Thionex EC
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 23453
- Active materials
- endosulfan400 g/l
DO NOT apply this product directly to freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs, ditches and wetlands), estuaries or estuarine/marine habitats. DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
Field sprayer application:
DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty.
DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) fine classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
DO NOT apply by air.
DO NOT allow effluent or runoff from greenhouses containing this product to enter lakes, streams, ponds or other waters.
GROUND APPLICATION ONLY: Fill spray tank nearly full and pour recommended amount of THIONEX EC on the surface of the water. Finish filling tank. Keep agitator running during filling and spraying. Coverage of upper and lower leaf surfaces is essential for good insect control. Use sufficient spray to give thorough coverage. Use 100-300 L/ha of water for thorough coverage. Use rate per hectare is given for specific use.
Product Specific Precautions: If you have questions. Call the manufacturer at 1 919 256-9305 or obtain other technical advice from the distributor at 1 519-268-8001 or your provincial agricultural representative.
For resistance management, please note that Thionex EC contains a Group 2A insecticide. Any insect population may contain individuals naturally resistant to Thionex EC and other Group 2A insecticides. The resistant individuals may dominate the insect population if this group of insecticides are used repeatedly in the same fields. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action but are specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance management strategies should be followed.
To delay insecticide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of Thionex EC or other Group 2A insecticides with different groups that control the same pests in a field.
Use tank mixtures with insecticides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Insecticide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, record keeping, and considers cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated pest populations for resistance development.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistancemanagement and/or IPM recommendations for the specific site and pest problems in your area.
For further information or to report suspected resistance contact Adama Agricultural Solutions Canada Ltd. at 855-264-6262.
REI = Re-entry interval
Do not exceed 4000 g a.i./ha/season. Spray volume: Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage.
PEST: Cyclamen mite
APPLICATION: Use 5 litres of product in 4000-8000L of water per hectare. Apply before bud formation. Repeat after harvest if necessary. Use higher rates for dense foliage. For heavy infestations, topping of plants before postharvest treatment may be advisable. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. Do not apply when bees are working in the field.
PEST: Tarnished plant bug
APPLICATION: Use 2.5 litres of product in 2000L water per hectare. Apply at first bloom and repeat 10 days later. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. Do not apply when bees are working in the field.
PEST: Strawberry aphid
APPLICATION: Use 2.5 litres of product in 2000L of water per hectare Apply when insects are first noticed. Repeat as necessary. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. Do not apply when bees are working in the field.
PEST: Meadow spittlebug
APPLICATION: Use 2.5 litres of product in 2000L water per hectare. Apply as soon as possible after eggs hatch. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. Do not apply when bees are working in the field. Make a maximum of 2 applications per year; minimum 7 day interval.
REI= 7 days; 4 days for scouting, weeding, irrigation, mulching
Maximum amount handled is limited to 0.27 kg ai/day (490 L at max rate of 0.55 kg ai/1000 L) with ground handheld sprayer. Note: this restriction is in place to minimize exposure to individual operators and means that the application may need to be performed over multiple days or using multiple applicators.
PEST: beet webworm, green peach aphid
APPLICATION: Use 2.0-2.75 litres of product per hectare. Apply when insects first appear. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest. Do not ensile or feed crop refuse (vines, tops, stocks or threshings) to livestock. Do not apply more than once per season.
REI= 10 days for irrigation scouting, 48 hours for other activities.
PEST: aphids, cabbage looper, diamondback moth (larvae), flea beetles, imported cabbageworm
APPLICATION: Use 1.5-2 litres per hectare. Apply when first sign of feeding appears. Repeat as necessary. 2 applications per season, minimum 7 day interval. Use the lower rates for small larvae or flea beetles. use the higher rates for aphids and large larvae. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. Do not ensile or feed crop refuse (vines, tops, stocks or threshings) to livestock.
REI = 4 days
PEST: aphids, cabbage looper, diamondback moth, flea beetles, imported cabbageworm
APPLICATION: Use 2 litres of product per hectare. Apply when insects first appear. Do not feed treated
foliage to livestock; roots may be used as feed. Do not apply within 45 days or harvest Do not apply more
than twice per season, minimum 7 day interval.
REI = 2 days
PEST: aphids, cucumber beetles, potato flea beetle, squash vine borer
APPLICATION: Use 1.5 litres of product per hectare. Apply when insects first appear. Do not exceed 3 applications per season; 7 day interval. Do not apply within 9 days of harvest. Do not exceed 2200 g a.i./ha/season.
REI = 4 days (cucumber, melon); 7 days (pumpkin, squash)
PEST: Colorado potato beetle, flea beetles, green peach aphid, hornworms, leafhoppers, pepper maggot, tomato fruitworm
APPLICATION:Use 1.5-2.5 litres of product per hectare (TOMATO). Use 1.25-2.5 litres of product per hectare (EGGPLANT, PEPPER).
Apply when insects first appear. Make only 2 applications per year. Use higher rate for Colorado potato beetle. For fruitworms, use 3 litres per hectare. Do not apply within 27 days of harvest. Do not exceed 2200 g a.i./ha per season. Do not exceed 2 applications per season; minimum 7 day interval.
