Nufos 4E

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

This product is not to be used in and around homes or other residential areas such as parks, school grounds, playing fields. It is not for use by homeowners or other uncertified users.


NUFOS 4E INSECTICIDE is active against various insect pests by contact and ingestion. It is not systemic in the plant. Treatment of plants that are under extreme drought stress may result in some crop damage. The active ingredient in this product is decomposed by sunlight.


MIXING: To prepare the spray, add approximately 1/4 of the required amount of water to the clean spray tank, add required quantity of product and mix well. Complete filling the tank with the balance of the water needed.
Do not allow the pesticide to come into contact with the water intake pipe. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application to ensure uniformity of the spray mixture.
To avoid injury to the crop, mix only with pesticides listed on this label.

For all applications: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty.
For aerial applications: DO NOT apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at flying height at the site of application. The nozzle type is restricted to CP, with the following set-up restriction:

Nozzle Type Restriction
CP DO NOT use greater than 30 deflection

For airblast applications: Airblast applications are only permitted on peaches and nectarines. DO NOT direct spray above plants to be treated. Turn off outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows. DO NOT apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at the application site as measured outside of the treatment area on the upwind side.

Buffer Zones
The buffer zones specified in the following tables are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands), estuarine habitats and marine habitats.

Aerial Applications
For all aerial applications, a buffer zone of 100 metres is required for the protection of aquatic habitats.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Winter barley0.5 - 1.2 l60
Spring barley0.5 - 1.2 l60
Winter wheat0.5 - 1.2 l60
Spring wheat0.5 - 1.2 l60
Winter oats0.5 - 1.2 l60
Spring oats0.5 - 1.2 l60
Cucumbers1.2 - 2.4 l60
Celery1.2 - 2.4 l70
Peppers1.2 - 2.4 l40
Chinese broccoli0 l21
Broccoli1.2 - 2.4 l32
Brussels sprouts1.2 - 2.4 l32
Cabbage1.2 - 2.4 l32
Cauliflower1.2 - 2.4 l32
Bok choy1.2 - 2.4 l15
Garlic1.2 - 3.5 l50
Potatoes1.2 - 2.4 l7
Rutabagas1.2 - 2.4 l30
Corn1.2 - 2.4 l70
Sweet corn1.2 - 2.4 l70
Radishes0 l21
Daikon0 l32
Carrots2.4 - 4.8 l60
Onions2.4 - 4.8 l60
Canola0.5 - 1.5 l21
Winter flax0.75 - 1.2 l21
Spring flax0.75 - 1.2 l21
Lentils0.58 - 1.2 l60
Strawberries1.2 l20
Sugar beets1.2 - 2.4 l90
Sunflowers1.2 l42
Hazelnuts4.2 - 4.8 l14
Tobacco1.1 - 4.8 l