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For resistance management Valtera Herbicide contains a Group 14 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Valtera Herbicide and other Group 14 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed. To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of Valtera Herbicide or other Group 14 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in the field. Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisor for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.

Valtera Herbicide provides residual control of susceptible weeds in soybean, field corn, spring wheat, chickpea, field pea, and to maintain bare ground non-crop areas on farms when used in accordance with this label. It also may be used as a dry bean desiccant. Valtera Herbicide is effective as a preemergence herbicide, for control of selected grass and broadleaf weeds. Valtera Herbicide controls weeds by inhibiting protoporphyrinogen oxidase, an essential enzyme required by plants for chlorophyll biosynthesis. Seedling weeds are controlled preemergence when exposed to sunlight following contact with the soil applied herbicide. Preemergence weed control with Valtera Herbicide is most effective when applied to clean, weed-free soil surfaces. Disturbing soil surfaces may reduce herbicide efficacy. Valtera Herbicide offers residual control of susceptible grass and broadleaf weeds listed on this label and assists in the control of acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistant weeds. The length of residual control is dependent on the application rate as well as on rainfall and temperature conditions. Length of residual control will decrease as temperature and precipitation increase and on soils of high organic matter and/or high clay content. Rotational Restrictions The following rotational crops may be planted after applying Valtera Herbicide at the listed rate. Planting earlier than the recommended rotational interval may result in crop injury.


Apply using ground application equipment only. Before applying Valtera Herbicide, start with clean, well maintained application equipment. Nozzles should be uniformly spaced on boom and frequently checked for accuracy. For broadcast application, apply Valtera Herbicide with ground equipment using standard commercial sprayers equipped with nozzles designed to deliver the desired spray pressure and spray volume. When banding, use proportionately less water and Valtera Herbicide per hectare. Equipment with Valtera Herbicide residues remaining in the system may result in crop injury to the subsequently treated crop. Spray equipment used to apply Valtera Herbicide should not be used to apply other materials to any plant foliage. Spray equipment must be cleaned each day following Valtera Herbicide application. After Valtera Herbicide is applied, the following steps must be used to clean the spray equipment: 1. Completely drain the spray tank, rinse the sprayer thoroughly, including the inside and outside of the tank and all in-line screens. Fill the spray tank with clean water and flush all hoses, booms, screens and nozzles. 2. Top off tank, add 4 L of 3% household ammonia for every 400 L of water, circulate through sprayer for 5 minutes, and then flush all hoses, booms, screens and nozzles for a minimum of 15 minutes. 3. Drain tank completely. 4. Add enough clean water to the spray tank to allow all hoses, booms, screens and nozzles to be flushed for 3 minutes. 5. Remove all nozzles and screens and rinse them with clean water. 6. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by cleaning of equipment.

1. Fill clean spray tank 1/2 to 2/3 of desired level with clean water. Engage gentle agitation. 2. While agitating, slowly add Valtera Herbicide to the spray tank. Agitation should create a rippling or rolling action on the water surface. 3. If tank mixing Valtera Herbicide with other labelled herbicides, add water soluble bags first, followed by dry formulations, flowables, emulsifiable concentrates and then solutions. Prepare no more spray mixture than is required for the immediate spray operation. 4. Add adjuvants or surfactants, if recommended. 5. Fill spray tank to desired level with water. Agitation should continue until spray solution has been applied. 6. Mix only the amount of spray solution that can be applied the day of mixing. Valtera Herbicide should be applied within 6 hours of mixing. As this pesticide is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests. DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE S572.1) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground. DO NOT apply by air. Use caution when applying under circumstances where possible drift to unprotected persons or food, forage or other plantings that might be damaged or crops thereof rendered unfit for sale, use or consumption can occur. Use the largest droplet size consistent with acceptable efficacy. Formation of very small droplets may be minimized by appropriate nozzle selection, by orienting nozzles away from the air stream as much pressure. Make application when the wind velocity favours on-target product deposition. Do not make applications during temperature inversions. Inversions are characterized by stable air and increasing temperatures with increasing distance above the ground. Mist or fog may indicate the presence of an inversion in humid areas. Where permissible by local regulations, the applicator may detect the presence of an inversion by producing smoke and observing a smoke layer near the ground surface. Low humidity and high temperatures increase the evaporation rate of spray droplets and therefore the likelihood of increased spray drift. Avoid spraying during conditions of low humidity and/or high temperatures. All ground application equipment must be properly maintained and calibrated using appropriate carriers.

