Blue Bugle
Ajuga reptans
Growing form: Perennial herb.
Height: 10–35 cm (4–14 in.). Stem erect, 4-edged, hairy on opposite sides. Ground runners up to 50 cm (20 in.) long.
Flower: Irregular (zygomorphic). Corolla blue, bilabiate, 14–17 mm (0.55–0.7 in.) long. Upper lip short, entire and flat. Lower lip 3-lobed, central lobe with notched tip. Calyx 5-toothed, almost regular (actinomorphic). Stamens 4 attached to upper part of corolla tube, of which 2 long, 2 short, stamens longer than corolla. United gynoecium comprised of 2 carpellary leaves. Ovary above perianth. Flowers in whorls in a long raceme.
Leaves: Decussate. Rosette leaf blade elliptic or ovate, round-tipped, big- and with shallowly rounded teeth, virtually glabrous, short-haired. Subtending bracts noticeably smaller than rosette leaves, become smaller towards crown. Uppermost leaves shorter than flowers, often partly blue.
Fruit: Schizocarp comprised of 4 carpels, carpel like an achene.
Habitat: Rich forests, ruins, yards, fields, meadows and roadsides, also ballast soil deposits.
Flowering time: May–July.
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