NipsIt Inside 600
- Manufacturer
- Valent
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- 2027-12-31
- Registration number
- 28975
- Active materials
- clothianidin600 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE is a systemic insecticide seed treatment for use on canola, rapeseed, carinata, corn, and wheat for the control of certain insect pests. As a potato seedpiece treatment, NipsIt INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE controls various insect pests and provides suppression of wireworms.
For canola, rapeseed, carinata and corn:
For use with commercial seed treaters (facilities and mobile treaters) with closed transfer including closed mixing, loading, calibrating, and closed treatment equipment only. No open transfer of NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE.
For wheat:
For use in commercial seed treatment facilities (with closed transfer including closed mixing, loading, calibrating, and closed treatment equipment only) and for use on-farm (open transfer including open mixing, loading calibrating, and open treatment equipment is allowed).
For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills.
NIPSIT INSIDE® is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. Corporation.
Do not use treated seed for food, feed, or oil processing. Due to seed quality conditions beyond the control of Valent Canada, Inc., no claims are made to guarantee germination of carry-over seed. Rape greens and seed grown or harvested from NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE-treated seed must not be used for feed or human consumption. Rapeseed and carinata grown and harvested from NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDEtreated seed is only for industrial uses and can not be used for edible oil or any other human/feed consumption.
All bags containing treated seed must be labeled or tagged as follows: This seed was treated with a product containing the active ingredient clothianidin. Do not use for feed, food or oil processing. Rape greens and seed grown or harvested from NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE-treated seed must not be used for feed or human consumption. Store away from feeds and other foodstuffs. Wear long-sleeved shirt, long pants and chemical-resistant gloves when handling treated seed. This product is toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Dispose of all excess treated seed. Left over treated seed may be double-sown around the headland or buried away from water sources in accordance with local requirements. Dispose of seed packaging in accordance with local requirements. Cover or incorporate spilled treated seeds. Planters must use a closed cab planter when planting treated wheat seeds. All treated corn seed for sale or use in Canada must also be labeled with the following 12 information: Clothianidin is toxic to bees. Dust generated during planting of treated seed may be harmful to bees and other pollinators. To help minimize the dust generated during planting, refer to the complete guidance “Pollinator Protection and Responsible Use of Treated Seed- Best Management Practices” on the Health Canada webpage on pollinator protection at When using a seed flow lubricant with this treated seed, only a dust reducing fluency agent is permitted. Talc and graphite are not permitted to be used as a seed flow lubricant for corn seed treated with these insecticides. Carefully follow use directions for this seed flow lubricant. Do not load or clean planting equipment near bee colonies, and avoid places where bees may be foraging, such as flowering crops or weeds. When turning on the planter, avoid engaging the system where emitted dust may contact honey bee colonies. Spilled or exposed seeds and dust must be incorporated into the soil or cleaned up from the soil surface.
Laboratory and field studies have shown that NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE applied to seed will not adversely affect germination. Due to seed quality conditions beyond the control of Valent Canada, Inc., no claims are made to guarantee germination of carry-over seed. Treatment of mechanically scarred or damaged seed, or of seed known to be of low germ, low vigour and poor quality is not recommended. Treatment of highly mechanically damaged seed, or seed of known low vigor and poor quality, may result in reduced germination and/or reduction of seed and seedling vigor. Treat and conduct germination tests on a small portion of seed before committing the total seed lot to a selected chemical treatment. Due to seed quality conditions beyond the control of Valent Canada, Inc., no claims are made to guarantee germination of carry-over seed.
NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE is a systemic insecticide seed treatment for use on canola, rapeseed, carinata, corn, and wheat for the control of certain insects, and for control of insect pests and for suppression of wireworms in potatoes. For use in commercially available equipment designed for seed treatment only. Not for use in hopper-box, slurry-box, or similar seed treatment applications used at planting. This product is to be used in liquid or slurry treaters. Mix thoroughly before use or use entire container at one time.
This product contains no colourant. An appropriate colourant must be added when this product is applied. Regulations pertaining to the “Seeds Act” must be strictly adhered to when using this product. A baby blue colourant must be added when this product is applied to canola/rapeseed.
Corn, canola, rapeseed, carinata, wheat, and potatoes may be replanted at any time. A one year plantback interval is required for leafy, root and tuber vegetables (except potatoes). A 30-day plantback interval on cereal grains (except wheat), grasses, non-grass animal feeds and soybeans and dried beans is required.
For resistance management, please note that NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE is a Group 4 insecticide. Any insect population may contain individuals naturally resistant to this product and other Group 4 insecticides. The resistant individuals may dominate the insect population if this group of insecticides is used repeatedly in the same fields. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action but are specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed. To delay insecticide resistance: Where possible, rotate the use of NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE or other Group 4 insecticides with different groups that control the same pests in a field. Use tank mixtures with insecticides from a different group when such use is permitted. Insecticide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, record keeping, and considers cultural, biological and other chemical control practices. Monitor treated pest populations for resistance development. Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or IPM recommendations for the specific site and pest problems in your area. For further information or to report suspected resistance contact Valent Canada, Inc. at 1-800-682- 5368.
In preparing a mixture of NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE for application to seed, measure proper volume of NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE along with other seed treatment additives (i.e., seed colourant, registered seed treatments approved for mixture with NIPSIT INSIDE 600 INSECTICIDE). Triple rinsate from the product container should be incorporated into the mixture and calculated into the total volume recommended for seed volume. When adding rinsate from triple rinsing the container for disposal, it is recommended to use 2% of the container size 3 times to triple rinse. Add the appropriate volume of rinse water to the container and swish the contents thoroughly. Empty the rinsate into the seed treater holding tank and repeat this process two more times making sure the total volume of rinsate does not exceed 6% of the container size. Make sure rinsate is thoroughly mixed with seed treatment before treating. CAUTION: DO NOT dilute with rinsate over 6% the total slurry volume. Excess seed wetness may result in seed handling difficulties.