NEU1173H RTU With Pull'n Spray Applicator

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SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Do not dilute. Follow illustrations and instructions to ready the sprayer. Twist nozzle at end of sprayer to open and adjust spray pattern. Point sprayer away from body and press sprayer button to begin spraying. Pull ring at base of sprayer as needed to continue spraying. Hold down for continuous spray. Spray weeds until foliage is thoroughly wetted, just to the point of run-off (200-400 ml/m2). Repeat treatment every three to four weeks if necessary, up to a maximum of 4 applications per area per year.
Visible signs of control may be seen within several hours after application. Susceptible weeds, moss or algae will turn brown or black. Occasionally a darkening of the grass leaf blades can occur after treatment; however the grass will recover within a few days to several weeks. May stain thatch (dead grass under lawn); this does not affect the health of the grass.
Use Precautions: Do not apply to drought stressed grass; ensure that the lawn is well watered prior to application. Do not apply when the daytime temperature will exceed 30oC.
Do not apply to bentgrass. If unsure of grass sensitivity, test spray a small area of your lawn. Do not apply to newly seeded areas until four or more weeks after grass seedlings have emerged. Avoid spraying desirable plants. Any desirable plants or structures accidentally contacted should be rinsed immediately with water. To avoid staining, wait until treated area dries before re-entry. Do not apply if rainfall is expected within 3 hours of application. Do not irrigate within 3 hours of application. DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.