Green IT TM 4 In 1 Grass And Weed Killer Ready To Use
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- Others
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2024-12-31
- Registration number
- 31351
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Green it 4-in-1 Grass and Weed Killer Ready-To-Use is a contact non-selective herbicide for spray application only to undesirable plant growth. Do not allow spray to contact any green plant parts of desirable plants. Green it 4-in-1
Grass and Weed Killer Ready-To-Use provides control and rapid burndown suppression of annual and perennial broadleaf and grass weeds. Spore producing plants such as mosses and liverworts are also controlled. The amount of burndown and the duration of weed suppression may be reduced when conditions are unfavorable to weed growth or when plants are mature.
Green it 4-in-1 Grass and Weed Killer Ready-To-Use herbicide is a fatty acid ammonium salt product which penetrates the cell walls of plants to disrupt the cellular organization of physiological functions which are compartmentalized by membranes within the cell walls. Plant growth ceases when cellular contents are mixed which causes brown necrotic plant tissue.
Green it 4-in-1 Grass and Weed Killer Ready-To-Use herbicide does not migrate through soil and is not translocated in plants. To ensure satisfactory control, plant leaves must be thoroughly and uniformly covered with the spray solution. Green it 4-in-1 Grass and Weed Killer Ready-To-Use does not provide any residual weed control in soil to affect germinating weed seeds.
ON WEEDS: Any standard hand-held or backpack sprayer can be used. Spray weeds thoroughly, using a coarse nozzle setting to reduce drift. Through coverage is extremely important. For spot treatment of individual weeds, apply the solution to the center of plant to the point of runoff.
Best results are obtained with young, actively growing weeds, less than 12 cm high. The product works best during warm and dry conditions, but also works in cold weather. Application in cold conditions may delay appearance of plant damage. If rain falls within three hours of treatment, an additional treatment may be required. Plant damage will be visible from a few hours to two days after the treatment.
Repeat treatment every two to three weeks to control new weeds growing from seed and re-growth from biennial and perennial weeds. Avoid spraying desirable plants. Thoroughly clean equipment after use.
ON MOSSES, ALGAE, LIVERWORTS, AND LICHENS: Spray moss and algae thoroughly as complete coverage is extremely important. Plant damage will be visible from a few hours to two days after the treatment. On mosses, algae, liverworts and lichens, one application may last up to one year. Repeat treatment if re-growth occurs. Avoid spraying desirable plants. Do not apply to moss or algae in lawns. Thoroughly clean equipment after use. Treated surfaces may be slippery when wet.