Barclay Gallup 360

Barclay Chemicals
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Barclay Gallup 360 is a systemic herbicide, as a soluble concentrate, for the control of most broad-leaved and grass weeds in:
Durum wheat
Field beans
Forest Nursery
Green cover in land not being used for crop production
Non-cropped areas
Oilseed rape
Orchards: apple, pear, cherry, damson and plum
Peas (combining)
Stubbles of all edible and non-edible crops
Contains 360 g/l (30.7 % w/w) glyphosate as the isopropylamine salt formulated with ethoxylated tallow amine.

Barclay Gallup 360 is a foliar acting herbicide that controls annual and perennial grasses and most broad-leaved weeds when used as directed. It is translocated from treated vegetative growth to underground roots, rhizomes or stolons. Leaf symptoms, being a reddening then yellowing of the foliage, are first seen on grass weeds but take longer to appear on broad leaved weeds.
It is particularly important that the weeds have sufficient leaf growth and are actively growing when treated.
Perennial grass weeds must have produced fresh leaves, which are green and vigorous. Common couch/scutch is most susceptible to Barclay Gallup 360 when it is tillering and when new rhizomes have begun to grow. This is usually when the plants have about 5 - 6 leaves, each with approximately 12-15cm of new growth.
The majority of perennial broad-leaved weeds are most susceptible if treated when they are actively growing and are at or near flowering stage. Annual weeds should be actively growing with grasses having at least 5cm of leaf and broad-leaved weeds at le
ast two expanded true leaves when sprayed. Couch/scutch grasses and other grass and broad-leaved weeds are less susceptible to Barclay Gallup 360 when growth is restricted by drought, waterlogging, frost, very high temperatures or natural dieback. Efficacy will be reduced if such conditions occur at or immediately after spraying.
Occasionally a slight check to crop growth may occur, particularly after direct drilling when crop seeds germinate amongst a mass of decaying foliage, stolons, rhizomes or roots. Thorough cultivations are necessary to disperse or bury decaying organic matter.
Consolidate loose soils and ensure crops are adequately fertilised and appropriate measures are taken to prevent insect and fungal damage to the following crop, especially where following grassland.
Do not apply lime, fertiliser, farmyard manure, pesticides or similar materials within 7 days of Barclay Gallup 360.
Note: Barclay Gallup 360 does not give acceptable control of horsetail (Equisetum arvense).

Certain weeds, particularly those with an erect growth habit and having a spatial separation from desirable species, can be effectively controlled by wiping a concentrated solution of Barclay Gallup 360 onto the leaves or stems. Weeds must be actively growing at application.
Do not apply when rain is expected as, apart from unsatisfactory weed control, herbicide might be transferred to desirable species by rain splash or foliar contact.

Barclay Gallup 360 dilution
Humid conditions 1 volume Barclay Gallup 360: 1 volume water
Warm, dry conditions 1 volume Barclay Gallup 360: 2 volumes water

Ensure that there is a minimum 5 cm between the top of the tallest desired vegetation and the impregnated wiper.

As Barclay Gallup 360 is absorbed through the leaves and is translocated by the weeds own transport systems, it is particularly important that the weeds have sufficient leaf growth and are actively growing when treated.
Couch/scutch is most susceptible to Barclay Gallup 360 when it is tillering and when new rhizomes have begun to grow. This is usually when the plants have about 5-6 leaves, each with approximately 12-15 cm of new growth.
Couch/scutch grasses and other grass and broad-leaved weeds are less susceptible to Barclay Gallup 360 when growth is restricted by drought, waterlogging, frost, very high temperatures or natural dieback.

Pour the recommended quantity of Barclay Gallup 360 into the spray tank already half-filled with water. Top up the spray tank with water to the required level. Agitate thoroughly to mix the spray solution. Spray out on the day of mixing, maintaining agitation.
Do not mix, apply or store Barclay Gallup 360 in galvanised or unlined mild steel containers or tanks. Keep tanks well vented and clear of all sources of ignition.
RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely.

Prepared spray solution should be applied as a MEDIUM spray at nozzle pressures not exceeding 2.5 bar (35 psi). Barclay Gallup 360 is a systemic herbicide, active at low doses. Always take care to avoid spray drift. DO NOT SPRAY in windy weather or near to desirable species or amenity plants.

Avoid spraying if rain is expected within 12 hours. Applications are best made under dull, humid conditions. Weeds restricted by water stress may not be satisfactorily controlled. DO NOT spray during frosty weather or under windy conditions likely to result in spray drift.

Barclay Gallup 360 may be used to control weeds on all mineral or organic soils or surfaces, including ash and gravel. Only weeds
showing green leaf at the time of application can be killed. There is no residual activity with Barclay Gallup 360.
Owing to soil variations, some couch/scutch grasses may not be at a susceptible stage when sprayed and the treatment should be repeated in the following autumn for complete control.

Occasionally a slight check to crop growth may occur, particularly after direct drilling when crop seeds germinate amongst a mass of decaying foliage, stolons, rhizomes or roots. Thorough cultivations are necessary to disperse or bury decaying organic matter.
Consolidate loose soils and ensure crops are adequately fertilised and appropriate measures are taken to prevent insect and fungal damage to the following crop, especially where following grassland.

Barclay Gallup 360 may be applied in tank mix with Barclay Addup or other approved tallow amine ethoxylate surfactant. DO NOT apply lime, fertiliser, farmyard manure or similar materials within 7 days of Barclay Gallup 360.

Barclay Gallup 360 has no long-lasting herbicidal activity in soils after application. Agricultural and horticultural quality soils with perennial grass and broad-leaved weed burdens may be planted up with trees after not less than 7 days after application. It is
preferable to plant most amenity plants after the treated vegetation has died back or after cultivation lest they be contaminated or smoth ered by the collapsing weed vegetation. Under normal weather conditions, cultivations may be conducted 5 days after treatment. Under poor growing conditions wait for the characteristic red/yellow leaf symptoms to appear on perennial weeds before cultivating.

Strains of some annual grasses, e.g. black-grass, wild-oat and Italian rye-grass, have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines are available from your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer.

Wash equipment thoroughly after use with water and cleaning agent to remove traces of herbicide. Traces of herbicide left in the equipment may damage crops sprayed later.


Registered for culturesRate
Glyphosate who kills all plants4 - 6 l