Ima 100 SL
- Manufacturer
- Q-Chem
- Category
- Fungicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 03319
- Active materials
- imazalil100 g/l
A soluble concentrate containing 100 g/litre imazalil (9.4% w/w)
protectant fungicide for the reduction of silver scurf, gangrene, skin spot and Fusarium dry rot on ware and seed potatoes.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
IMA 100 SL is a seed treatment fungicide for the reduction of silver scurf, gangrene, skin spot and Fusarium dry rot on ware and seed potatoes.
IMA 100 SL should be used in conjunction with other disease management measures such as, good handling, curing and storage practice, good store hygiene and the use of resistant varieties.
In situations where soil borne inoculum is high, treatment of seed tubers with IMA 100 SL may not give full protection against infection of stems and daughter tubers.
In early potato seed crops, IMA 100 SL can cause a temporary reduction in the number of open eyes when applied as an out of store treatment.
Treatment should be made before chitting to minimise mechanical damage.
Only one post harvest application must be made to potatoes intended for ware or processing.
Reduction of established wound diseases may not be achieved.
For best results, the tubers should be clean and free from soil (less than 5% of surface). Diseases under areas of soil/dust will not be exposed to spray and will not be controlled. The skin can be dry or damp at treatment but not wet.
IMA 100 SL reduces the following diseases of ware and seed potatoes, when applied during storage: Silver scurf Helminthosporium solani Skin spot Polyscytalum pustulans Gangrene Phoma exigua Dry rot Fusarium spp.
When applied prior to planting of seed potatoes as a protective treatment, only reduction of skin spot and silver scurf can be expected.
IMA 100 SL can be used on potatoes stored for the ware or processing market. It can also be used on the seed tubers of all varieties of early and maincrop potatoes grown for seed, ware or processing. For best results, the tubers should be clean and free from soil (less than 5% of surface). Diseases under areas of soil/dust will not be exposed to spray and will not be controlled. The skin can be dry or damp at treatment but not wet.
Ware potatoes
Timing of application
Only one post-harvest application must be made to potatoes intended for ware or processing. To achieve the maximum disease reduction in storage, IMA 100 SL should be applied as soon as possible after harvest, preferably within 7 to 10 days. To obtain the best reduction of both skin and wound diseases application must be made before wounds have begun to close. Later applications may be less effective as wound infections will no longer be exposed to treatment.
Seed potatoes
Time of application
two treatment programme
To achieve the maximum disease reduction in store and in progeny crop a two spray programme of IMA 100 SL is recommended.
The first into store spray should be applied as soon as possible after harvest, preferably within 7-10 days, to obtain the best reduction of both skin and wound diseases. Reduction of established wounds may not be achieved.
The second pre-planting spray should be applied at the final grading prior to chitting or prior to planting if not chitted. On planter sprays may be used.
This will give reduction of skin spot and silver scurf in the progeny crop. Established wound diseases may not be controlled. Treatment should be made before chitting to minimise mechanical damage.
one treatment programme
Treatment with IMA 100 SL at final grading prior to chitting, or prior to planting if not chitted, will reduce skin diseases in the progeny crop. Treatment should be made before chitting to minimise mechanical damage. Reduction of established wound diseases may not be achieved. On planter sprays may be used.
Rate of application
Use IMA 100 SL at 100 ml per tonne of ware or seed potatoes.
Apply IMA 100 SL through canopied, hydraulic or spinning disc equipment (with or without electrostatics) mounted on a rolling conveyor or table. It may be applied diluted with water at up to 2.0 litres of spray solution per tonne of potatoes, ensuring good coverage. Higher volumes within the equipment’s capabilities are preferred, to obtain maximum cover of the skin, penetrate any wounds etc and hence provide the best disease control.
Fill the tank with half the required volume of water. Measure the appropriate amount of IMA 100 SL into the tank and make up the required volume of water. Agitate thoroughly before application.
On emptying the container, RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to the spray tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely.