DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide with fluid fertilizers, oils, oil concentrates or surfactants when applying post-emergent.
Timming – Pre-emergent to weeds and crop
Weeds controlled – Nightshade (American and Eastern Black), Crabgrass (Smooth, Hairy), Barnyard Grass, Fall Panicum, Foxtail (Green, Yellow, Giant), Old Witchgrass, Redroot Pigweed1
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 L
Remarks -Make only one application per year. Apply in 150 L water/ha minimum. Apply by ground application equipment only. Do not use more than 1 application per year. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Application of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide may result in injury to the red beet crop which may include stand loss, delayed maturity and even loss of yield. Irrigate after application to activate the herbicide if rainfall is not expected, but use only 0.5 inches of water to incorporate the herbicide. Excessive irrigation will increase the risk of crop injury. Mechanical incorporation of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide will increase the risk of crop injury. DO NOT use DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide if the planting operation creates a furrow or trough over the seed-row into which rain or irrigation water will collect and thus concentrate the herbicide over the row. Do not enter or allow worker entry into the treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours.
(1) Suppression only.
Timming –Post-emergent, apply within 48 hours of transplanting, but before weed emergence
Weeds controlled –Nightshade, Annual Grasses
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.15 – 1.25 L
Remarks - Apply in a minimum of 150 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only. Do not harvest within 80 days of treatment. Risk of crop injury increases with early transplanting and soil temperatures below 10ºC. Applications made more than 48 hours after transplanting may increase the risk of foliar injury. Using the lower application rate for field peppers may result in reduced control in heavy weed populations.
NOTE: DO NOT tank-mix DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide with fluid fertilizers, oils, oil concentrates or surfactants when applying post-emergent.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
Timming –Pre-emergent
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in a minimum of 150 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only.
OUTDOOR ORNAMENTALS (Woody and Herbaceous): Container-, Field- and Liner (2)-Grown Plants and Plants in Landscape Plantings
The following plant species have been tested results indicated that they are tolerant to Dual II MAGNUM Herbicide when the product is applied according to the label.
Tolerance Plant Species
Plant Category (Common name): Broadleaf (Burning bush, Rhododendron), Herbaceous (Dailily, Hosta), Conifer (Juniper, Eastern white-cedar).
Common name (Scientific name): Burning bush (Euonymous spp.), Rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.), Daylily (Hemerocallis spp.), Hosta (Hosta spp.), Juniper (Juniperus spp.), Eastern white-cedar (Thuja spp.).
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide may be applied to other non-listed plant species. However, non-listed plant species may vary in their tolerance to herbicides, including DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide. First use of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide to any non-listed plant species should be limited to a small number of plants to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a large scale practice.
Timming –Pre-emergence (prior to weed emergence) OR Early Post-emergent (1-2 leaf weed stage)
Weeds controlled –Nightshade, Annual Grasses and Redroot Pigweed (1)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.25 – 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in a minimum of 150 – 200 L water/ha. Apply by ground application equipment only. To avoid plant injury, do not apply to seedbeds, cutting beds, or uprooted cuttings before transplanting and to plants until the soil has firmly settled around roots. When applied broadcast over-the-top of plant foliage, follow with sufficient overhead irrigation to wash DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide from the foliage to reduce the chance of injury. Do not apply to trees or plants that will bear harvestable fruit within 12 months, or illegal residues may result. Do not use this product in residential areas where bystanders including children, may be potentially exposed during or after spraying.
(1) Suppression only
(2) Plants transplanted normally in rows in a nursery or similar area for further growth before transplanting to final growing location (place of establishment).
ASPARAGUS (Established beds)
WARNING: Application of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide may result in injury to the asparagus crop, which may include potential stand loss, delayed maturity, and even loss of yield.
Timming –In the spring, apply to dormant asparagus beds prior to emergence OR Post-harvest
Weeds controlled –American Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade, Crabgrass (smooth, hairy), Barnyard Grass, Fall Panicum, Foxtail (green, yellow, giant), Old Witchgrass, and Redroot Pigweed (1)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.55 – 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply by ground application equipment only. PHI is 16 days.
(1) Suppression only
CONIFERS (Established for field production)
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide has been tested on Balsam fir, Fraser fir, White pine, and White spruce. DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide may be applied to other non-listed conifer species; however, non-listed conifer species may vary in tolerance to herbicides, including DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide. First use of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide to any non-listed conifer species should be limited to a small number of plants to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a large scale practice.
