Sinbar WDG
- Manufacturer
- Tessenderlo
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2026-12-31
- Registration number
- 30082
- Active materials
- terbacil800 g/kg
- Links
- LabelView
SINBAR Herbicide WDG is primarily a soil residual herbicide that is absorbed through the roots of the unwanted plants. Soil type and organic matter impact the rate of SINBAR Herbicide WDG required to achieve weed control. Consult the specific crop section for complete details on soil types and use rates.
SINBAR Herbicide WDG should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label or in separate published Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. recommendations available through local dealers.
SINBAR Herbicide WDG is a wettable granule to be mixed in water and applied as a spray for selective weed control in strawberries, blueberries, first year fruit trees (apple, apricot, cherry, peach, nectarine and plum), asparagus, raspberries, and in apple and peach or nectarine orchards where trees have been established for at least 3 years. It is non-volatile, non-flammable, and non-corrosive to equipment. SINBAR Herbicide WDG controls annual weeds such as barnyardgrass, bluegrass, crabgrass, foxtail, chickweed, downy brome (cheatgrass), perennial rye grass, wild barley, mustard, prickly lettuce, stinkweed, annual sowthistle, henbit, lamb’s-quarters, pigweed, purslane, and ragweed; in addition, treatment usually provides partial control of quackgrass, horsenettle, and yellow nutsedge. Treatment will not control established perennial weeds such as bindweed and Canada thistle. Best results are obtained if application is made shortly before or shortly after weed growth begins; if dense growth is present, remove tops and spray the ground. Control of perennial grasses may be improved by cultivation
prior to treatment; otherwise, avoid working the soil as long as weed control continues or else effectiveness of the treatment may be reduced.
Moisture is necessary to activate the chemical; best results are obtained if moisture is supplied by rainfall or irrigation within two weeks after application. The degree of control and duration of effect will vary with the amount of chemical applied, soil type, rainfall and other conditions.
Apply uniformly with a properly calibrated fixed-boom power sprayer using a minimum of 200 L of water per ha. Spray booms must be shut off while starting, turning, slowing, or stopping or injury to crop may result. Continuous agitation is required to keep the material in suspension.
Do not use on soils containing less than 1% organic matter, nor on gravelly soils or eroded areas where subsoil or roots are exposed, nor on plants that are diseased or lacking in vigour, as injury to the plants may result.
Use only where apple, peach and nectarine trees have been established in the orchard for at least 3 years. Apply as a band or broadcast treatment to ground beneath and/or between trees.
Dosages are expressed as broadcast rates; for band treatment, use proportionately less.
Make a single application per year. On soils containing 1% to 2% organic matter, use 2.25 kg per ha on sandy loams and 3.25 kg per ha on silt loams. Where organic matter is over 2%, use 3.25 - 4.5 kg/ha.
Do not spray foliage nor treat trees planted in irrigation furrows as injury to trees may result. Where crop is grown under flood or furrow irrigation, apply only as a band treatment under the tree row.
Planting Year - Apply 275 - 550 g per ha after mother plants are well established (usually 4-6 weeks after planting but before new runner plants start to root). In Eastern Canada, if the low rate has been used, a booster application of 275 g/ha may be required in the late summer or early fall to maintain weed control until late fall. To extend weed control through harvest of the following year, apply 850 g - 1 kg/ha just before late fall mulching.
In areas of periodic winter injury, reduce late fall application to 550 - 700 g/ha.
Make a maximum of three applications of SINBAR® Herbicide WDG throughout the planting year.
Harvest Years - In Eastern Canada, a single application of 275 - 350 g/ha may be applied in the early spring immediately after mulch removal to supplement or to replace the latefall application. Apply before new plant growth starts in the spring. Plants which have made weak growth under the mulch are subject to serious injury.
After renovation, (after rototilling, if rows are narrowed by rototilling) apply 700 - 850 g/ha (Western Canada, 350 - 530 g/ha). To extend weed control through harvest of the following year, apply a second application of 700 - 850 g/ha just before mulching in the late fall. In areas of periodic winter injury, reduce late fall application to 550 - 700 g/ha.
Make a maximum of 2 applications per year following rototilling or renovation.
Registered for cultures |
Apples |
Peaches |
Nectarines |
Strawberries |