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For the Post Emergence control of Perennial and Annual Grasses, and Broadleaf Weeds in Grain and Silage Maize Crops

ADAPT® is rapidly absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout the weeds. Weeds stop growing immediately and discoloration of weeds occurs, followed by dieback that spreads slowly throughout the weed.

Interaction with insecticides: Do not apply to maize previously treated with soil-applied organophosphate insecticides or to maize that has been treated within 7 days before or after with foliar applied organophosphate insecticides, as severe crop injury may result.

Couch control: Use ADAPT® at 80g per hectare with the addition of Bonza† spray adjuvant at 500 mL per 100 L of spray volume. Apply when sufficient couch foliage is present for good coverage.
Mercer grass (suppression): Use ADAPT® at 110 g per hectare with the addition of Bonza† spray adjuvant at 500 mL per 100 L spray volume. Apply when sufficient Mercer grass foliage is present for good coverage. Shading from a good crop canopy after application will improve control. In the following season, a subsequent application will improve overall Mercer grass control. Annual grasses: Use ADAPT® at 50-80 g per hectare. Use the low rate only if following a pre-emergence herbicide application and if weed pressure is low. Add a suitable tankmix herbicide with ADAPT and use in soil areas where the organic matter level is low to medium. Add Bonza† spray adjuvant at 500 mL per 100 L spray volume. Apply when sufficient grass foliage is present for good coverage.
Broadleaf weeds: Use ADAPT® at 50-80 g per hectare. Use the low rate only if following a pre-emergence herbicide application and if weed pressure is low. Add a suitable tankmix herbicide with ADAPT® and use in soil areas where the organic matter level is low to medium. Add Bonza† spray adjuvant at 500 mL per 100 L spray volume. Mature weeds will not be adequately controlled. Oxalis (suppression): Use ADAPT® at 80-110 g per hectare. The higher rate will improve control. Add Bonza† spray adjuvant at 500 ml per 100 L spray volume.

Grasses: Barnyard grass, Bristle grass, Couch, Crowfoot grass, Kikuyu, Pasture grasses (volunteers), Rough bristle grass, Smooth witchgrass, Summer grass, Wild oats.
Broadleaf weeds: Bathhurst bur, Black nightshade, Groundsel, Fathen, Fumitory, Redroot, Sow thistle, Thorn apple, Twincress, Water pepper, Wild portulaca, Willow weed.

Weeds Suppressed:
Grasses: Mercer grass.
Broadleaf weeds: Apple of Peru, Bindweed, Buttercup, Californian thistle, Chicory, Dock, Clover, Oxalis, Potatoes (volunteers), Scotch thistle.
Application Timing: Broadleaf weeds; for best results, ADAPT® should be applied before weeds have reached the 4 true leaf stage. Weeds larger than 4 true leaf stages may only be suppressed.
Grass weeds: Apply when there is sufficient leaf area for good uptake but before the grass has formed a thick layer. Apply to summer grass at a maximum of three tillers or 75 mm in length. The maize crop growth stage best for application is between the 2 and 8 leaf stage when the crop is growing vigorously without moisture stress.

Caution: Application to maize greater than 500 mm in height risks crop injury.

Soil residues: To minimise soil residues, treated areas should be deeply cross cultivated to ensure maximum dispersal of residues. Ryegrass and small grain cereals should not be sown in areas treated within the previous 5 months.

Cultivation: Do not cultivate during the 10 days before an ADAPT® application as this may decrease weed control by placing weeds under stress. The optimum timing for cultivation or side dressing of fertiliser is 7- 14 days after an ADAPT® application.

Caution: Do not use on sweetcorn or popcorn. Do not use on field maize grown for seed unless tested on existing NZ varieties under NZ conditions.

Weather conditions: Warm, moist conditions and adequate soil moisture, both before and after application, will improve control. Maize stressed due to weather conditions may show a temporary yellowing or crop stunting. ADAPT is rainfast 6 hours after application.

Compatibility: ADAPT® plus Bonza† spray adjuvant is compatible in tank mixtures with Atranex® WG, Atranex® SC or Flumetsulam 800 WG formulations, ADAPT® may be tank mixed with Kamba† 500 (applied to maize less than 30 cm tall), or Emblem to increase broadleaf weed control, but Bonza† spray adjuvant should not be used with these mixtures as there is a greater risk of crop injury (which can be minimized by the use of dropper nozzles). Grass weed control with ADAPT® may be reduced when Bonza† spray adjuvant is not used. Do not apply ADAPT® plus Bonza† spray adjuvant in tank mixture with Triffid† growth enhancer.

Mixing Instructions: Prior to mixing ADAPT® , thoroughly rinse sprayer, tank, boom, hoses and nozzles with water. Pour ADAPT® into the spray tank half-filled with water. Complete water filling. Maintain a moderate agitation until the mix is applied. If adding other post-emergence herbicides and/or Bonza† spray adjuvant, add after ADAPT® is thoroughly mixed in the half-filled tank. Apply the spray mixture within 24 hours of mixing.

Application: Make sure that spray equipment is correctly calibrated. For best results ensure complete spray coverage of the weeds. Position the boom nozzles between the rows of maize. The use of droppers from the boom will improve target weed coverage. Do not overspray and do not apply ADAPT® into the maize whorls as crop damage may occur.
Aerial and ground broadcast application: Apply ADAPT® herbicide in 100-300 L water per hectare. Use the higher water rate where weeds are dense. CDA application: Use a large (250-300 micron) droplet size and apply not less than 30 L of water per hectare. CDA application may result in less effective weed control than conventional boom spraying.

Withholding period: Silage maize 56 days

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