Timming –Pre-emergent to weeds as per label directions
Weeds controlled –Annual broadleaf and grass weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.25 – 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one ground application per year, banded over top of trees. Apply in a minimum of 300 L water/ha.
(1) Use higher rate for heavier weed infestations.
CONIFERS (Established for field production)
Timming –Pre-emergent or early post-emergent (before 2 leaf stage) to weeds
Weeds controlled –Labelled weeds (1)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (2) – 1.25 – 1.75 L
Rate / Ha SIMAZINE 480 Herbicide (3) - 4.7 – 7.0 L
Remarks - Make only one ground application per year. Apply in a minimum of 150 L water/ha.
(1) See Simazine 480 for further information.
(2) Use higher rate for heavier weed infestations.
(3) Use lowest rate in sandy or low organic matter soils; use highest rate in clay or high organic matter soils.
MUSTARD GREENS – transplanted only (DO NOT apply to direct-seeded crop)
Timming –Pre-emergent or post-emergent (weeds at 2-leaf stage or less)
Weeds controlled –Labelled annual broadleaf and grass weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.2 – 1. 5 L
Remarks - Make only one ground application per year. Apply in a minimum of 150-300 L/ha water. PHI is 30 days. Yield losses may be observed when this product is applied to transplanted mustard greens.
(1) Reduced levels of weed control may be observed when weed densities are high.
HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRIES (new and established plantings)
Timming –Pre-emergent to labeled weeds
Weeds controlled –Nightshade (American and Eastern black), crabgrass (smooth, hairy), barnyard grass, fall panicum, foxtail (green, yellow, giant), old witchgrass, Redroot pigweed (suppression only)Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.25 – 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in 150 - 300 L water/ha. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR, ground application only. DO NOT harvest within 30 days of treatment. Apply to the soil as a banded application, directed to the base of the highbush blueberry plants. Avoid contact with the highbush blueberry truck and foliage. Crop injury and yield reduction may occur if any part of the highbush blueberry plants are contacted through spray or drift.
Strawberry cultivars may vary in their tolerance to herbicides, including DUAL II Magnum Herbicide. Since not all strawberry cultivars have been tested for tolerance to DUAL II Magnum Herbicide, first use of DUAL II Magnum Herbicide should be limited to a small area of each variety to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice. Additionally, consult your supplier for information on the tolerance of specific cultivars of strawberry to DUAL II Magnum Herbicide. Do not apply to the cultivar Joliette.
Timming –Bearing years: After mulch removal but before weed emergence
Weeds controlled –Labelled annual broadleaf and grass weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.25 – 1. 75 L
Timming –Newly planted: Pre-plant Incorporated or Pre-emergent (post transplanting)
Weeds controlled –Labelled annual grasses and nutsedge (2)
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.25 – 1. 75 L
Remarks (for both timmings) - Make only one application per year. Apply as either a pre-plant incorporated or pre-emergent (post-transplanting) treatment. Some initial injury may occur but will be outgrown with no reduction in yield. Apply by ground application equipment only. Apply in 150 L/ha of water. Do not harvest berries within 30 days of application.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Pre-plant incorporated treatment only. Extended periods of dry hot weather following application may result in reduced nutsedge control.
Timming – Pre-emergent (after planting, prior to carrot and weed emergence)
Weeds controlled or suppressed – Control of American nightshade, fall panicum, eastern black nightshade, foxtail (green, yellow, giant), crabgrass (smooth, hairy), old witchgrass, and barnyard grass and suppression of redroot pigweed
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide rate – For mineral soils: 1.2-1.5 L/ha; For Muck soils (organic matter > 20%): 1.5-1.75 L/ha
Timming – Post-emergent (crop at 3-5 leaf stage and weeds prior to 2-leaf stage)
Weeds controlled or suppressed – Control of American nightshade, fall panicum, eastern black nightshade, foxtail (green, yellow, giant), crabgrass (smooth, hairy), old witchgrass, and barnyard grass and suppression of redroot pigweed
DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide rate – 1.2-1.5 L/ha
Remarks (for both timming) - Make only one application per year. Do not follow a pre-emergent application with a post-emergent spray later in the season. Apply by ground (broadcast) application (pre- or post-emergent application). Pre-emergent application can also be made by banded spray. Make pre-emergent applications to clean-tilled soils. Use lower rates on medium-textured soils and higher rates on fine-textured soils. Do not apply more than 1.5 L/ha of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide to mineral soils. Do not apply more than 1.75 L/ha of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide to muck soils (organic matter > 20%). To help avoid crop injury, do not apply DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide in areas where water is likely to pool. Apply in 150 – 300 L water/ha. Reduced levels of weed control may be observed when weed densities are high. Do not harvest carrots within 30 days of application. NOTE: LEVEL AND DURATION OF WEED SUPPRESSION MAY BE REDUCED IN MUCK SOILS WITH HIGHER ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT. NOTE: APPLICATIONS OF DUAL II MAGNUM MAY CAUSE SIGNIFICANT INJURY TO CARROTS, RESULTING IN REDUCED YIELDS.
