Cheetah Extra

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

An oil in water emulsion containing 69 g/L (7.14% w/w) fenoxaprop-p-ethyl.

For use only as an agricultural herbicide for the control of wild-oats and grass-weeds in winter and spring wheat.

This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

DO NOT apply Cheetah Extra to barley, durum wheat, undersown crops or those to be undersown.
DO NOT apply Cheetah Extra to wheat beyond the flag leaf ligule visible stage (GS 39) of the crop.
DO NOT roll or harrow within one week of spraying.
DO NOT spray crops under stress, suffering drought, waterlogged, grazed, lacking nutrients or if soil is compacted.
Broadcast crops should be sprayed post-emergence after the plants have a well-established root system and all other conditions on the label and leaflet are met.
Cheetah Extra can be sprayed in frosty weather provided the crop has hardened off.
Cheetah Extra is rainfast one hour after spraying.
DO NOT spray wet foliage liable to run off or leaves covered in ice.
Avoid spraying immediately before or after a sudden or extended drop in temperature or a period of warm days/cold nights.
Dry conditions resulting in moisture stress may reduce effectiveness. Such conditions will tend to occur with late applications to spring crops.

Wild-oats, rough meadow-grass and awned canary-grass.
Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats and Italian rye-grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for
preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.
Cheetah Extra will control black-grass and wild-oats at the 2 fully expanded leaf stage (GS 12) up to and including the flag leaf ligule just visible (GS 39).
Cheetah Extra will control awned canary-grass at the 2 fully expanded leaf stage (GS 12) up to the end of tillering but before first node detectable (GS 31).
Cheetah Extra will control rough meadow-grass at the 2 fully expanded leaf stage (GS12) up to the end of tillering but before first node detectable (GS31).
Cheetah Extra controls emerged weeds on all soils and tilths and is unaffected by high organic matter or high Kd factor (i.e. soils with a high adsorptive capacity).
The rates of use of Cheetah Extra depend on weed type, size and time of application.

Awned canary-grass, Rough-stalked meadow -grass
Rate: 1.2L/ha
Critical comments: Latest time of application - before flag leaf sheath extending stage (GS41). Post-emergence control at 0.8 L/ha up to GS23. Post-emergence control at 1.0 L/ha up to: GS30.

Weeds: Wild oats
Rate: 1.2L/ha
Critical comments: Latest time of application - before flag leaf sheath extending stage (GS41).  Post-emergence control at 0.8 L/ha up to GS23. Post-emergence control at 1.0 L/ha up to: GS30.Post-emergence control at 1.2 L/ha up to: G39.

0.68 L/ha
Apply from when the weeds have at least 2 fully expanded leaves (GS 12) up to the early tillering stage (GS 23).
Late-drilled crops
Susceptible weeds emerging in the spring in late-drilled crops (i.e. drilled during November and December) will be controlled with a spring application of Cheetah Extra at 0.68 L/ha provided they have at least two fully expanded leaves (GS 12) and are no larger than the early tillering stage (GS 23). For larger weeds, use the appropriate higher rate.
0.8 L/ha
Apply for the control of weeds at the 2 fully expanded leaf stage (GS 12) up to the end
of tillering stage but before first node detectable (GS 31). For weeds beyond the end of
tillering, always use the 1.0 L/ha rate.
1.0 L/ha
Apply for the control of weeds at the 2 fully expanded leaf stage (GS 12) up to and including the flag leaf ligule just visible stage (GS 39).
Awned canary-grass and rough meadow-grass
0.68 L/ha
Apply from when the weeds have at least 2 fully expanded leaves (GS 12) up to the early tillering stage (GS 23), normally until the end of December.
0.8 L/ha
Apply from when the weeds have at least 2 fully expanded leaves (GS 12) up to the end of tillering stage but before first node detectable (GS 31).
Maximum total dose:
1.0 L/ha
For use on Winter wheat, Spring wheat.
Apply Cheetah Extra from emergence of the crop up to and including flag leaf fully emerged (GS 39) but before flag leaf sheath extending stage (GS 41).
Cheetah Extra is a foliar-acting herbicide. For optimal results, use application techniques which ensure good weed coverage and crop penetration, using flat fan nozzles.

Conventional volume
200-300 litres of water per hectare
Always use the higher volume when weeds or crop are dense to avoid shading of the weed.
2.5-3.0 bars
Spray Quality:

Add the recommended quantity of Cheetah Extra to the spray tank half-filled with the required quantity of clean water. Add the remainder of the water with the sprayer agitation system in operation. When emptying containers, wash out and add washings to the sprayer. Agitate before and during spraying.
DO NOT leave the sprayer standing with chemical in it. After spraying, thoroughly wash out the spray tank.

Cheetah Extra can be used as part of a spray programme with any other spray chemical provided an interval of at least 7 days elapses between applications.

Cheetah Extra may be applied as a tank-mix with a range of products.
Contact Bayer CropScience for compatibility information on specific tank-mixes.
Full manufacturer’s instructions must be followed for each tank-mix component.
Continuous agitation must be maintained.
DO NOT mix Cheetah Extra with herbicides containing phenoxys or sulfonylurea containing products other than Eagle.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat1.2 l23 - 41
Spring wheat1.2 l23 - 41