REI = 4 days
CROP: CUCUMBER (Greenhouse), TOMATO (Greenhouse)
PEST: aphids, greenhouse whitefly
APPLICATION:Use 1.25 litres of product per hectare. Spray when insects are first observed. 1 application per crop cycle. Do not apply within 2 days of harvest. See Precautions statement for personal protection equipment required for greenhouse applications.
REI = 2 days
PEST: aphids, Colorado potato beetle, leafhoppers, potato flea beetle, tuber flea beetle
APPLICATION:Use 1.5 litres of product per hectare. Apply when insects first appear. Repeat as necessary. Do not exceed 2200 g a.i./ha per season. Do not exceed 4 applications per season. Minimum 7 day interval. For use every other year only. May be applied up to the day before harvest. Cull potatoes may be used as feed for livestock. Do not ensile or feed crop refuse (vines, tops, stocks or threshings) to livestock. Tarnished plant bug: Use 2.0 litres product per hectare. Apply when insects first appear. May be applied up to the day before harvest. Cull potatoes may be used as feed for livestock. Do not ensile or feed crop refuse (vines, tops, stocks or threshings) to livestock.
REI = 5 days. Pre-Harvest Interval = 5 days
CROP: PEA (Canning, Seed)
PEST: pea aphid, pea weevil
APPLICATION:Use 1.5-2 litres of product per hectare. Treat only if crop is to be mechanically harvested by combine. Apply when insects first appear and as necessary. Apply not more than twice per year on peas for canning, minimum 7 day interval. Do not ensile or feed crop refuse (vines, tops, stocks or threshings) to livestock. Do not apply to succulent peas. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest.
REI = 2 days
CROP: CORN (Sweet)
PEST: corn leaf aphid
APPLICATION: Use 2.75 litres of product per hectare. Apply when aphids are first noticed and repeat as necessary. Do not ensile or feed crop refuse (vines, tops, stocks or threshings) to livestock.
Do not apply more than 1 application per year. Do not apply within 50 days or harvest on commercially grown corn; crop refuse may be used as feed for livestock.
PEST: Corn earworm
APPLICATION:Use 2.75 to 4 litres per hectare. Apply to the silk as recommended by local authorities. Do not ensile or feed crop refuse (vines, tops, stocks or threshings) to livestock. Do not apply more than twice per season. Do not apply within 50 days of harvest on commercially grown; crop refuse may be used as feed for livestock.
REI for Sweet Corn: Hand detasseling = 17 days, Hand harvesting = 50 days, other activities = 10 days.
CROP: CELERY, LETTUCE (Head and Field)
PEST: aphids, cabbage looper, imported cabbageworm, tarnished plant bug
APPLICATION:Use 2.0 litres of product per hectare. Do not apply more than 1 application per season (CELERY). Do not apply more than 2 applications per season; minimum 7 day interval (LETTUCE). Trim celery at harvest. Do not apply to greenhouse lettuce. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest. Do not exceed 1100 g a.i./ha per season (CELERY).
REI = 4 days
Buffer zones:
Use of the following spray methods or equipment DOES NOT require a buffer zone: hand-held or backpack sprayer and spot treatment. The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.
Method of Application: Field Sprayer
Crop: Cucumber, squash, melon, pumpkin, eggplant, pepper, tomato, potato, strawberry
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 90
Greater than 1 m: 40
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 120
Greater than 1 m: 120
Crop: Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, rutabaga, turnip, peas, corn
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 75
Greater than 1 m: 30
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 120
Greater than 1 m: 120
Crop: Celery
Buffer Zones (metres) Required for the Protection of:
Freshwater habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 50
Greater than 1 m: 20
Estuarine/Marine Habitats of Depths:
Less than 1 m: 120
Greater than 1 m: 120
* For field sprayer application, buffer zones can be reduced by using drift reducing spray shields. When using a spray boom fitted with a full shield (shroud, curtain) that extends to the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 70%. When using a spray boom where individual nozzles are fitted with cone-shaped shields that are no more than 30 cm above the crop canopy, the labelled buffer zone can be reduced by 30%.
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Strawberries | 2.5 - 5 l | 7 |
Sugar beets | 2 - 2.75 l | 45 |
Broccoli | 1.5 - 2 l | 7 |
Brussels sprouts | 1.5 - 2 l | 7 |
Cabbage | 1.5 - 2 l | 7 |
Cauliflower | 1.5 - 2 l | 7 |
Rutabagas | 2 l | 45 |
Turnips | 2 l | 45 |
Cucumbers | 1.5 l | 9 |
Melons | 1.5 l | 9 |
Pumpkins | 1.5 l | 9 |
Squash | 1.5 l | 9 |
Eggplant | 1.25 - 3 l | 27 |
Peppers | 1.25 - 3 l | 27 |
Tomatoes | 1.25 - 3 l | 27 |
Potatoes | 1.5 l | 1 |
Peas | 1.5 - 2 l | 7 |
Corn | 2.75 - 4 l | 50 |
Celery | 2 l | 14 |
Lettuce | 2 l | 14 |