Prometrex 80 WSP
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2023-12-31
- Registration number
- 16253
- Active materials
- prometryn800 g/l
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- LabelView
PROMETREX 80WSP is a selective herbicide that is applied pre-emergence or soon after planting on certain crops and following transplanting to celery. When applied preemergence, PROMETREX 80WSP should be applied before the crop emerges. If soil is dry at the time of application and rainfall not expected, shallow cultivation or rotary hoeing will generally result in better weed control.
Accurate, uniform placement of PROMETREX 80WSP spray is essential for effective weed control and to avoid crop injury. Apply with a low pressure sprayer properly equipped to make a uniform application. PROMETREX 80WSP is a wettable powder and must be kept in suspension during application.
Prometryne, applied according to label directions, controls annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, including the following: common chickweed, lady’s thumb, corn spurry, lamb’s quarters, green foxtail, purslane, hempnettle, redroot pigweed, wild mustard
For resistance management, PROMETREX 80WSP is a Group 5 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to PROMETREX 80WSP and other Group 5 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of PROMETREX 80WSP or other Group 5 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.
For further information or to report suspected resistance, contact Makhteshim-Agan of North America Inc. at 1 919 256-9300.
RATE: Apply 2.25-4.25 kg in 200-1000 litres per hectare (For 4.25 kg rate use 10 x 454 g solubags per 1.07 ha).
PREEMERGENCE TREATMENT: Prepare a firm level seedbed free from large air spaces. Apply after planting and before carrots emerge. Use the 2.25 kg/ha rate on sandy soil, 2.75 kg/ha on loam soil, and 4.25 kg/1.07 ha on mulch soil. Best results are obtained when application is made to moist soil. Do not use at or near time of emergence of carrots. Cultivation should not be carried out before 4 weeks after treatment unless necessary for weed control.
RATE: Apply 2.25-2.75 kg in 200-1000 litres per hectare.
REMARKS: Apply as an overall spray after the celery transplants are established (usually 7 to 14 days). The treatment may be pre-emergence or early postemergence to the weeds, but must be applied before weeds are 5 cm high. Do not apply more than 2 treatments to any one celery crop.
RATE: Apply 2.25-2.75 kg in 200-1000 litres per hectare.
PREEMERGENCE TREATMENT: Apply soon after planting but before emergence of peas. Best results are obtained when application is made to moist soil. If soil is dry, and rainfall not expected, light incorporation by harrowing will usually improve results. Use lower rate on sandy soils.
PROMETREX 80WSP – Rate Conversion Chart for no. of packets /Rate specified in hectares
Rate/area specified in hectares: 2.25 kg /ha
Rate in no. of packets ( 454g/packet): 5
Rate/area specified in hectares: 2.75kg/ha
Rate in no. of packets ( 454g/packet): 6
Rate/area specified in hectares: 4.25kg/1.07ha
Rate in no. of packets ( 454g/packet): 10
Rotational crop restrictions: A 3-month plantback interval is required for small grains, bulb vegetables, leafy vegetables (except Brassica vegetables) and legume vegetables (succulent or dried); an 8-month plantback interval is required for root and tuber vegetables and a 12-month plantback interval is required for all other crops.
DO NOT apply this product directly to freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) or estuarine/marine habitats.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
DO NOT apply by air.
Buffer zones:
The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, rangelands, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.
Method of application: Field Sprayer*
Crops: Carrots
Buffer Zones (metres), Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 25
Greater than 1 m: 10
Estuarine/marine Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 4
Greater than 1 m: 2
Terrestrial Habitat: 25
Crops: Celery
Buffer Zones (metres), Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 30
Greater than 1 m: 15
Estuarine/marine Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 5
Greater than 1 m: 3
Terrestrial Habitat: 30
Crops: Peas
Buffer Zones (metres), Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 15
Greater than 1 m: 5
Estuarine/marine Habitat of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 3
Greater than 1 m: 1
Terrestrial Habitat: 20
For field sprayer application, buffer zones can be reduced with the use of drift reducing spray shields. When using a spray boom fitted with a full shield (shroud, curtain) that extends to the canopy, the labeled buffer zone can be reduced by 70%. When using a spray boom where individual nozzles are fitted with cone-shaped shields that are no more than 30 cm above the canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 30%.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Carrots | 2.25 - 4.25 kg |
Celery | 2.25 - 2.75 kg |
Peas | 2.25 - 2.75 kg |