Duplosan Super
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 04853
- Active materials
- dichlorprop-p310 g/l
- MCPA160 g/l
- mecoprop-p160 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
A soluble concentrate formulation 310 g/L (26.2% w/w) Dichlorprop-P acid, 160 g/L (13.5% w/w) MCPA acid and 130 g/L (11.0% w/w) Mecoprop-P acid formulated as the dimethylamine salt for the control of broad-leaved weeds in cereals.
This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Do not spray cereals that have been, or are to be, undersown with clover.
Do not roll or harrow crops within a week of spraying.
Avoid overlapping spray swathes.
Do not apply during cold weather or drought.
Do not apply during rain or if rain is expected.
Do not spray in windy weather and avoid drift onto broad-leaved plants outside the target area.
Weeds Controlled in Cereals
Susceptible at 1.5 L product/ha
Charlock Sinapis arvensis 5cm across/high
Common Chickweed Stellaria media 5cm across/high
Crane’s-bill species Geranium spp. 6 true leaves
Fat Hen Chenopodium album 5cm across/high
Shepherd’s Purse Capsella bursa-pastoris 4 true leaves
Susceptible at 2.0 L product/ha
Common Poppy Papaver rhoeas 5cm across/high
Susceptible at 2.5 L product/ha
Buttercups Ranunculus species 6 true leaves
Cleavers Galium aparine 5cm across/high
Common Mouse Ear Cerastium holosteoides 5cm across/high
Corn Spurrey Spergula arvensis 5cm across/high
Hempnettles Galeopsis spp. 4 true leaves
Moderately Susceptible at 1.5 L product/ha
White clover Trifolium repens 5cm across/high
Moderately Susceptible at 2.0 L product/ha
Creeping Thistle # Cirsium arvense 6 true leaves
Deadnettle species Lamium spp. Before flowers open
Fumitory Fumaria officinalis 8 true leaves
Runch Raphanus raphanistrum Before side shoots form
Moderately Susceptible at 2.5 L product/ha
Field Pansy Viola arvensis 4 true leaves
Mayweeds Matricaria species 2 true leaves
Oilseed rape Brassica napus 3 true leaves
Redshank Polygonum persicaria 2 true leaves
Speedwells Veronica species 6 true leaves
# Creeping thistle will be effectively controlled, but some re-growth may occur from rhizomes.
DUPLOSAN SUPER can be used on all commercial varieties of winter and spring sown wheat, winter and spring sown barley, winter and spring sown oats, rye, triticale, spelt and durum wheat.
Rate of use
Apply DUPLOSAN SUPER at 1.5 - 2.5 L product/ha. Use the appropriate rate as indicated in the weed control table.
Water Volume
200 to 400 L water/ha. Use the higher rate in dense stands of cereals, or if weed growth is dense.
Winter Sown Wheat, Barley, Durum Wheat, Rye and Oats:
Apply DUPLOSAN SUPER in the spring from leaf sheath erect stage until before the second node detectable stage (GS 32).
Spring Sown Wheat, Barley, Rye and Oats:
Apply DUPLOSAN SUPER from first leaf fully expanded stage until before the second node detectable stage (GS 32).
Spray weeds when the crop is actively growing and is at the correct growth stage. The best results will be obtained if spraying is done while the majority are at the seedling stage. However, spraying at the seedling stage is not advised if temperatures are low and should be delayed until temperatures increase and growth becomes more active. Optimum control will be achieved by spraying when the temperature is above 10°C.
Spray Quality
Apply as a medium quality spray (as defined by BCPC). A spray pressure of 2-3 bar is recommended.
Apply using conventional ground vehicle mounted/drawn equipment. Ensure that all application equipment is clean. Make sure the sprayer is set to give an even application at the correct volume. Add half the required volume of water and start agitation, add the required quantity of DUPLOSAN SUPER.
Fill the tank to the required volume of water whilst maintaining agitation. Triple rinse containers with water and add washing to the spray tank. Continuous agitation must be maintained until spraying is complete. After use, the spraying machine must be thoroughly cleaned.
Wash equipment thoroughly with water and wetting agent or liquid detergent immediately after use.
Wash out again with water, drain and allow drying.
Spray out, fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out again before storing or using for another product. Traces of DUPLOSAN SUPER can cause harm to susceptible crops sprayed later.
Do not spray in windy conditions as the spray drift may cause damage to neighbouring crops. The following crops are particularly susceptible: sugar beet, oilseed rape, peas, turnips and most market garden crops including lettuce and tomatoes under glass.
All goods supplied by Nufarm UK Limited are of high grade and we believe them to be suitable but (as we cannot exercise any control over their mixing or use) all conditions and warranties, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality and fitness for any purpose of our goods are excluded, except in so far as such exclusion is prevented by law, and no responsibility will be accepted by us for any damage or injury whatsoever arising from their storage, handling, application or use.
This product is to be used only in accordance with the recommendations and instructions given on the labels provided with this pack. Use in any other circumstances is entirely at users risk.
Registered for cultures | Rate | BBCH |
Winter wheat | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Spring wheat | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Winter barley | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Spring barley | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Winter oats | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Spring oats | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Winter rye | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Spring rye | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Winter triticale | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Spring triticale | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |
Spelt | 2.5 l | 0 - 32 |