Mpower Aurora-I Clodinafop
- Manufacturer
- NewAgco
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2023-12-31
- Registration number
- 30949
- Active materials
- clodinafop-propargyl240 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
A post emergence herbicide for control of wild oats, volunteer (tame) oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, barnyard grass, Persian darnel and volunteer canary seed in spring wheat and Durum wheat.
MPOWER AURORAi CLODINAFOP Herbicide is a systemic, post emergence herbicide for the selective control of wild oats, volunteer (tame) oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, barnyard grass,
Persian darnel and volunteer canary seed in all types of spring wheat and Durum wheat. Do not use MPOWER AURORAi CLODINAFOP Herbicide on barley, as crop injury will occur. Do not apply this product using aerial application equipment except under conditions specified on this label.
MPOWER AURORAi CLODINAFOP Herbicide is absorbed by the leaves and is rapidly translocated to the growing points of leaves and stems. Thorough coverage of the plants is essential for consistent control. Actively growing susceptible grasses stop growing within 48 hours of treatment. Depending on species, growing conditions and crop competition, leaves and growing points turn yellow within one to three weeks after application. Further colour changes and loss of vigour will be observed, followed by a browning and complete control three to five weeks after application.
Although MPOWER AURORAi CLODINAFOP Herbicide does not control broadleaf weeds,
MPOWER AURORAi CLODINAFOP Herbicide can be tank-mixed with a wide range of broadleaf herbicides to provide broad spectrum weed control in wheat. It can also be tank mixed with Decis† Flowable Insecticide to control grass weeds and insects. See section entitled “TANK MIXES of MPOWER AURORAi CLODINAFOP HERBICIDE WITH BROADLEAF WEED HERBICIDES and INSECTICIDES” and refer to the appropriate Tank Mix section for ground and aerial application.
A 30-day plant-back interval must be observed for all unlabelled crops.
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE S572.1) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
Aerial application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at flying height at the site of application. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the
Label corrections made 2022-07-19
American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE S572.1) coarse classification. Reduce drift caused by turbulent wingtip vortices. The nozzle distribution along the spray boom length MUST NOT exceed 65% of the wing- or rotorspan.
CROPS: Spring Wheat and Durum Wheat
MPOWER AURORAi CLODINAFOP Herbicide can be used on all varieties of spring wheat and
Durum wheat. Observe minimum interval to harvest of 60 days after treatment.
Do not apply on barley or any crop other than Spring Wheat or Durum wheat, as crop damage will result. Do not allow spray to drift to adjacent fields seeded to crops other than spring wheat or Durum wheat.
Do not treat wheat underseeded to forages. Observe a minimum pre-harvest interval of
60 days after treatment for grain and straw and of 30 days after treatment for hay.
Observe a minimum of seven (7) days before grazing livestock on treated crops.
For use directions specific to application by air, please refer to sections on aerial application.
For aerial application precautions, please refer to the precautions section.
WEEDS CONTROLLED: Wild Oats, Volunteer (Tame) Oats, Green Foxtail, Yellow Foxtail, Barnyard grass, Persian Darnel and Volunteer Canary Seed
Registered for cultures |
Spring wheat |
Durum Wheat |