Blaster PRO

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IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

Read all warnings before applying BLASTER PRO.
Do not roll or harrow grass for 10 days before or 7 days after application.
Do not spray in drought, very hot or very cold weather.
BLASTER PRO is safe to grass. Very occasionally some yellowing of the sward may occur; this is transient and quickly outgrown. Clover will be killed or severely checked by application of BLASTER PRO.
DO NOT sow kale, swedes, turnips or grass mixtures containing clover by direct drilling or minimum cultivation techniques within 6 weeks of applying BLASTER PRO.
BLASTER PRO residues in plant tissues (including manure and digestate) which have not completely decayed may affect succeeding susceptible crops e.g. peas, beans and other legumes, carrots and Umbelliferae, potatoes and tomatoes, lettuce and other Compositae.
Do not plant susceptible autumn-sown crops (e.g. winter beans) in the same year as treatment with BLASTER PRO. Where susceptible crops are to be planted in the spring do not apply BLASTER PRO later than the end of July of the previous year. Following good agricultural practice ensure that plant remains have completely decayed before planting susceptible crops. Do not use any plant material treated with BLASTER PRO for composting or mulching.
Do not use manure from animals fed on crops treated with BLASTER PRO for composting. In hot conditions, vapour drift may occur, making it particularly important to assess the risk to neighbouring vegetation. Take extreme care to avoid drift onto crops and non-target plants outside the target area.
Do not apply directly to, or allow spray drift to come into contact with agricultural or horticultural crops, amenity plantings or gardens, ponds, lakes or water courses. All conifers, especially pine and larch, are very sensitive to spray drift.

Grazing Interval
Exclude livestock during treatment and do not allow livestock to graze treated grassland for at least 7 days following treatment, and until foliage of any poisonous weeds which may have been affected by application has died and become unpalatable.

The following weeds will be controlled by an application of BLASTER PRO at a rate of 60 mL of product in 10 litres of water (6 mL product in 1 litre of water). The weeds should be thoroughly wetted with the spray solution but spraying until "run-off" will decrease activity. The use of flood jets is recommended to prevent drift. Care should be taken to avoid local overdosing.
If the grass has been cut for hay or silage or grazed leave for 2-3 weeks to allow sufficient re-growth to occur before spraying. Grass and weeds must be actively growing to ensure good weed control and minimal check to the grass. To allow maximum translocation of BLASTER PRO to the roots do not cut grass for 28 days after application.

Apply BLASTER PRO using a handheld sprayer. Ensure the equipment is in good working order and has been calibrated according to the manufacturers’ recommendations. Wash out spray equipment thoroughly with water and detergent immediately after use. Traces of BLASTER PRO could cause harm to susceptible crops sprayed later. DO NOT APPLY through hand-held rotary atomiser equipment.

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Prateria1.2 l28