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For use only as an agricultural selective broad-leaved herbicide for use in wheat (not durum), barley, oats (spring application), rye, triticale and undersown cereals.

STELLOX is an emulsifiable concentrate recommended for use as a selective weedkiller for the control of a wide range of annual broadleaved weeds.

DO NOT apply during long frosty periods
DO NOT use on durum wheat DO NOT apply on winter oats in the Autumn
DO NOT use on oats until the risk of frost is over DO NOT apply within seven days of rolling
DO NOT apply at less than recommended water volumes.
DO NOT apply during wintry weather or during periods of drought, or when frost or heavy rain is imminent.
Avoid drift onto neighbouring crops.
Susceptible crops are beans, brassicas (including oilseed rape), carrots, legumes, lettuce, tomatoes and other horticultural crops.

Use before 2nd node detectable stage (GS32)

Autumn or Spring Application
Autumn and spring-sown cereals namely wheat (not durum), barley, rye and triticale.

Spring Application Only
Autumn and Spring-sown oats
Treat in the spring when the risk of frost is over

Autumn and spring-sown cereals - Spray from the 2 leaf stage of the crop (GS 12) but before 2nd node detectable stage (GS 32). Treatment is safe to the crop throughout these stages, but the best results will occur when spraying is carried out when weeds are small and the competition is removed early.

Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the required amount of Stellox. Top up with clean water. Ensure thorough mixing before and during spraying.
Autumn and Spring sown cereals: up to 1.0 L/ha
Use in 150-400 L/ha of water as a MEDIUM spray (BCPC category). The high rate should be used wherever the crop canopy or weed infestation is dense.
Stellox has contact action only and therefore, good penetration and coverage of the weeds is essential. Application should be made at a pressure of not less than 2 bars and according to the sprayer manufacturer’s instructions.

STELLOX may be applied as a tank-mix with a range of products. Contact Nufarm UK Limited for compatibility information on specific tank-mixes. Full manufacturer’s instructions must be followed for each tank-mix component.
Yield of winter barley may not be optimum where Stellox is applied in a tank mix with mecoprop-P to low vigour crops on light soils or crops that are stressed and where sharp or severe frosts occur within 3-4 weeks of application.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat1 l1 - 32
Spring wheat1 l1 - 32
Spring barley1 l1 - 32
Winter barley1 l1 - 32
Spring oats1 l1 - 32
Winter rye1 l1 - 32
Spring rye1 l1 - 32
Winter triticale1 l1 - 32
Spring triticale1 l1 - 32