Summer tortrix

Adoxophyes orana

This exotic moth feeds on a wide range of plants but is known primarily as a pest of pome and stone fruits. The larvae feed on leaves, shoots and fruits. The moth also may infest many broadleaf trees and shrubs common in Michigan’s forests and ornamental plantings. Michigan risk maps for exotic plant pests.

Systematic position Insecta > Lepidoptera > Tortricidae > Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von Röslerstamm)

Global distribution Widely occurs in much of Europe and Asia.

Quarantine status This insect has been intercepted once at a U.S. port of entry on a shipment of crabapples from France. In addition, Adoxophyes sp. has been intercepted twice from Bupleurum sp. and Syringa sp. originated from the Netherlands (Davis et al. 2005). It is listed as an exotic organism of high invasive risk to the United States (USDAAPHIS 2008).

Plant hosts The moth feeds on over 50 plant species of multiple families including fruits, forest trees and ornamentals. It has a preference for Rosaceae, and is most commonly a pest of apple, cherry, peach and pear trees. Other hosts include: alders, alfalfa, ash, birch, elm, grapes, hawthorn, honeysuckle, lilacs, maples, oaks, peanuts, poplars, roses and willows.

Biology A female moth lays yellow eggs in groups mostly on the upper surface of the leaves and sometimes on fruits. Larvae feed on leaves, shoots and fruits. They are leaf rollers. Pupation occurs in a cocoon in a folded leaf or two leaves spun together. Two to three generations develop per year.

Identification ƒ Adult: 15-22 mm wingspan; forewings gray-brown with two darker patterns; hind wings light grey; males smaller than females and have distinct dark-brown markings. ƒ Larva: Up to 20 mm long; body yellow-green to darkgreen ornamented with warts and light hairs; head brown. ƒ Pupa: 8-11 mm long, pale to dark brown. ƒ Eggs: A batch of 30-50 yellow, oval eggs. Signs of infestation ƒ Presence of yellow egg mass on leaves. ƒ Presence of larvae and pupae on plants. ƒ Leaves folded or spun together by larvae