- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 04246
- Active materials
- desmedipham15 g/l
- ethofumesate115 g/l
- phenmedipham75 g/l
A suspension concentrate (SC) formulation containing; 115g/litre (11.7% w/w) ethofumesate, 75 g/litre (7.65% w/w) phenmedipham and 15g/litre (1.55% w/w) desmedipham for the control of annual broad leaved weeds in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
The application of TRILOGY to crops suffering from stress may lead to a check to growth from which the crops may not recover and in some cases crop losses may occur. Crops suffering from nutrient deficiencies such as nitrogen, copper, manganese, magnesium or lime may be adversely affected when sprayed with TRILOGY. Growers should ensure that nutrient status of the soil is correct before the crop is drilled.
If the temperature is 21°C or is likely to rise to this temperature for the period of twenty-four hours after application do not spray as serious crop damage may occur.
If substantial day to night fluctuations in temperature occur shortly before or after the application of TRILOGY crop growth may be checked.
The interval between preparation of the spray mixture and completion of spraying should be kept to a minimum, certainly no longer than 2 hours. Any longer may result in crystalisation, particularly if the water temperature is below 5°C
Avoid drift to areas outside those being sprayed, having due regard to the prevailing weather conditions and spray quality being used.
TRILOGY may be used on all types of soils, though residual activity may be reduced on those with more than 5% organic matter
All commercially grown varieties of sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels may be treated with TRILOGY.
The first application of TRILOGY should be made after the majority of the crop has reached the fully expanded cotyledon stage.
The effect of ‘TRILOGY’ on seed germination from treated beet seed crops has not been investigated.
Use a MEDIUM spray (BCPC classification) and dilute with 100 – 300 litres water/ha.
First application:
Timing: At the first flush of weeds, preferably when they are not larger than the fully expanded cotyledon stage.
Rate of use: 2.0 litres product/ha.
Second and third applications:
Timing: At the second and third flush of weeds, but not before 5 days after a previous application.
Rate of use: 2.5 litres product/ha.
Half fill the spray tank with water and commence agitation. Add the tank-mix partner first and allow complete dispersion. Add the required amount of TRILOGY to the sprayer tank and fill up with water whilst agitating. Use immediately. Continue agitation until spraying is complete.
For further information on tank mixing please refer to the website (
Spray tank cleaning should be done immediately after spraying. Empty the spraying equipment completely on the field just sprayed. Remove all filters and nozzles, scrub clean using a liquid detergent and rinse them with clean water. Put 10% of the capacity of clean water and a liquid detergent into the tank. Operate a tank flushing system if fitted. Circulate water through the pump and controls for at least one minute. Drain sprayer, collect washings. Repeat procedure once more. Pump last washing water out through boom feed hoses and pipes. Collect washings. Clean off the outside of the sprayer using minimum water volumes. Collect washings. Replace cleaned nozzles and filters. Collect and put all washings back into the tank and spray out on the field’s headland, or otherwise safely dispose of them. Ensure the sprayer systems are completely drained before storage. Store plant protection equipment in a properly designated store.
Beet crops may be sown at any time after the use of TRILOGY, any other crop may be sown 3 months after the last application. Ploughing with a mould board to a minimum depth of 15cm (6”) should precede preparation of a new seedbed.
Registered for cultures | Rate | BBCH |
Sugar beets | 2.5 l | 18 |
Beets | 2.5 l | 18 |
Mangels | 2.5 l | 18 |