Timming –Early post-emergence (2 – 5 days after transplanting)
Weeds controlled –Labelled annual broadleaf and grass weeds
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 1.25 – 1.75 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply foliar by ground application only. Apply using a spray volume of 200 - 400 L water/ha. PHI is 105 days.
Timming –Early post-emergent to crop (1-2 leaf stage); pre to early post-emergent to weeds (up to 1-leaf stage)
Weeds controlled –Suppression of: Smooth crabgrass, Green foxtail, Barnyard grass
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - 0.625 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply by ground application only. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Apply in 200 L water/ha. Do not harvest pearl millet for forage within 45 days of application. Do not harvest pearl millet for grain within 130 days of application. For use in pearl millet for animal feed only. Treated grain millet is not intended for human consumption. Application of DUAL II MAGNUM will result in injury to the pearl millet crop which may include stand loss, delayed maturity and even loss of yield. AVOID SPRAY OVERLAP. Millet should be seeded at least 2.5 cm deep or crop injury may result. Use on soil that has a minimum of 2.5% organic matter.
Timming –Pre-plant incorporated or Pre-emergent to peanut germination and labelled weeds
Weeds controlled –Nutsedge, Annual Grasses and Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1, 2, 3) - 1.15 – 1.55 L
Remarks - Make only one application per year. Apply in 150 L water/ha. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Ground application only. Do not graze or feed peanut forage or fodder to livestock for 30 days following application. Do not harvest crop within 90 days of application. For use in Ontario only. Application of DUAL II MAGNUM may result in injury to the peanut crop which may include stand loss, delayed maturity and even loss of yield.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems.
(2) Pre-emergent treatments sometimes give better control than pre-plant incorporated treatments.
(3) To control nutsedge, DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide must be applied as a pre-plant incorporated spray.
Timming –Pre-plant incorporated (application and incorporation within 14 days of planting)
Weeds controlled –Nutsedge, Annual grasses and Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.15 – 1.75 L
Timming –Pre-emergence (before weed and crop emergence)
Weeds controlled –Annual grasses and Nightshade
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide (1) - 1.15 – 1.75 L
Remarks (for both timming) - Make only one application per year (either pre-plant or pre-emergence). Apply in 150 L water/ha. DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Ground application only. Use lower rate of DUAL II MAGNUM on coarse-textured soil and higher rates on fine-textured and muck soils, or for heavier weed infestations. In general, the risk of crop injury is greater on lighter textured soils and with higher application rates. Pre-plant incorporated- Follow incorporation instructions listed for soybeans in the main section of this label. Application and incorporation must occur within 14 days of planting. Use this application method if furrow irrigation is used or when a period of dry weather after application is expected. If crops are to be planted in beds, apply and incorporate after bed formation. Pre-emergent- Apply during planting (behind planter) or after planting but before weed and crop emergence.
(1) Use the higher rate of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide for heavier weed problems and for higher organic matter soils. For redroot pigweed suppression, apply a minimum of 1.25 L of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide per hectare. DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide will not control emerged weeds.