Use of the following spray methods or equipment DO NOT require a buffer zone: handheld or backpack sprayer and spot treatment, or low-clearance hooded or shielded sprayers that ensure spray drift does not come in contact with orchard crop fruit or foliage. For application to rights-of-way, buffer zones for protection of sensitive terrestrial habitats are not required; however, the best available application strategies which minimize off-site drift, including meteorological conditions (e.g., wind direction, low wind speed) and spray equipment (e.g., coarse droplet sizes, minimizing height above canopy), should be used. Applicators must, however, observe the specified buffer zones for protection of sensitive terrestrial and aquatic habitats. The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.
For tank mixes, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture and apply using the coarsest spray (ASAE) category indicated on the labels for those tank mix partners. The spray drift buffer zones for this product can be modified based on weather conditions and spray equipment configuration by accessing the Buffer Zone Calculator on the Pest Management Regulatory Agency web site.

Valtera Herbicide offers residual control of susceptible broadleaf and grass weeds listed on this label and assists in the control of acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistant weeds. The length of residual control is dependent on the application rate as well as on rainfall and temperature conditions. Length of residual control will decrease as temperature and precipitation increase and on soils of high organic matter and/or high clay content. Crop injury may occur from applications made to poorly drained soil and/or applications made under cool, wet conditions. Severe crop injury will result when soils are flooded following applications of Valtera Herbicide. Risk of crop injury can be minimized by using on well drained soils, planting at least 4 cm deep, using high quality seed and completely covering seeds with soil prior to preemergence applications. Treated soil that is splashed onto newly emerged crops may result in temporary crop injury. Moisture is necessary to activate Valtera Herbicide in soil for residual weed control. Dry weather following applications of Valtera Herbicide may reduce effectiveness. However, when adequate moisture is received after dry conditions, Valtera Herbicide will control susceptible germinating weeds. Valtera Herbicide may not control weeds that germinate after application but before an activating rainfall/irrigation or weeds that germinate through cracks resulting from dry soil. When adequate moisture is not received after a Valtera Herbicide application, weed control may be improved by irrigation with at least ½ to 1 cm of water. Weed control will be reduced if there is mechanical incorporation into the soil or if emerged weeds are controlled by cultivation. If the crop treated with Valtera Herbicide is lost due to a catastrophe, such as hail or other forms of inclement weather, soybeans can be replanted immediately, provided no more than 210 g/ha of Valtera Herbicide was used on the lost crop. Crop injury may occur if these restrictions are not followed. No-till planters that incorporate the soil during planting may result in decreased weed control in the row. When these types of planters are used, apply Valtera Herbicide within 3 days of planting and before soybeans emerge. Do not perform any tillage operations after application or weed control will be reduced. Apply only once during a single growing season.
Valtera Herbicide provides preemergence control of susceptible weeds in soybeans. Apply Valtera Herbicide with ground equipment before planting, during planting, or after planting, but before the crop emerges. Do not apply by air. Apply using ground application equipment only. Preemergence Applications Valtera Herbicide may be applied to soybeans prior to planting or within 3 days after planting and prior to soybean emergence. Application after the soybeans have begun to crack, or are emerged, will result in severe crop injury. At an application rate of 210 g/ha of Valtera Herbicide on medium-textured soils, soybean crop injury may be observed following application. Burndown Applications (Spring and Fall) Valtera Herbicide, applied as part of a burndown program, may be used for residual weed control where soybeans will be planted directly into a stale seedbed, cover crop, or in previous crop residues. For control of emerged weeds, tank mix with glyphosate, present as the isopropyl amine or potassium salt. Reduced weed control may occur when burndown applications are made to fields where heavy crop and/or weed residue exist. Tank Mix Restrictions Do not tank mix Valtera Herbicide, or use in the same field, with flufenacet, metolachlor or s-metolachlor, dimethanamid or dimethanamid-p, alachlor, or acetochlor, as soybean injury may occur.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE IN FIELD CORN (minimum and no-till)
Valtera Herbicide offers residual control of susceptible broadleaf and grass weeds listed on this label and assists in the control of acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistant weeds. The length of residual control is dependent on the application rate as well as on rainfall and temperature conditions. Length of residual control will decrease as temperature and precipitation increase and on soils of high organic matter and/or high clay content. Use only on no-till or minimum tillage fields where last year’s crop residue has not been incorporated into the soil. Crop injury may occur from applications made to poorly drained soil and/or applications made under cool, wet conditions. Severe crop injury will result when soils are flooded following applications of Valtera Herbicide. Moisture is necessary to activate Valtera Herbicide in soil for residual weed control. Dry weather following applications of Valtera Herbicide may reduce effectiveness. However, when adequate moisture is received after dry conditions, Valtera Herbicide will control susceptible germinating weeds. Valtera Herbicide may not control weeds that germinate after application but before an activating rainfall/irrigation or weeds that germinate through cracks resulting from dry soil. When adequate moisture is not received after a Valtera Herbicide application, weed control may be improved by irrigation with at least ½-1 cm of water. Do not irrigate when corn is emerging to 2-leaf. Weed control will be reduced if there is mechanical incorporation into the soil or if emerged weeds are controlled by cultivation. Do not perform any tillage operations after application or weed control will be reduced. No-till planters that incorporate the soil during planting may result in decreased weed control in the row. Apply only once during a single growing season.
Preemergence Applications Valtera Herbicide provides preemergence control of susceptible weeds in field corn. Apply Valtera Herbicide with ground equipment between 7 and 30 days prior to planting field corn into no-till or minimum tillage fields. Burndown Applications (Spring and Fall) Valtera Herbicide, applied as part of a burndown program, may be used for residual weed control where field corn will be planted directly into previous crop residues. For control of emerged weeds, tank mix with glyphosate, present as isopropyl amine or potassium salt. Reduced weed control may occur when burndown applications are made to fields where heavy crop and/or weed residue exist. Do not apply by air. Use ground application equipment only.

