Citrus Red Mite

Panonychus citri

Adult female citrus red mites are oval and globular; the male is smaller and has a tapered abdomen. Each female lays 20 to 50 eggs at a rate of 2 to 3 a day, depositing them on both sides of leaves. The life cycle from egg to egg may be as short as 12 days during warm weather.

Populations increase in spring, late summer, and early fall in response to new growth; citrus red mites prefer to feed on fully expanded young leaves but will also infest fruit.

On leaves, citrus red mite feeding results in a pale stippling visible primarily on the upper surface of the leaf. In severe infestations, the stippling enlarges to dry necrotic areas (commonly called mesophyll collapse). Eventually, leaves may drop and twigs dieback. Stippling or silvering also occurs on green fruit but usually disappears when fruit change color. If large populations feed on nearly mature fruit, the silvering may persist. High populations can also cause fruit sunburn if hot weather is occurring. During fall Santa Ana winds, low levels of citrus red mite can cause a blasting or burning of foliage and leaf drop in coastal and southern California growing areas.

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