Goltix Titan

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A pre- and post-emergence herbicide for use against annual broad-leaved weeds in sugar beet and fodder beet.
A suspension concentrate formulation containing
40 g/L (3.4% w/w) quinmerac and 525 g/L (45.1% w/w) metamitron.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

Do not apply to crops suffering from stress. This may be due to a number of factors e.g. nutrient or trace element deficiency such as manganese, soil acidity,
drought, periods of low temperatures or frost, substantial day to night time fluctuations, high light intensity, wind or hail damage, use after other herbicides, pest or disease attacks.
Do not apply when temperatures exceed 21ºC or in strong sunlight. If treatment is essential, delay spraying until the temperature falls and light intensity reduces.
An interval of at least 5 days must elapse between applications of GOLTIX TITAN®.
GOLTIX TITAN contains metamitron, a Group C1 herbicide and quinmerac a Group O herbicide according to the mode of action classification system of the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee. Quinmerac has a narrow weed spectrum, with the main target for control being cleavers.
A strategy for preventing and managing resistance should be adopted. This should include integrating herbicides with a programme of cultural control measures. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the AHDB, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.
Growers are advised to apply products containing herbicides with different modes of action in sequence, as co-formulations or in tank-mix, where two or more components are active against the target weeds.
Use the recommended rate of GOLTIX TITAN and the correct application timing for the hardest to control weed species present in the field. The above should be used in conjunction with effective cropping rotation and cultivation techniques e.g. stale seedbed, cultivation and use of non-selective herbicide prior to drilling.
GOLTIX TITAN can be used pre or post-emergence. The best results are achieved when weeds are between the cotyledon and two-leaf stages.
GOLTIX TITAN may be safely used on all commonly grown sugar beet and fodder beet varieties under normal conditions. There may be a reduction in crop tolerance if the beet is under stress; factors such as application in high light intensity, high temperatures, nutrient deficiency.
Pre-emergence followed by post-emergence
Apply 3.0 L/ha of GOLTIX TITAN in 80-200 L/ha of water after drilling of the crop but before crop emergence. Three further applications should be applied post-emergence of the crop from seed leaf stage: cotyledons completely unfolded to 9 leaves unfolded (BBCH 10-19). The minimum interval between applications is 5 days and the maximum total dose is 6.0 L/ha (maximum 3.0 L/ha preemergence and 3 x 1.0 L/ha post emergence).
Post-emergence only
Three applications, each of 2.0 L/ha of GOLTIX TITAN in 80-200 L/ha of water should be applied postemergence to the crop, from seed leaf stage: cotyledons completely unfolded to 9 leaves unfolded (BBCH 10-19). The minimum interval between applications is 5 days and the maximum total application rate is 6.0 L/ha (maximum 3 x 2.0 L/ha).
Beet crops may be sown at any time following the use of GOLTIX TITAN.
Providing 16 weeks elapse from the last application of GOLTIX TITAN, winter cereals may be sown in the same season. After normal harvest, any crop can be grown in the following spring. Deep and thorough cultivation is necessary before sowing or planting succeeding crops. Mouldboard ploughing to a minimum depth of 15 cm is recommended before seedbed preparation.
Shake GOLTIX TITAN well before use. Fill the spray tank with two thirds of the required amount of water. With the mixer switched on, add the product and the remaining water. Rinse empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank.
Continue agitation until spraying is completed. Wash out sprayer thoroughly after use. Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC. Crops should not be re-entered until spray residues are dry.
GOLTIX TITAN is compatible with the following products: Nufarm Cropoil Phase II Rifle Sniper Arma.
Always read the label of the partner product carefully before use.
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