Spotlight Plus
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 03294
- Active materials
- carfentrazone-ethyl60 g/l
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- LabelView
A micro-emulsion (ME) formulation containing 60 g/L carfentrazone-ethyl (7.04% w/w) for the control of weeds in potatoes, desiccation of potato haulm and for weed control prior to planting any edible or non edible crop
Do not leave the diluted product in the tank overnight.
Because some non-target plants are sensitive to Spotlight® Plus, avoid spray drift onto broad-leaved crops outside of the target area.
Do not contaminate water with the product or its container (Do not clean application equipment near surface water / Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads).
Resistance: As part of Good Agricultural Practice steps should be taken to adopt a resistance management strategy as standard. Spotlight Plus should be alternated with herbicides with a different mode of action. Any subsequent herbicide applications should be made using herbicides with a different mode of action and a similar spectrum of activity.
Important: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Spotlight Plus is a contact herbicide/desiccant which can be used for weed control in potatoes, for weed control prior to planting a subsequent crop and as a desiccant of potato haulm. Consult processors before using two or more applications of Spotlight Plus on fi rst and second early varieties of potato as safety has not been established.
Spotlight Plus is a contact only herbicide. Weeds emerging after application will not be controlled.
- Potatoes
- Prior to planting subsequent crop
For use as an early post emergence herbicide in potatoes
Crop: Spotlight Plus may be applied from pre-crop emergence up to before 5% crop emergence (i.e. 1 plant in 20 emerged) in fi rst early varieties and before 10% crop emergence (i.e. 1 plant in 10 emerged) in second early and maincrop varieties. No plants should be more than 10cm high in any case.
Weed: For optimum control application should be made when weeds are between the cotyledon and 2-4 expanded leaf stage. Weeds emerging after application will not be controlled. Treatment may cause burn off of emerged potato shoots within 7-10 days. Subsequent crop growth and yield are unaffected.
DOSE: The recommended dose of Spotlight Plus is 0.333 L/ha
Apply Spotlight Plus in 200 L of water per hectare at a minimum spray pressure of 3 Bar using a MEDIUM spray quality
For use prior to planting a subsequent crop
Apply Spotlight Plus when the weeds are no bigger than the maximum growth stages stated in the weed control table. An interval of 1 month ,must be observed before planting any subsequent crop.
DOSE: The recommended dose of Spotlight Plus is 0.333 L/ha
Apply Spotlight Plus in 200 L of water per hectare at a minimum spray pressure of 3 Bar using a MEDIUM spray quality
Seed and ware crops:
Apply Spotlight Plus at the onset of senescence. For crops with very vigorous haulm or where re-growth occurs following a single application a second application may be necessary to achieve satisfactory desiccation. This may be the case for certain maincrop varieties, especially Maris Piper, because of inherent vigour. A minimum interval between applications of 7 days should be observed to achieve optimum performance. Allow at least 14-21 days between the fi nal application and lifting to allow skins to set if tubers are to be stored.
Flailed Crops:
Crops should be fl ailed when tubers have reached the desired size and, sprayed with Spotlight® Plus ensuring that the fl ailed haulm is not covering the stems that remain. Effi cacy will be reduced where fl ailed, haulm covers the stems at application.
Seed and ware crops:
The recommended dose of Spotlight Plus after fl ailing of the crop is 1.0L product/ha When a second application is made this must not exceed 0.6L product/ha
Volume of water and spray pressure
Apply Spotlight Plus in 300 to 600 L of water per hectare (use a higher water volume where potato foliage is dense) and at a minimum spray pressure of 3 Bar. A MEDIUM spray quality should be used.
Spray criteria
As Spotlight Plus acts by contact action only it is important to follow the application parameters stated below if optimum desiccation is to be achieved.
Application using a well maintained and calibrated sprayer
Volume of water adjusted to the density of foliage (300-600 L/ha).
Pressure and forward speed adjusted to obtain the best penetration of the product into the foliage
Succeeding and replacement crops
There is no restriction on the planting of any succeeding crop 1 month after the application of Spotlight Plus
Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Commence agitation. Steadily pour the required amount of Spotlight Plus into the spray tank or induction bowl. Ensure all product has thoroughly mixed with the water and no traces are present in the induction bowl. Complete fi lling of the spray tank and maintain agitation until spraying is complete.
To avoid potential damage to other crops thoroughly clean all spray equipment (including inside and outside of the lid) using clean water:
1. Immediately after spraying of Spotlight Plus, drain tank completely. Any contamination of the outside of the spraying equipment should be removed by washing with water to which should be added a commercially available cleaning agent
2. Rinse the inside of the tank with clean water, to which should be added a commercially available cleaning agent and fl ush through the boom and hoses using at least one tenth of the spray tank volume. Drain tank completely. Repeat operation.
3. Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with rinse water or empty containers
The empty packaging which contained this product must be rinsed with water using a manual system (three successive rinsing procedures), or by using a system of washing with water under pressure. The water used for cleaning must be returned into the spray tank. The packaging must be removed by the user to an assembly point established for this purpose. Dilute any surplus product left after treatment by about 10 times, and spray it on the area already treated in accordance with the instructions for use.
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Potatoes | 0.33 l | 7 |