European leafroller

Archips rosanus

List of symptoms/signs
Fruit - external feeding
Growing point - external feeding
Inflorescence - external feeding
Leaves - leaves rolled or folded

Although larvae initially feed in the developing flower-bud trusses and are difficult to find, they eventually feed within spun or curled leaves which are more easily visible. Surface feeding damage to young fruitlets may also be observed. Apple, pear, hawthorn, cherry, currant and privet are the primary hosts of the European leafroller. 

Head and thorax of adult brown, abdomen grey. Forewings pale brown with 3 darker oblique spots of which the middle one is the largest, hindwings brown-grey with an orange-color apex and fringes. Larvae (caterpillar) about 20 mm long, usually green but their color varies according to diet, with many pale hairs along the body, head dark-brown, thorax covered by a dark-brown plate.

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