Vivendi 200
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 05122
- Active materials
- clopyralid200 g/l
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- LabelView
VIVENDI 200 is a post-emergence foliar acting herbicide for use in many arable, forage and horticultural crops for the control of some annual broad-leaved weeds, but especially for the control of thistles. Soluble Concentrate (SL) containing 200 g/l (18.2 % w/w) clopyralid.
VIVENDI 200 is a post-emergence foliar acting herbicide. Although uptake can occur through roots and shoots VIVENDI 200 is taken up best by actively growing weed leaves. It is fully translocated throughout the plant and affects all parts of susceptible weeds. In mayweeds and thistles activity is greatest at the growing points, where death occurs first.
On the following food and fodder crops the statutory interval between the last application and harvest, consumption or conservation is the following:
Established grassland - 7 days
Sugar beet, fodder beet, mangel, red beet - 6 weeks
Swede, turnip - 6 weeks
Wheat, barley & oats - before GS 33 (GS 32 inclusive)
Oilseed rape (crop canopy) - apply before flower buds are visible from above
Straw from crops treated with VIVENDI 200 should be baled and taken off the land. Do not use straw from crops treated with VIVENDI 200 for use in compost, manure or other use that may enable such straw to be used for any glasshouse or protected crop. Do not use manure from animals fed on crops treated with VIVENDI 200 for composting. Do not apply VIVENDI 200 to crops undersown with clovers, sainfoin, vetches or other legumes. Control of creeping thistle and other perennial weeds may be impaired by cultivations either before or within a period of two weeks after application of VIVENDI 200. Do not apply to wet crops or when rain is expected within 6 hours of spraying. Do not spray when crops are under stress from cold, drought, pest damage, nutrient deficiency etc. Contract agents should be consulted before using on crops grown for seed. Consult processors before using on crops for processing
VIVENDI 200 is active on a range of annual weeds, such as fat hen, but it should particularly be used for the control of thistles at a later stage.
Annual Weed Control
Unless otherwise specified, an application of 0.5 litres/ha VIVENDI 200 can be made to control annual weeds.
Perennial Weed Control
Apply at 0.5 litre/ha. For the control of thistles a second application can be made at 1 litre/ha, which is usually 3-4 weeks after the first application. When thistles are present at the time of the application the dose of the first application can be increased to 1 litre/ha. However, please refer to the section ‘CROP SPECIFIC INFORMATION’ for advice on the different crops.
Resistant weeds
Many weeds are resistant to VIVENDI 200. These include all Crucifer and Brassica weeds. They can however be controlled in tank mixture with other herbicides, provided the partner chemical is safe to the crop being treated and is used in accordance with the partner label. Guidance is given on tank mixtures under the separate crop recommendations.
1. CEREALS AND OILSEED RAPE Winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats
For the control of annual weeds apply 0.35 litre/ha in the spring from second leaf stage (GS 12), to before the third node is detectable (up to and including GS 32). VIVENDI 200 gives best results when applied with other herbicides in tank mixture provided the timings and conditions of use of the partner product coincide with those of VIVENDI 200.Please refer to the section ‘Compatibility’ for further information about the possible mixing partners of VIVENDI 200.
Oilseed rape (winter or spring sown crops
Apply 0.5 litre/ha in the spring for the control of annual weeds or 1.0 litre/ha in the spring for the control of creeping thistle, which is usually 3-4 weeks after the first application. Applications may be made from the two fully expanded leaf stage of the crop to before flower buds are visible at top of crop. Please refer to the section ‘Compatibility’ for further information about the possible mixing partners of VIVENDI 200.
Sugar beet, fodder beet, red beet and mangel
VIVENDI 200 can be used once in repeat low dose herbicide programming on sugar beet, from the fully expanded cotyledon stage of the crop, in 80-100 litres/ha of water. Apply 0.5 litres/ha in tank mixture. Where thistles are present an (additional) application of VIVENDI 200 alone at 1.0 litre/ha in 200-300 litres/ha water, may be used which is usually 3-4 weeks after the first application. Please refer to the section ‘Compatibility’ for further information about the possible mixing partners of VIVENDI 200.
