- Manufacturer
- Dow AgroSciences
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 04249
- Active materials
- aminopyralid12 g/l
- triclopyr120 g/l
A soluble concentrate containing 12 g ae/litre aminopyralid (present as 23.08 g/litre aminopyralid triisopropanolammonium salt) + 120 g ae/litre triclopyr (present as 167.36 g/litre triclopyr triethylammonium). For the control of a wide range of deep-rooted PERENNIAL, HERBACEOUS WEEDS and WOODY WEEDS on NON-CROP LAND such as motorway and railway embankments, roadsides and industrial areas (but excluding airfields).
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Take extreme care to avoid drift onto susceptible crops, non-target plants or waterways. Do not apply directly to, or allow spray drift to come into contact with agricultural or horticultural crops, amenity plantings, gardens, ponds, lakes or watercourses.
SENSITIVE PLANTS may be harmed by residues of ICADE in soil and treated vegetation. Do not apply ICADE on or adjacent to soil which may be used as garden top-soil, potting soil, etc. or to grass which may be cut and used as mulch or for compost for horticultural or garden crops. Do not use cuttings from treated grass for mulching or composting.
Cut treated grass must not be removed from site, or used for animal feed, animal bedding, composting or mulching.
Treated grass must not be used for grazing.
On level ground there is negligible lateral movement but do not apply ICADE around desirable trees or shrubs, do not spray under the canopy and 1 metre at least from the trunk of desirable trees or shrubs. Care should be taken on slopes to prevent leaching into areas where desirable shrubs, etc are present.
Grass and weeds must be actively growing to ensure good weed control and minimal check to the grass. Therefore do not spray in drought, hot or very cold weather conditions.
Do not use on grass less than one year old.
To allow maximum translocation to the roots do not cut grass for 7 days after application.
Clover will be killed by application of ICADE.
Wash equipment thoroughly with water and detergent immediately after use.
ICADE should be applied between March and the end of October. The timing of application of ICADE is crucial and for good results ICADE must be applied to actively growing weeds.
Broadcast Treatment
ICADE should be applied through a tractor-mounted hydraulic sprayer provided it is in good working order and has been calibrated according to the manufacturers’ recommendations.
Fill the spray tank half full with water and add the required amount of ICADE mixing well. Top up with water and continue agitation until the spray tank is full. Maintain agitation while spraying. Use the spray immediately.
Spray Volume
For overall application ICADE should be used in a spray volume between 300L and 600L per hectare to give good coverage of the weeds. Higher water volumes are recommended where weed densities are high.
Spray Quality
Apply as a MEDIUM quality spray as defined by the BCPC system.
Spot Treatment
For localised treatment using a suitable lance from a knapsack or tractor mounted sprayer, use a solution of 150-200 mL of ICADE depending on the target weed, per 10 litres of water. Woody weeds should be thoroughly wetted with the spray solution, but spraying until "run-off" will decrease activity. The use of flood jets is recommended to prevent drift. Care should be taken to avoid local overdosing. Woody weeds should not exceed 1 metre in height.
Dow AgroSciences Conditions of Supply
All goods supplied by us are of high grade and we believe them to be suitable but, as we cannot exercise control over their storage, handling, mixing or use, or the weather conditions before, during or after application which may affect the performance of the goods, all conditions and warranties, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality or fitness for any purpose of our goods are excluded. No responsibility will be accepted by us or re-sellers for any failure in performance, damage or injury whatsoever arising from their storage, handling, application or use. These conditions cannot be varied by our staff or agents whether or not they supervise or assist in the use of such goods.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Grassland | 4 l |
Pasture | 4 l |