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Active materials

A fungicide for the control of a wide range of diseases in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale, rye and oilseed rape and a spring plant growth regulator in oilseed rape.
An emulsifi able concentrate containing 60 g/L of metconazole (6.7 % w/w)

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

SIRENA is a broad spectrum fungicide with curative and protectant activity, which can be used on all commercial varieties of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale and rye. SIRENA can also be used on oilseed rape. When applied to oilseed rape in the spring, SIRENA can provide plant growth regulation in the form of a reduction in crop height

Do not apply to oilseed rape crops that are damaged or stressed from factors such as previous product use, adverse weather conditions (e.g. drought, frost or waterlogging), nutrient deficiency or pest attacks.
SIRENA is formulated specifi cally for use on oilseed rape. The addition of further adjuvants is not advised. SIRENA should not be applied with pyrethroids to fl owering oilseed rape.
Ensure the sprayer is free from previous chemical residues that may harm the crop. Use of a detergent cleaner is advised before and after use. Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops and fi eld margins.

Cereals SIRENA is a broad spectrum fungicide with curative and protectant activity which can be used on all commercial varieties of winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, triticale and rye for disease control

Time of application
Apply as soon as diseases start to develop in the crop and repeat as required.
Application at an early stage of mildew development (not more than 3% infection on any green leaf) will give moderate control. Where mildew has become established, the use of a specifi c mildewicide will improve control and help prevent the development of resistant strains.
For optimum results on yellow rust apply before any leaf has more than 1% infection or as a preventative treatment on susceptible varieties after the fl ag leaf has fully emerged (GS 39). Good reduction of ear Fusarium may be achieved when applied between full ear emergence and anthesis complete (GS 69).
For control of brown rust treat susceptible varieties as soon as rust is seen and spray more resistant varieties before any of the top three leaves have more than 1-2% infection.
Spray as soon as net blotch is seen on any of the top three leaves. A further treatment will be necessary where disease is well established

Rate of Application
1.5 L/ha

Oilseed rape
All varieties of oilseed rape may be treated.

Disease control
SIRENA provides control of Alternaria, and a reduction of phoma leaf spot, phoma stem canker (Phoma lingam) and light leaf spot.

Time of application
Apply as soon as diseases start to develop, and repeat as required.

Rate of application
1.2 L/ha.

Crop height reduction
When applied to oilseed rape in the spring, SIRENA can provide plant growth regulation in the form of a reduction in crop height.

Time of application
Apply during stem extension in the spring, once the oilseed rape crop is actively growing (GS 31-51)

Rate of application
1.2 L/ha

After treating a cereal or oilseed rape crop with SIRENA, the crops listed below may be sown as a following crop: Beans Clover Oilseed rape Ryegrass Cabbage Lettuce Onions Sugar beet Carrots Linseed Peas Sunfl ower Cereals Maize Potatoes The effects of SIRENA on other crops has not been assessed

In cereals apply SIRENA in 200 to 300 L/ha water In oilseed rape apply SIRENA in 200-400 L/ha water. Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defi ned by BCPC. In dense crops use the higher volume to achieve adequate penetration and good coverage of the crop. To ensure optimum spray coverage and minimize spray drift, adjust the spray boom to the appropriate height above the crop, according to guidance provided by the sprayer and/or nozzle manufacture. Sprayers should be thoroughly cleaned out immediately after use.

Qualified approval
SIRENA may be applied in reduced water volumes as specifi ed in the table below, although effi cacy at this reduced volume has not been evaluated. Application of this product at reduced-volume is at user’s risk with regard to biological effi cacy.

Three quarters fi ll the tank with water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of SIRENA to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to spray tank at time of fi lling and dispose of container safely.

To avoid subsequent injury to crops other than cereals, all spraying equipment must be thoroughly cleaned after use. Rinse the tank three times with clean water and spray the further diluted rest onto the target crop.

SIRENA contains metconazole, a DMI fungicide. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identifi ed in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMIs contact your agronomist or specialist advisor.
Cereal Powdery mildew strains with decreased sensitivity to triazoles are common. Where these occur or develop, SIRENA may not give satisfactory control.
For crop/pathogen situations where repeated spray applications are required, alternation or mixtures with an effective non cross-resistant fungicide are recommended. Fungicide use does not replace the need for nonchemical cultural control methods e.g. resistant crop varieties, good agronomic practice, plant hygiene.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat1.5 l31 - 73
Spring wheat1.5 l31 - 73
Spring barley1.5 l31 - 73
Winter barley1.5 l31 - 73
Winter triticale1.5 l31 - 73
Spring triticale1.5 l31 - 73
Winter rye1.5 l31 - 73
Spring rye1.5 l31 - 73
Winter rape1.2 l31 - 51
Spring rape1.2 l31 - 51