Promalin SL

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Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator is a plant growth regulator for use on apples, pears and nonbearing sweet cherries. When applied according to label directions to healthy, well-managed trees and under favorable weather conditions (see General Instructions), Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator provides one or more of the following benefits in some varieties:

1. Improve the shape of apples through fruit elongation and development of more prominent calyx lobes ("typiness"). These desirable effects will be more evident in years when natural typiness is limited.
2. Increase fruit size and weight on most apple varieties. Under certain environmental conditions, some fruit thinning may occur. 3. Reduce russet on apple fruit. 4. Increases fruit set in apple after a frost.
5. Increase fruit set in pear varieties where natural fruit set is generally low

1. Increase lateral bud break and shoot growth (branching), and improve branch angle on nursery stock and young trees of most apple varieties. This effect provides a better tree framework for early cropping.
2. Increase lateral bud break and shoot growth, and improve branch angle on non-bearing trees of most European pear and sweet cherry varieties, including nursery stock. This effect provides a better tree framework for early cropping.

Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
When a range of rates is indicated, use the concentration and spray volume directed locally by the Valent Canada, Inc. agricultural specialist (519-767-9262).
For optimum effectiveness, thorough spray coverage must be achieved. All parts of the plant must receive the spray or desired results will not occur. On bearing trees, direct approximately 85% of the spray volume into the upper two-thirds of the trees.
Airblast application: Do not direct spray above plants to be treated. Turn off outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows. Do not apply when wind speed is greater than 16 km/h at the application site as measured outside of the treatment area on the upwind side.
Do not apply by air.
Observe a minimum interval to harvest of 28 days after treatment.
Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator applications made under slow drying conditions (cool to warm temperatures, medium to high relative humidity, and no wind) will increase absorption by the plant, thus optimizing effectiveness. Night-time applications are encouraged when day-time conditions are not conducive to slow drying conditions.
Do not apply Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator when air temperatures are below freezing or greater than 32°C.
For optimum results, have the water pH near neutral (pH 7) and always below pH 8.5.
Rainfall or overhead irrigation within 6 hours after spraying will often reduce the activity of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator.
Compatibility: The Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator Application Instructions refer to use of the product alone. Data concerning the compatibility of SL Plant Growth Regulator with other agricultural compounds is not available. Valent BioSciences Corporation does not assume responsibility for unexpected results due to the tank mixing of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator with other products.
Mixing Instructions: Add the required amount of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator to a spray tank about half-filled with water. Agitate while bringing the total volume of water to the required level. Mix new solutions only in a clean, empty spray tank, and use within 24 hours. Discard any unused spray material following local, provincial, or federal law.


Rate and Timing
1. Single Application for Improved Apple Typiness and Size:
Make a single application of 1.2 to 2.3 L of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator per hectare from early king bloom to the early stages of petal fall of the side blossoms.
2. Split Applications for Improved Apple Typiness and Size:
When the bloom period is prolonged, two applications give the best results. Make the first application of 0.6 to 1.2 L of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator per hectare at the beginning of the bloom period, from early king bloom to the early stages of petal fall of the side bloom. Make the second application of 0.6 to 1.2 L of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator per hectare 3 to 21 days later, or when the remainder of the canopy comes into bloom. Do not exceed the maximum indicated rate of 2.3 L per hectare for the combined sprays.
3. Reduce Russet on Apple Fruit:
Make maximum of four applications of 250 to 500 mL of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator per hectare at 7-12 day intervals beginning between full bloom and petal fall. Earlier applications, shorter intervals and higher rates are recommended when russet conditions are severe (long cold and wet periods during bloom).
4. Increase Fruit Set in Apple after Frost:
Make a single application of 1.2 to 2.3 L Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator per hectare. Apply within 24 hours after a frost event when the majority of the crop is between early bloom and full bloom. Do not apply to frozen foliage, blossoms or developing fruit. Allow trees to completely thaw prior to application. Do not use a surfactant.
5. Increase Fruit Set in Pear:
Make a maximum of two applications of 250 mL of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator per hectare, the first at 10-30% open flowers on the old wood and the second between full bloom and petal fall.
Spray Volume
Apply Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator in a sufficient amount of water to ensure thorough, but not excessive, coverage. Adjust water volumes based on tree size and spacing. A spray volume of 500 to 1500 L per hectare (typically 100 L/ha) is adequate for most orchards. Excessive spray application volumes that result in spray runoff have been known to reduce product performance.


Rate and Timing
1. Application for Branching:
A single foliar application of Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator or a Promalin SL Plant Growth Regulator-latex paint spot application is applied to apples, non-bearing pears, and nonbearing sweet cherry trees, including nursery stock, to increase lateral bud break and shoot growth, improve branch angles, and provide a better tree framework for early cropping.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Apples0.6 - 2.3 l28