
مسجل حتى
رقم التسجيل
المواد النشطة
  • اوراق بيانات و سلامة الموادرأي
  • ملصقرأي

ACTARA for the control of aphids in potatoes and the reduction of virus diseases associated with aphid vectors. ACTARA can be applied in-furrow at planting and as a foliar spray to the growing crop.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be carefully read in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

ACTARA contains 250 g/kg thiamethoxam formulated as a water dispersible granule. It controls a range of aphids that commonly attack seed and ware potatoes including strains of Myzus persicae resistant to organophosphate, carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides. ACTARA belongs to the neonicotinoid class of chemicals. It has contact, stomach and systemic properties.
ACTARA applied as a foliar spray provides rapid knock down of aphids and through its systemic activity long lasting (typically 2 – 3 weeks) efficacy

Foliar Sprays Apply ACTARA as a foliar spray in 200–400 litres water per hectare using a suitable hydraulic sprayer. Good spray cover is required for optimal control of aphids. Make sure the sprayer is set to give an even application at the correct volume. In all cases add ACTARA to the spray tank first, followed by any additional products.

Dry Mixing – Sprayers with Induction Hoppers
Fill sprayer to 15% of tank capacity with water and start agitation. Pour ACTARA into the induction hopper and open valve in bottom of hopper to suck the granules into the circulating spray mix. Continue adding ACTARA until loading is complete. Wash down any granules on the hopper wall and close valve.


مسجل للثقافاتمعدلفترة ما قبل الحصاد
البطاطس80 - 100 g7