Tropic croton

Croton glandulosus

Tropic croton can be typically found in dry or sandy soil, fields, pastures, river terraces, cultivated fields, waste grounds, and along roadsides and railroads. A common characteristic ofCroton glandulosus is that it is a summer annual plant. Therefore, it dies completely at the end of each growing season and grows back from a new seed. It is commonly known to have stellate hairs, it’s glandular, and it typically ranges anywhere from 4 to 24 inches in height. It is also monoecious, which basically refers to a single plant that has both female and male reproductive organs on it. It is typically dark green with serrated leaves and has white disc-like glands that appear above and below the petiole where the stem and petiole meet. Tropic croton can be typically mixed up with the Eclipta prostrate plant because of its similar plant structure but in reality the leaves of the Eclipta prostrate are more linear and arranged oppositely, whereas the leaves on the tropic croton are arranged alternately. The tropic croton can also be confused with Sida spinosa in terms of its growth patterns and appearance but it’s important to understand that the Sida spinosa lacks the disc-like glands that appear above and below the petiole. Also the Sida spinosa lacks stellate pubescent which are characteristic of tropic crotons.

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