Microthiol Disperss

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MICROTHIOL DISPERSS fungicide combines sulphur and science to deliver superior performance against powdery mildew and other targeted diseases and mites. MICROTHIOL DISPERSS is formulated using a patented micronizing process that provides uniform hyper-dispersible granules to your crops.

The dry flowable formulation is made of finely ground sulphur particles for improved suspendability in the spray tank and more consistent coverage and greater surface contact than other sulphur products.


Some crops may be damaged by sulfur under certain climatic conditions, such as when temperature is high. UPL NA Inc. does not recommend application if temperature will exceed 27°C (in shade) and high humidity prevails within the three days following spraying, due to the risk of crop injury. Crops grown in greenhouses may be more sensitive to sulfur injury, so the lowest labeled rate (or below labeled rates) should be tried initially. Do not use on any crop unless sulfur has been shown to be safe in your locality. Do not allow spray to drift onto sulfur-sensitive crops such as apricots, cranberries, spinach and d’Anjou pears. Do not apply during periods of dead calm or when winds are gusty. Do not apply under intense sunshine. Do not apply when rain or night frost is expected. Crops are most sensitive during the flowering period. Treat when conditions are such that spray will dry on plants. This product should not be applied more then 8 applications per season. Do not apply during periods of dead calm or when winds are gusty.

For airblast application:Do not direct spray above plants to be treated. Turn off outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows. Do not apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at the application site as measured outside of the treatment area on the upwind side.

Do not apply by air. Spreader/stickers are not required for use with MICROTHIOL DISPERSS. If spreader/stickers are used with MICROTHIOL DISPERSS, foliar injury may be enhanced under high temperatures. When growing crops for processing, consult the processor before applying sulfur. NOTE: The application rates specified for each crop are the maximum that should be applied. These amounts may be reduced if experience or local practice indicates that lesser amounts may be effective. Consult your area specialist for rates recommended in your local area. Follow provincial recommendations for proper timing and water volumes. The following tables are based upon a water volume application rate of 3000 L/ha. Adjust per hectare volume according to the water volume used.


Registered for culturesRate
Peas1.5 kg
Cucumbers0.12 kg
Sugar beets6 kg