Swede, turnip
Apply 0.5 litre/ha for broad-leaved weed control once the crop has reached the two true leaf expanded stage. Where thistles are a problem an (additional) application of 1.0 litre/ha can be made, which is usually 3-4 weeks after the first application.
Established grassland
VIVENDI 200 can be used on permanent grassland and rotational grass that has been sown for at least one growing season. Livestock should not be left in fields to be sprayed. Application should be made when weeds are actively growing Apply 1.0 litre/ha. After grazing or cutting allow at least 2-3 weeks for regrowth of weeds before applying VIVENDI 200. An interval of 7 days must elapse after spraying VIVENDI 200 before livestock are re-introduced or the grass is cut for hay or silage.
Plant remains from crops treated with VIVENDI 200 may contain active clopyralid that could adversely affect succeeding crops especially peas, beans, lupins and other legumes, carrots, parsnips, parsley and other umbellifers, potatoes, lettuce and other compositae, glasshouse and protected crops.
After crops treated with VIVENDI 200 (excluding cereals)
Do not plant susceptible crops in the same year as VIVENDI 200 has been applied or in the spring where VIVENDI 200 has been applied after July the previous year. Chop and incorporate all treated plant remains as soon as possible after harvest to release residues into the soil where they are more quickly broken down. Ensure all plant remains from treated crops have fully decayed before planting susceptible crops.
After cereals treated with VIVENDI 200
Where straw from treated crops has been incorporated into the soil, only tolerant crops (e.g. cereals) should be drilled in the same year as treatment with VIVENDI 200
Half fill the spray tank with clean water. If using in tank mixture add the mixture product first, in accordance with the mixture product label instructions, followed by the required quantity of VIVENDI 200. Add the remainder of the water and begin agitation. Continue agitation until spraying is completed. Individual tank mix recommendations are given for separate crops. When VIVENDI 200 is to be used with other products in tank mixture read the instructions of the partner product before mixing the spray. Ensure that the mixing instructions and conditions of use for the partner product are compatible with those of VIVENDI 200.
Use a medium quality spray. Apply in a water volume of 200-300 litres/ ha. Use the higher volume on larger weeds or where the crop is dense. On very large weeds and in established grassland use 300-400 litres/ha.
After Spraying
VIVENDI 200 is active on susceptible plants and crops at very low doses, especially those of the Compositae and Leguminoseae families. After spraying with VIVENDI 200 wash spray equipment thoroughly with water and a liquid detergent immediately after use. Spray out. Fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out again before storing or using another product. Dispose of the washings according to the official “Code of Practice for Farmers and Growers”.
In cereals, oilseed rape and beet crops, VIVENDI 200 can be used in tank-mix with other approved products. VIVENDI 200 should be applied in recommended tank mix with other products only if any requirements or restrictions on the other product label do not conflict with the requirements or restrictions of VIVENDI 200.
VIVENDI 200 can be tank mixed with the following approved formulations of: MCPA salt, mecoprop salt and/or fluroxypyr.
Oilseed Rape
VIVENDI 200 is compatible with the following approved formulations of: deltamethrin or mancozeb.
Conventional application: VIVENDI 200 can be used in combination with approved formulations of: phenmedipham, lenacil, metamitron and/or adjuvants oils.
Repeat low dose programme:
VIVENDI 200 can be used with approved formulations of: phenmedipham, ethofumesate, desmedipham + ethofumesate + phenmedipham, metamitron and/or adjuvant oils. Use these tank mixtures in accordance with the crop timing and other conditions of use on the mixture partner’s label
Registered for cultures | Rate | BBCH | Preharvest Interval |
Spring barley | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Winter barley | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Spring oats | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Winter oats | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Winter triticale | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Spring triticale | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Winter wheat | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Spring wheat | 0.35 l | 1 - 33 | |
Sugar beets | 1 l | 39 | 42 |
Red beet | 1 l | 39 | 42 |
Beets | 1 l | 39 | 42 |
Mangels | 1 l | 39 | 42 |
Rutabagas | 1 l | 39 | 42 |
Turnips | 1 l | 39 | 42 |
Winter rape | 1 l | 0 | |
Spring rape | 1 l | 0 | |
Grassland | 1 l | 0 | 7 |