- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2023-12-31
- Registration number
- 30803
- Active materials
- flumioxazine405.9 g/kg
- chlorimuron-ethyl51.4 g/kg
- Links
- LabelView
SB-01 Herbicide is a pre-plant or post-plant pre-emergence soybean herbicide that will control or suppress select grassy and broadleaf weeds. SB-01 Herbicide must be applied pre-emergent to the main flush of actively growing weeds. When tank-mixed with a glyphosate herbicide as part of a pre-plant or post-plant burndown, emerged weeds will also be controlled. SB-01 Herbicide may only be applied using ground equipment. For best results, ensure thorough spray coverage of target weeds if present at the time of application.
Degree of control and duration of effect depend on weed sensitivity, weed size, growing conditions and spray coverage.
SB-01Herbicide offers residual control of susceptible broadleaf and grass weeds listed on this label and assists in the control of acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistant weeds. The length of residual control is dependent on rainfall and temperature conditions. Length of residual control will decrease as temperature and precipitation increase and on soils of high organic matter and/or high clay content.
Crop injury may occur from applications made to poorly drained soil and/or applications made under cool, wet conditions. Severe crop injury will result when soils are flooded following applications of SB-01 Herbicide. Risk of crop injury can be minimized by using on well drained soils, planting at least 4 cm deep, using high quality seed and completely covering seeds with soil prior to pre-emergence applications. Treated soil that is splashed onto newly emerged crops may result in temporary crop injury.
Moisture is necessary to activate SB-01 Herbicide in soil for residual weed control. Dry weather following applications of SB-01 Herbicide may reduce effectiveness. However, when adequate moisture is received after dry conditions, SB-01 Herbicide will control susceptible germinating weeds. SB-01 Herbicide may not control weeds that germinate after application but before an activating rainfall/irrigation or weeds that germinate through cracks resulting from dry soil.
No-till planters that incorporate the soil during planting may result in decreased weed control in the row. When these types of planters are used, apply SB-01 Herbicide within 3 days after planting and before soybeans emerge.
Do not perform any tillage operations after application or weed control will be reduced. Apply only once during a single growing season.
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Soybeans | 176 g | 60 |