Presite SX

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Presite SX

A non-segregating blend of watet soluble granules containing 67 g/kg metsulfuron-methyl and 333 g/kg thifensulfuron-methyl for spring weed contrl in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley and spring barley.

Manufacture in EU
Du Pont (U.K.) Ltd. Crop Protection Products
Wedfwood Way, Stevenage,
Herts, SG1 4QN, UK
Tel: 00441438 734450
Emergency 24-hour contact: 00448456 006640
Poisons Information Service 018379964
Registered Trademark of E I du Pont de Numeours and Company


- Do not apply to any cropsuffering from stress as a result of drought, waterlogging, low temperatures, pers or disease attack, nutrient or lime deficiency or other factors reducing crop growth
- Dot not apply to cereal crops undersown with grass, clover or other legumes or any other broad-leaved crop
- Due to high level of activity of the herbicide, special care must be taken to avoid damage by drift onto broad-leaved plants outside the target area, or onto ponds, waterways or ditches
- Do not apply within seven days of rolling the crop
- Do not apply more than once to ay cereal crop
- Failure to clean the sprayer thoroughly after use can result in damage to sensitive crops later. Follow washout instructions and only use label recommended tank mixtures

Presite SX is a highly active herbicide that works mainly by foliar action with some root activity. It controls a wide range o broad-leaved weeds and is most effective if applied when the weeds are small and actively growing. Good spray cover of the weeds must be obtained and, since larger weeds ofthen become less susceptivle, it is important to note the size of each weed at the time of application. Susceptible plants cease growth almorst immediately after post-emergence application and symptoms can be seen about two weeks after application. It is important to identify the weeds occurring in the crop and refer to the weed table to ensure that the weeds present are those susceptible to Presite SX. The susceptibility rating of weeds in the following table refer to good spray cover and good growing conditions.

Susceptible plants up to 2 expanded true leaves
Common Chickweed, Common Field-speedwell, Common Poppy, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Groundsel, Ivy-leaved speedwell, Knotgrass, Mayweeds sp., Red Dead-nettle

Susceptible plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Common Chickweed, Common Field-Speedwell, Common Poppy, Groundsel, Knotgrass, Mayweeds sp., Red Dead-nettle, Fool’s Parsley

Moderately Susceptible plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Ivy-leaved Speedwell

When herbicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, section of resistant biotypes can take place. These can propagate and may become dominating. A weed species is considered resistant to a herbicide if it survives a correctly-applied treatment at the recommended dose. For the control of Corn Marigold and Chickweed, this product must always be applied in a mixture with an alternate mode of action herbicide at recommended rates. Development of resistance within a weed species can be avoided or delayed by alternating (or tank-mixing) with suitable products having a different mode of action.

Presite SX can be used on all varieties of winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley and spring barley between the growth stages given below.

Presite SX should be applied in the spring (after 1st of February) from the three-leaf stage of the crop up to and including the flag leaf fully merged stage of crop growth.

Apply Presite SX at 75 g/ha

Presite SX can be used on all soild types. Weed control may be reduced when conditions are very dry. Rain within four hours off application may reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Only cereals, oilseed rae, field beans or oilseed rape may be sown in the same calendar year as harvest of a cereal crop treated with Presite SX In the event of a crop failure for any reason, sow only a cereal crop within three months of application of Presite SX. Prior to sowing, soil should be ploughed and cultivated to a depth of at least 15 cm.

BEFORE USINF PRESITE SX, SPRAYING EQUIMENT MUST BE CLEAN AND FREE FROM CONTAMINATION WITH OTHER PESTICIDES. Application should be made in 200 litres of water per hectare using suitable equipment to give good spray cover of the weeds. Use a conventional field crop sprayer at a pressure of 2 – 3 bars and apply as a MEDIUM spray. When applying PRESITE SX, care should be taken not to overlap spray swaths.

Quarter fill the spray tank with clean water, start the agitation and add the required quantity of Presite SX directly to the tank without prior creaming. Continue agitation while topping up the tank and while spraying.

In any tank-mix add PRESITE SX t the tank first and ensure it is fully dispersed befre adding the partner product. Do not allow PRESITE SX to come into contact with undiluted pesticide concentrate. Products should only be tank-mixed if each product can be applied within the label recommendations for its use. For further information contact you DuPont distributor.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat0 - 75 g0 - 39
Spring wheat0 - 75 g0 - 39
Winter barley0 - 75 g0 - 39
Spring barley0 - 75 g0 - 39