Valtera Herbicide offers residual control of susceptible broadleaf and grass weeds listed on this label and assists in the control of acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistant weeds. The length of residual control is dependent on the application rate as well as on rainfall and temperature conditions. Length of residual control will decrease as temperature and precipitation increase and on soils of high organic matter and/or high clay content. Use only on no-till or minimum tillage fields where last year’s crop residue has not been incorporated into the soil. Crop injury may occur from applications made to poorly drained soil and/or applications made under cool, wet conditions. Severe crop injury will result when soils are flooded following applications of Valtera Herbicide. Moisture is necessary to activate Valtera Herbicide in soil for residual weed control. Dry weather following applications of Valtera Herbicide may reduce effectiveness. However, when adequate moisture is received after dry conditions, Valtera Herbicide will control susceptible germinating weeds. Valtera Herbicide may not control weeds that germinate after application but before an activating rainfall/irrigation or weeds that germinate through cracks resulting from dry soil. When adequate moisture is not received after a Valtera Herbicide application, weed control may be improved by irrigation with at least ½ to 1 cm of water. Do not irrigate spring wheat between emergence and spike. Weed control will be reduced if there is mechanical incorporation into the soil or if emerged weeds are controlled by cultivation. Do not perform any tillage operations after application or weed control will be reduced. No-till planters that incorporate the soil during planting may result in decreased weed control in the row. Apply only once during a single growing season.
Preemergence Applications (Spring) Valtera Herbicide provides preemergence control of susceptible weeds in spring wheat. Apply Valtera Herbicide with ground equipment at minimum 7 days prior to planting spring wheat into no-till or minimum tillage fields. Wheat must be planted a minimum of 2.5 cm (1 inch) deep to ensure crop safety. Do not use on Durum wheat. Burndown Applications (Spring and Fall) Valtera Herbicide, applied as part of a burndown program, may be used for residual weed control where spring wheat will be planted directly into previous crop residues. For control of emerged weeds, tank mix with glyphosate, present as isopropyl amine or potassium salt. Reduced weed control may occur when burndown applications are made to fields where heavy crop and/or weed residue exist. Do not apply by air. Use ground application equipment only.

Valtera Herbicide offers residual control of susceptible broadleaf and grass weeds listed on this label and assists in the control of acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistant weeds.. The length of residual control is dependent on the application rate as well as on rainfall and temperature conditions. Length of residual control will decrease as temperature and precipitation increase and on soils of high organic matter and/or high clay content. Moisture is necessary to activate Valtera Herbicide in soil for residual weed control. Dry weather following applications of Valtera Herbicide may reduce effectiveness. However, when adequate moisture is received after dry conditions, Valtera Herbicide will control susceptible germinating weeds. Valtera Herbicide may not control weeds that germinate after application but before an activating rainfall/irrigation or plants that germinate through cracks resulting from dry soil. When adequate moisture is not received after a Valtera Herbicide application, weed control may be improved by irrigation with at least ½ to 1 cm of water. Control will be reduced if there is mechanical incorporation into the soil or if emerged weeds are controlled by cultivation. Do not perform any tillage operations after application or weed control will be reduced. Apply only once during a single growing season. Do not apply by air. Apply using ground application equipment only.
Preemergence Applications (spring) Valtera Herbicide provides preemergence control of susceptible weeds in field pea. Apply Valtera Herbicide with ground equipment prior to planting or within 3 days after planting and prior to emergence. Application after the field peas have begun to crack, or are emerged, will result in severe crop injury. Burndown Applications (Spring and Fall) Valtera Herbicide, applied as part of a burndown program, may be used for residual weed control where field pea will be planted directly into previous crop residues. For control of emerged weeds, tank mix with glyphosate, present as isopropyl amine or potassium salt. Reduced weed control may occur when burndown applications are made to fields where heavy crop and/or weed residue exist. For fall burndown: Application should be made in the fall, just before freeze-up and when winter annuals and perennial weeds are still growing to allow for optimum herbicide absorption and activity. Applications made after a killing frost will result in reduced perennial and winter annual weed control. Do not apply to snow covered or frozen soil. Abnormally warm winters may reduce the length of weed control observed in the spring.

Valtera Herbicide offers residual control of susceptible broadleaf and grass weeds listed on this label and assists in the control of acetolactate synthase (ALS) resistant weeds. The length of residual control is dependent on the application rate as well as on rainfall and temperature conditions. Length of residual control will decrease as temperature and precipitation increase and on soils of high organic matter and/or high clay content. Moisture is necessary to activate Valtera Herbicide in soil for residual weed control. Dry weather following applications of Valtera Herbicide may reduce effectiveness. However, when adequate moisture is received after dry conditions, Valtera Herbicide will control susceptible germinating weeds. Valtera Herbicide may not control weeds that germinate after application but before an activating rainfall/irrigation or plants that germinate through cracks resulting from dry soil. When adequate moisture is not received after a Valtera Herbicide application, weed control may be improved by irrigation with at least ½ to 1 cm of water. Control will be reduced if there is mechanical incorporation into the soil or if emerged weeds are controlled by cultivation. Do not perform any tillage operations after application or weed control will be reduced. Apply only once during a single growing season. Do not apply by air. Apply using ground application equipment only.
Preemergence Applications (Spring) Valtera Herbicide provides preemergence control of susceptible weeds in chickpea. Apply Valtera Herbicide with ground equipment prior to planting or within 3 days after planting and prior to emergence. Application after the chickpeas have begun to crack, or are emerged, will result in severe crop injury. Burndown Applications (Spring and Fall) Valtera Herbicide, applied as part of a burndown program, may be used for residual weed control where chickpeas will be planted directly into previous crop residues. For control of emerged weeds, tank mix with glyphosate, present as isopropyl amine or potassium salt. Reduced weed control may occur when burndown applications are made to fields where heavy crop and/or weed residue exist. For fall burndown: Application should be made in the fall, just before freeze-up and when winter annuals and perennial weeds are still growing to allow for optimum herbicide absorption and activity. Applications made after a killing frost will result in reduced perennial and winter annual weed control. Do not apply to snow covered or frozen soil. Abnormally warm winters may reduce the length of weed control observed in the spring.


Registered for culturesRate
Winter wheat105 - 210 g
Soybeans140 - 210 g
Corn140 - 210 g
Spring wheat140 - 210 g
Chickpeas140 - 210 g
Peas140 - 210 g
Alfalfa210 g
Spring barley210 g
Winter barley210 g
Sunflowers210 g
Canola210 g
Beans210 g
Sorghum210 g