- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
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- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 01803
- Active materials
- fluroxypyr200 g/l
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An emulsifiable concentrate containing 200 g/l (20.4% w/w) fluroxypyr as the methyl heptyl ester.
Also contains solvent naptha.
A post-emergence herbicide for annual and perennial weed control in maize, barley, wheat, durum wheat, established grassland, oats, rye, seedling leys and triticale.
TOMAHAWK is a post-emergence aryloxyalkanoic acid herbicide for the control of annual dicotyledonous weeds and perennial weeds in maize, wheat, barley, durum wheat, established grassland, oats, rye, seedling leys and triticale.
The best results are achieved when the weeds are actively growing when uptake of TOMAHAWK will be at the optimum. TOMAHAWK acts by uptake from the leaves, and from there, is readily translocated to other parts of the plant.
Do not use on crops undersown with clovers or other legumes.
Crops undersown with grass may be sprayed provided the grasses are tillering.
Do not treat crops suffering stress caused by any factor, e.g. frost, drought etc.
Do not roll or harrow for 7 days before or after treatment.
Avoid drift onto non-target crops.
Keep livestock out of treated areas for 3 days, and until poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died and become unpalatable.
Do not spray if night temperatures are low or if frost is imminent.
Wash equipment thoroughly with water and detergent immediately after use. Traces of Tomahawk can cause harm to susceptible crops sprayed later.
Cautions to be followed where 2.0 l/ha of TOMAHAWK is applied to winter wheat and winter barley.
1. Do not tank mix with other pesticides
2. Avoid overlapping spray bouts
3. Straw from cereals sprayed with 2.0 l/ha of TOMAHAWK should not be incorporated into the soil. Treated straw should only be used for animal bedding. Manure from animal bedding should only be used where cereals or grassland is to be grown.
4. Do not follow trea ted crops with winter sown beans or other legumes.
5. Do not drill any legumes, including peas, in the spring following a treated crop.
Crops and Timing
Spring application to winter wheat and winter barley
From the two leaf stage of the crop to before late boot stage (GS 45). When applied in tank-mix with HBN apply up to and including Zadoks GS 31.
Spring application to winter oats, triticale, rye and durum wheat
From the 2 leaf stage of the crop to before first node detectable stage (before Zadoks GS 31).
Spring application to winter wheat and winter barley (volunteer potato shoots)
From 3rd node detectable to the flag leaf ligule visible (Zadoks GS 39).
Autumn application to winter wheat and winter barley
From two leaf stage of the crop up to before 2nd node detectable (before Zadoks GS 32) or end February, whichever is the earliest. After this time follow spring recommendations above.
Spring application to spring wheat and barley
From 2 leaf stage of the crop but before flag leaf stage (before GS 39). When applied in tank-mix with HBN, apply before second node detectable (before Zadoks GS 32).
Spring application to spring oats
From 2 leaf stage of the crop but before first node detectable stage (before Zadoks GS 31).
Spring application to winter wheat and winter barley
From the two leaf stage of the crop to before late boot stage (GS 45). When applied in tank-mix with HBN apply up to and including Zadoks GS 31.
Spring application to winter oats, triticale, rye and durum wheat
From the 2 leaf stage of the crop to before first node detectable stage (before Zadoks GS 31).
Spring application to winter wheat and winter barley (volunteer potato shoots)
From 3rd node detectable to the flag leaf ligule visible (Zadoks GS 39).
Autumn application to winter wheat and winter barley
From two leaf stage of the crop up to before 2nd node detectable (before Zadoks GS 32) or end February, whichever is the earliest. After this time follow spring recommendations above.
Spring application to spring wheat and barley
From 2 leaf stage of the crop but before flag leaf stage (before GS 39). When applied in tank-mix with HBN, apply before second node detectable (before Zadoks GS 32).
Spring application to spring oats
From 2 leaf stage of the crop but before first node detectable stage (before Zadoks GS 31).
Apply before the crop reaches 7 leaves unfolded stage and over 20cm. Optimum timing is between 3-6 leaf stage. Do not apply once the buttress roots (side roots) have started to develop on the first node.
Rate of Use:
Apply TOMAHAWK at 1.0 l/ha in 200-300 l/ha water.
Weed Control
Black nightshade will be controlled from cotyledons up to 6 true leaves stage.
TOMAHAWK can be applied to established grassland or newly sown spring leys when grasses have at least 3 fully expanded leaves. Application can be made in the Autumn or the Spring. It is important to ensure that weeds are actively growing at the time of application.
Rate of Use on Established Grassland: Apply TOMAHAWK at 2.0 l/ha in 200-400 l/ha water, using the higher volume in dense vegetation.
Rate of Use on Newly Sown Leys: Apply TOMAHAWK at 0.75 l/ha in 200-400 l/ha water, using the higher volume in dense vegetation.
Weed control
Newly sown leys at 0.75 l/ha, weed size 50mm: Common chickweed
Established grassland, 2.0 l/ha:
Common nettle - spray before flowering - a reduction in top growth only can be expected.
Dandelion - spray before flowering.
Curled and broad-leaved docks - spray in the spring when docks are 15-20cm high at the rosette stage.
Large established docks may require a follow up treatment in the following season. If the grass has been cut for hay or silage or grazed over winter, leave for 2-3 weeks to allow sufficient re-growth to occur before spraying.
Before spraying it is important to check all hoses, filters and nozzles, and to ensure that the sprayer is clean and correctly set to give an even application at the correct volume.
Half fill the sprayer tank with water, add the required quantity of TOMAHAWK. Top up the sprayer tank with water to the required level and agitate the mixture thoroughly before and during spraying.
The spray mix must be used immediately and agitated continuously during mixing and until application is complete.
Volume of Water:
Apply in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare.
Use 400 litres of water per hectare on dense crops.
Spray Quality
Apply TOMAHAWK as a MEDIUM quality spray (BCPC definition).
Apply TOMAHAWK alone to triticale. There is no tank mix recommendation for this crop.
Registered for cultures | Rate | BBCH |
Winter wheat | 2 l | 1 - 45 |
Winter barley | 2 l | 1 - 45 |
Winter oats | 1 l | 1 - 31 |
Winter rye | 1 l | 1 - 31 |
Spring rye | 1 l | 1 - 31 |
Winter triticale | 1 l | 1 - 31 |
Spring triticale | 1 l | 1 - 31 |
Spring wheat | 0.75 l | 1 - 39 |
Spring barley | 0.75 l | 1 - 39 |
Spring oats | 0.75 l | 1 - 31 |
Corn | 1 l | 1 - 17 |
Grassland | 2 l | 0 |
Grassland | 0.75 l | 0 |