Eptam Liquid EC

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Active materials


Make only two applications per year.
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 24 hours.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm. or less above the crop or ground.


These recommendations are given as broadcast (overall) rates of EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare. For band treatment, use proportionately less material per hectare depending upon the width of the band to be treated and the crop row spacing. Do not use band treatment on rocky ground because thorough incorporation is not possible.
ALFALFA AND BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL (new seedlings) - Before planting, apply and incorporate 4.25 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare. Temporary crop stunting and sealing of first leaves will occur in legumes if conditions for germination and growth are not optimum. Do not use EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE if a grass or grain nurse crop is to be planted with the legume.

BEANS, SNAP COMMON OR DRY COMMON1 (of the species Phaseolus vulgaris) - Do not use EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE on Adzuki (Japanese) beans or crop cowpeas (blackeye peas, blackeye beans), soybeans, lima beans or other flat-podded beans, except Romano, fababeans or mungbeans. Before planting, apply and incorporate 4.25 to 5.5 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare. If dry weather prevails at time of treatment, delay seeding of beans seven to ten days. For dense nut grass stands and for quack grass, apply 5.5 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare. 1 Dry common bean varieties may vary in their tolerance to herbicides, including to EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE. Since not all dry common bean varieties have been tested for tolerance to EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE, first use of EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE should be limited to a small area of each variety to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice. Additionally, consult your seed supplier for information on the tolerance of specific varieties of dry common beans to EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE.
Rotary hoe lightly during or shortly after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs. Supplementary row cultivation will be required to improve quack grass control.
NOTE: Under extreme weather conditions, such as cold temperatures and wet soils or higher temperatures and dry soils, stunting may occur.

BEANS, DRY COMMON (WHITE AND RED KIDNEY ONLY): EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE/Trifluralin (TREFLAN EC, RIVAL EC). The combination of EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE/Trifluralin or EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE/Ethalfluralin is recommended for the control of barnyard grass, crabgrass, foxtails (green and yellow), pigweeds (redroot and prostrate) and lamb's quarters on mineral soils. Use of higher than recommended rates may result in crop injury. Before planting, apply and incorporate 3.0 litres of EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE in combination with 1.1 litres of TREFLAN EC or 1.2 litres of RIVAL EC per hectare. Follow the mixing, application and incorporation directions specified on this label. Observe all precautions and limitations on labelling of all products.
Rotary hoe lightly during or shortly after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs. Supplementary row cultivation will be required to improve quack grass control.
NOTE: Under extreme weather conditions, such as cold temperatures and wet soils or higher temperatures and dry soils, stunting may occur.
CICERMILKVETCH AND SWEET CLOVER – (For seed production) Before planting, apply and incorporate 4.25 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare.
PMRA Approved

Seed shallow, no deeper than 3.0 centimetres into a firm seedbed. Reduced stands and crop damage may occur with deep seeding.
FLAX - SPRING TREATMENT - Apply and incorporate 3.5 to 4.25 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare just before planting. Use the lower rate on light, sandy soils and the higher rate on heavier textured soils. Do not use on soils with less than 3% organic matter.
FLAX (Do not use on low linolenic acid varieties) - SPRING TREATMENT: EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE /Trifluralin TREFLAN EC, RIVAL EC) - The combination of EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE /trifluralin is recommended for the control of barnyard grass, wild oats, green foxtails, redroot pigweed and lamb's quarters on mineral soils. Use of higher than recommended rates may result in crop injury. Before planting, apply and incorporate 3.0 litres of EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE in combination with 1.1 litres of TREFLAN EC or 1.2 litres of RIVAL EC per hectare.
Note: The tank mix combination of EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE /Trifluralin (TREFLAN EC, RIVAL EC) may result in reduced crop stand and/or crop damage, however yield should not be affected.
Note: Seed shallow, no deeper than 3.0 centimeters into a firm seedbed. Reduced stands and crop damage may occur with deep seeding. Observe all precautions and limitations on labelling of all products.

FLAX - FALL TREATMENT (Western Canada Only) - Apply and incorporate 4.25 to 5.5 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare in late fall before the ground freezes. Use the lower rate on light sandy soils and the higher rate on heavier textured soils. The following spring, prior to seeding, cultivate lightly to destroy any surviving winter germinating seeds.

SUNFLOWER - SPRING TREATMENT - Before planting, apply and incorporate 4.25 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare. Do not use on light, sandy soils with less than 3% organic matter.
SUNFLOWER - FALL TREATMENT (Prairie Provinces Only) - Apply and incorporate 4.25 to 5.5 litres EPTAM® LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare in the late fall before the ground freezes. The following spring prior to seeding cultivate lightly to destroy any surviving winter germinating seeds. Use the lower rate on light sandy soils and the higher rate on heavier textures soils.

SUGAR BEETS - SPRINKLER IRRIGATION WATER - Meter 2.75 to 4.25 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE into the first irrigation water immediately after clean cultivation. Do not apply within 49 days of harvest.
SUGAR BEETS - FALL TREATMENT (Recommended in Alberta and Manitoba Only) -
Apply and incorporate 4.25 to 5.5 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare (use 5.5 litres in Alberta) in the late fall before the ground freezes. Mix thoroughly into the top 7.5 to 10 centimetres of soil. When a disc is used for incorporation, disc twice, the second time at right angles to the first. In Manitoba, use the lower rate on lighter (sandy) soils; use the higher rate on medium to heavy textured soils. Use the higher rate in Alberta.
PMRA Approved

The following spring, prior to seeding, cultivate lightly using a harrow or other shallow cultivator to destroy any surviving winter-germinating seeds. Keep spring tillage at a minimum to conserve moisture.
TURNIPS (Rutabagas) - (Do not use in Eastern Canada). Six to ten days before planting, apply and incorporate 3.25 litres EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare on light sandy soils or 4.25 litres on medium to heavy textured soils. If dry weather prevails at time of treatment, do not use EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE on sand and use the lower rate on medium and heavy textured soils.

POTATOES - FALL TREATMENT (Prairie Provinces Only) - Apply and incorporate 5.5 to 8.5 litres EPTAM® LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare in the late fall before the ground freezes. The following spring prior to seeding cultivate lightly to destroy any surviving winter germinating
seeds. For quack grass use 7 to 8.5 litres per hectare. Consult notes for perennial weed control.
POTATOES - BEFORE PLANTING - Apply and incorporate 4.25 to 8.5 litres EPTAM® LIQUID EC HERBICIDE per hectare. For dense nut grass stands and quack grass, use 7 to 8.5 litres per hectare.
POTATOES - BEFORE PLANTING: EPTAM LIQUID EC HERBICIDE /Metribuzin (LEXONE, SENCOR)* TANK MIX COMBINATION - A tank mix combination of EPTAM® LIQUID EC HERBICIDE /Metribuzin (LEXONE, SENCOR), applied pre-plant and soil-incorporated, will give a broader spectrum of weed control than either product used separately. Please see precautions listed below.

Registered for culturesRate
Alfalfa4.25 l
Beans0 l
Winter flax3.5 - 4.25 l
Spring flax3.5 - 4.25 l