Tebucur 250 EW

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Registration number
Active materials

A broad spectrum systemic fungicide for use on cereals and oilseed rape.
Emulsion (oil in water) formulation, containing 250 g/litre (25.8 % w/w) tebuconazole

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. TEBUCUR 250 EW is recommended for control of a wide range of diseases on winter and spring sown cereals and oilseed rape. For best disease control and yield benefi t TEBUCUR 250 EW should be applied at an early stage of disease development, before infection spreads to new crop growth.

Dose rate and application timing
TEBUCUR 250 EW may be applied at any time before the grain milky ripe stage (GS 71).
Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litre per hectare
Maximum total dose per crop: 2.0 litres per hectare

TEBUCUR 250 EW may be used on all varieties of winter or spring sown oilseed rape

Dose rate and application timing
TEBUCUR 250 EW may be applied at any time before full fl owering (GS 65). 1.0 litre per hectare.
Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litre per hectare
Maximum total dose per crop: 2 litres per hectare

Diseases Controlled
TEBUCUR 250 EW controls Alternaria, Sclerotinia and phoma leaf spot. It also acts as a growth regulator

- Phoma leaf spot/stem canker
Leaf spot can be found from October onwards and best control of stem canker may be expected from an autumn/early winter application of 500 ml/ha
TEBUCUR 250 EW applied at fi rst signs of disease, followed by 500 ml - 1.0 l/ha
TEBUCUR 250 EW in late winter/early spring.
TEBUCUR 250 EW program applied against phoma leaf spot/stem canker will also give a secondary reduction of oilseed rape growth.

- Dark Leaf/Pod Spot (Alternaria spp)
Treatment with 1.0 l/ha Folicur 250 EW should begin at the onset of disease.

- Sclerotinia Stem Rot
Treatment with 1.0 l/ha TEBUCUR 250 EW should be carried out at early to full fl owering.

Important: Sprayers should be THOROUGHLY CLEANED before use and fi lters and jets checked for damage and blockages.

Thoroughly shake the pack before use. Add the required quantity of TEBUCUR 250 EW to the half-fi lled spray tank with the agitation system in operation and then fi ll to the required level. Continue agitation at all times during spraying and stoppages until the tank is completely empty. Spray immediately after mixing. Where tank mixes are used TEBUCUR 250 EW should be added to the spray tank last, after fi rst dispersing the other product(s)

Apply through conventional crop spraying equipment using a medium quality spray (BCPC) at a pressure of at least 2 bar. Apply in at least 100-400 litres of water per hectare. Boom height and water volume should be adjusted to ensure good coverage of the crop, particularly at later growth stages. In dense crops at later growth stages, higher water volumes should be used as recommended.

Tank cleaning
RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at the time of fi lling and dispose of safely. Thoroughly wash all spraying and measuring equipment with water and a wetting agent immediately after use. Do not clean application equipment near surface water/Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads

The possible development of diseases resistant to TEBUCUR 250 EW cannot be excluded or predicted. Where such resistant strains occur, TEBUCUR 250 EW is unlikely to give satisfactory control. Repeated application of TEBUCUR 250 EW alone should not be used on the same crop against a high risk pathogen such as cereal powdery mildew. Tank-mixtures or alternation with fungicides having a different mode of action (e.g. morpholines) have been shown to protect against the development of resistant forms of disease.

All goods supplied by us are of high grade and we believe them to be suitable but, as we cannot exercise control over their storage, handling, mixing or use, or the weather conditions before, during or after application which may affect the performance of the goods, all conditions and warranties, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality or fi tness for any purpose of our goods are excluded. No responsibility will be accepted by us or re-sellers for any failure in performance, damage or injury whatsoever arising from their storage, handling, application or use. These conditions cannot be varied by our staff or agents whether or not they supervise or assist in the use of such goods.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat1 l1 - 71
Spring wheat1 l1 - 71
Spring barley1 l1 - 71
Winter barley1 l1 - 71
Spring oats1 l1 - 71
Winter oats1 l1 - 71
Winter triticale1 l1 - 71
Spring triticale1 l1 - 71
Winter rye1 l1 - 71
Spring rye1 l1 - 71
Winter rape1 l1 - 65
Spring rape1 l1 - 65