Crop Group 9 – Cucurbit Vegetables
Crop Group 9 – Cucurbit Vegetables:Citron melon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides), Muskmelon (hybrids and/or cultivars of Cucumis melo) (includes true cantaloupe, cantaloupe, casaba, crenshaw melon, golden pershaw melon, honeydew melon, honey balls, mango melon, Persian melon, pineapple melon, Santa Claus melon and snake melon), Watermelon (includes hybrids and/or varieties of Citrullus lanatus), Chayote (fruit) (Sechium edule), Chinese waxgourd (Chinese preserving melon) (Benincasa hispida), Cucumber (Cucumis sativus), Gherkin (Cucumis anguria), Gourd, edible (Lagenaria spp.) (includes hyotan, cucuzza), Gourd, edible (Luffa acutangula, L. cylindrica) (includes hechima, Chinese okra), Momordica spp. (includes balsam apple, balsam pear, bitter melon, Chinese cucumber), Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.), Squash, summer (Cucurbita pepo var. melopepo) (includes crookneck squash, scallop squash, straightneck squash, vegetable marrow, zucchini), Squash, winter (Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata) (includes butternut squash, calabaza, hubbard squash); (C. mixta, C. pepo) (includes acorn squash, spaghetti squash)
Timming –Transplanted: Prior to transplanting or within 48 hours after transplanting. Direct seeded: Pre-emergence or early post-emergent to crop (1 to 2 leaf stage). All applications should be pre-emergent to labeled weeds.
Weeds controlled –Control of nightshade and annual grasses and suppression of redroot pigweed
Rate / Ha DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide - Banded to row middles after plastic mulch has been laid: 1.15 L/ha – 1.56 L/ha. Broadcast: 1.15 L/ha
Remarks - Ground application; Banded to row middles or broadcast. Make only 1 application per year. PHI is 30 days. Apply in a minimum of 150 L water/ha. Application of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide may result in injury to the crop which may include stand loss, delayed maturity and even loss of yield. Risk of crop injury increases with cool and wet conditions. Care should be taken to minimize foliar contact with DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide as this can increase potential to cause crop injury. Avoid overspray. Reduced control in heavy weed populations may occur.
To reduce runoff from treated areas into aquatic habitats avoid application to areas with a moderate to steep slope, compacted soil, or clay.
Avoid application when heavy rain is forecast.
Contamination of aquatic areas as a result of runoff may be reduced by including a vegetative strip between the treated area and the edge of the water body. For the protection of aquatic plants, overspray or drift to important wildlife habitats such as wetlands, sloughs or dry slough borders and water bodies should be avoided. Leave a buffer zone of 29 metres between the last spray swath and the edge of any of these habitats. Drift to emerging vegetation or newly emerged vegetation in shelterbelts or woodlots should be avoided. For tank mixes, consult the label(s) of the tank mix partner(s), and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture.
This product contains a petroleum distillate which is moderately to highly toxic to aquatic organisms. Avoid contamination of aquatic systems during application. Do not contaminate these systems through direct application, disposal of waste or cleaning equipment.
CAUTION: Do not graze treated immature crops or cut for hay. Sufficient data are not available to support such use. In the case of corn, immature means before ear emergence. Do not harvest sweet corn within 45 days of application. Do not harvest other corn within 80 days of application. Make only one application per season.
When applied as a tank mix combination, read and observe all label directions, including rates, restrictions, and grazing limitations for each product used in the tank mix. Follow the more stringent label precautionary measures for mixing, loading and applying stated on both product labels.
Resistance-Management Recommendations
For resistance management, DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide is a Group 15 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide and other Group 15 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of DUAL II MAGNUM Herbicide or other Group 15 herbicides within a growing season (sequence) or among growing seasons with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted. To delay resistance, the less resistance-prone partner should control the target weed(s) as effectively as the more resistance-prone partner.
Herbicide use should be based on an integrated weed management program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical control methods), cultural (for example, higher crop seeding rates; precision fertilizer application method and timing to favour the crop and not the weeds), biological (weed-competitive crops or varieties) and other management practices.
Monitor weed populations after herbicide application for signs of resistance development (for example, only one weed species on the herbicide label not controlled). If resistance is suspected, prevent weed seed production in the affected area if possible by an alternative herbicide from a different group. Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment when moving between fields, and planting clean seed.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Corn | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Soybeans | 1.15 - 1.75 l |
Beans | 1.15 - 1.75 l |
Potatoes | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Sugar beets | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Red beet | 1.25 l |
Tomatoes | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Rutabagas | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Lupines | 1.1 - 1.75 l |
Carrots | 1.2 - 1.75 l |
Peas | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Strawberries | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Broccoli | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Cabbage | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Cauliflower | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
White mustard | 1.2 - 1.5 l |
Blueberries | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Peppers | 1.15 - 1.25 l |
Asparagus | 1.55 - 1.75 l |
Sweet potatoes | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Millet | 0.625 l |
Peanuts | 1.15 - 1.55 l |
Apples | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Apricots | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Cherries | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Peaches | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Pears | 1.25 - 1.75 l |
Plums | 1.25 - 1.75 l |