Quad-Glob 200SL

DHM Agrochemicals
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For dessiccation of potato haulm, oilseed rape, barley and oats for animal feed, combining peas karvested dry field beans for animal feed, red and white clover for seed and linseed. Weed control in new crops. A soluble concentrate 200g/l. diquat present as 374g/l diquat dibramide.

Harvest as soon as dessication is complete. Delay is combining may result in regrowth.

Rate of use
Use 2-3litres per hectare in 200-500 litres of water per hectare. Use lower rate on less dense crops. Add an suitable on-ionic surfactant that is not an orga-nas licone in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. Clover Straw and trash may be fed to livestock from 4 days after spraying.

Weeds: Common chickweed
Rate: 2l/ha
Critical comments: latest time of application - at crop emergence 10%of crop emerged for earlies and 40% of crop emerged for ain crop).

Weeds: Common chickweed
Rate: 2l/ha
Critical comments: spray when the seed is seen to have matured evenly over the whole field.

Weeds: Common chickweed
Rate: 2l/ha
Critical comments: pre-crop emergence or transplanting.

Spray when the seed is seen to have matured evenly over the whole field. This normally occurs then the seed capsules are dark brown with the seeds inside light brown. The seed should also rattle in the bolls. ldeally the most mature stems should have started to turn yellow just below the capsule clusfer.
Rate of use
3 litres per hectare. Add a suilable non-ionic surfactant that is not an organosilicone in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. Apply through conventional hydraulic field crop spraying equipment with a MEDIUM quality SPRAY (as defined by the BCPC).
Use clean water at a volume of 300 to 500 litres per hectare and a pressure of 2-5 bar. To retain a MEDIUM quality spray with higher water volumes, the use of twin outlet nozzles or twin spray booms may prove necessary.
A forward tractor speed of around 8 kph is desirable, coupled with a minimum practical boom height setting necessary to ensure even crop coverage and penetration to the crop stems.

Direct combinig can normally begin 10-20 days after spraying when the seed moisture is below 14%. Always use a sharp knife on the combine and cut the crop as high as possible - just bellow the level of branching of the capsule clusters of the shortest stems. Aim to combine in bright sunny conditions, or when there is a drying wind.

QUAD-GLOB 200 SL can be used for the control of common chickweed in row crops.

Overall spraying:
Edible row crops e.g. sugar beet, vegetable crops and Non-edible crops e.g. bulbs: Before crop emergence or transplanting. 
Note: On sandy or peat soils allow 3 days between spraying and expected crop emergence or transplanting.
Potatoes: early crops: up to 10% emergence; main crops. up to 40% emergence, provided, no plant Is more than 15 cm high. 
Do not apply after emergence to crops growing from diseased seed or very small tubers, or under very hot dry conditions. 
Upto a further 4.0 l/ha may be applied for potato haulm desiccation following an application of QUAD-GLOB. 200 S. for weed control. See previous section for details. 
Inter-row spraying. 
Post crop emergence (between the rows of any row crop).
Use sprayers designed to prevent contamination of the crop foliage by spray. 
Most effective control of weeds is obtained when applications are made at the seedling stage.

Rate of use
2 litres QUAD-GLOB 200SL per hectare.

Volume of Water  
200-500 litres per hectare. Add a suitable non-ionic surfactant that is not an organosilicone in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. Use higher rates if weeds are dense or beyond the seedling stage.

Apply through a ground sprayer in good condition. Do not apply through mistblowers. Avoid Spray Drift: Do not spray in windy conditions.
Full the spray tank nine tenths full of clean water, then start agitation. Add the recommended quantity of QUAD-GLOB 200SL to the sprayer using a filling device (e.g. Induction hopper), or by direct addition to the spray tank. Thoroughly rinse empty containers, preferably use an integrated pressure rinsing device (or manually rinse three limes). Add washings to the sprayer at the tfrtle of filling. 
Top up tank with water to the required volume.
It is essential to spray accutately and 10 obtain com­plete cover of crop and weeds: 
1. Make sure nozzles are in good condition and that sprayer boom it set high enough to ensure complete coverage. 
2. Apply by conventional hydraulic sprayer (high clearance if necessary) as a MEDIUM quality spray (as defined by the BCPC) using a pressure of 2-3 bar. For the higher spray volumes use twin outlet nozzles or twin spray booms.
3. Ensure that the sprayer is correctly calibrated before use.
4. Do not leave spray liquid in the sprayer for long periods (i.e. during meals ar overnight).
5. Apply application volumes as per individual crop recommendations. Use higher volumes fat dense growth.

SPECIAL NOTE: application during or shortly after dry periods.

Damage is most likely to occur if the MORECS (Meteo­rological Office Rainfall and Evaporation calculation System) exceeds 33-83 mm according soil type. 
If the crop is immature or the haulm is very vigorous at the time of spraying, treat the crop as an early or seed crop.

Before using any tank mixture, consult and comply with the recommendations of the partner products. Each product should be added separately to the bulk of the water in the spray tank and thoroughly mixed before adding the next chemical. Always use constant agitation of the sprayer tank during mixing, trans­porlation and application. Spray immediately. Always read the label. Use pesticides safely.



Registered for culturesRate
Potatoes2 - 4 l
Winter rape3 l
Spring rape3 l
Peas3 l
Beans3 l
Spring barley4 l
Winter barley4 l
Spring oats4 l
Winter oats4 l