Bravo Weatherstik

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

For the control of fungal diseases in Fruit, Ornamentals, Turf, Vegetables and Wheat.

As BRAVO WEATHERSTIK contains minute quantities of HCB, a compound that can be taken up by grazing stock to give unacceptable residues in meat and milk, it is a condition of registration that the following restrictions MUST be followed:
graze treated crops.
feed any part of treated crop to stock.
treated areas thoroughly (ie not direct drilling or other minimum tillage techniques) before sowing pasture or any animal feed crop.
It is an offence to use this product on animals.

Disease: Stemphyllium Leaf Spot
Rate/100 litres water: 210 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Commence spraying at first appearance of disease after closing up and repeat at 14 to 28 day intervals to maintain disease control until ferns die off. Use the shorter spray interval when disease pressure is high. Ensure good plant coverage.

BEANS Butter, Green, Pole
Disease: Rust
Rate/100 litres water: 175 to 210 ml
Rate/ha: 1.4 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at seedling emergence and continue at 10 to 21 day intervals.

Disease: Rust
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at first appearance of foliar infection and repeat at 10 to 21 day intervals or as needed to maintain disease control.

BERRYFRUIT Blackberries, Boysenberries, Loganberries
Disease:  Dryberry, ΔBotrytis
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply as a full season cover spray at 14 day intervals from bud burst onwards. When infection is severe reduce the interval to 7 to 10 days. Autumn applications are necessary to protect primocanes from infection.

Disease: Leaf Spot
Rate/100 litres water: 210 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply from bud burst onwards at 10 to 14 day intervals.

BRASSICAS Broccoli, Brussels, Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower
Disease: Downy Mildew, Ring Spot
Rate/100 litres water: 175 to 210 ml
Rate/ha: 1.4 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at seedling emergence and continue at 10 to 21 day intervals. Use the high rate for Ring Spot control.

Disease: Septoria Leaf Spot
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply as a full season cover spray from immediately post-planting at 7 to 14 day intervals.

CUCURBITS Cucumbers, Melons, Squash
Disease: Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew
Rate/100 litres water: 175 to 210 ml
Rate/ha: 1.4 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at seedling emergence and continue at 10 to 21 day intervals.

Disease: Black Spot,Downy Mildew,Powdery Mildew, ΔBotrytis
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply as a full season cover spray at 10 to 14 day intervals from bud burst onwards. When disease pressure is high reduce the interval to 7 to 10 days. Use on wine grapes, especially white varieties, after the start of capfall, may result in fruit russet. DO NOT use on table grapes.

Disease: Ring Spot
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at seedling emergence and continue at 7 to 10 day intervals throughout the growing period. A regular protective program is necessary to prevent disease establishment. 

ORNAMENTALS Camellias, Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Geraniums, Statice, Roses
Disease: Black Spot,ΔBotrytis, Downy Mildew,Flower Blight, Powdery Mildew
Rate/100 litres water: 175 to 210 ml
Rate/ha: - 
Critical Comments: Apply from the commencement of new growth at 10 to 21 day intervals. DO NOT spray when flower buds are showing petal colour as bloom damage may occur.

PIPFRUIT non bearing Apples and Pears
Disease: Black Spot
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply as a full season cover spray at 14 to 21 day intervals. DO NOT apply to bearing trees as fruit russet may occur.  

Disease: Early Blight, Late Blight
Rate/100 litres water: 140 ml
Rate/ha: 1.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at 7 to 14 day intervals or as needed to maintain disease control.

STONEFRUIT Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines
Disease: Leaf Curl
Rate/100 litres water: 160 to 210 ml
Rate/ha: -
Critical Comments: Apply pre bud swell. Where disease levels are high repeat application from pink to shuck fall at 7 to 14 day intervals.

STONEFRUIT Peaches, Plums
Disease: Brown Rot, Rust, Blossom Blight
Rate/100 litres water: 160 to 210 ml
Rate/ha: -
Critical Comments: Apply from pink to shuck fall at 7 to 14 day intervals.

Disease: Alternaria Leaf Spot, ΔBotrytis
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply as a full season cover spray at 14 day intervals from bud burst onwards. When infection is severe reduce the interval to 7 to 10 days. 

Disease: Early Blight, Late Blight, ΔBotrytis
Rate/100 litres water: 210 to 245 ml
Rate/ha: 2.1 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at planting out and continue at 10 to 14 day intervals until harvest.

Disease: Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Leaf Spotting/ Melting Out
Rate/100 litres water: 70 to 140 ml/ 100 square metres

Disease: Anthracnose, Fusarium Patch, Red Thread
Rate/100 litres water: 105 to 210 ml/ 100 square metres

Critical Comments: Spray in sufficient water to thoroughly wet foliage (7.5 to 10 litres per 100 square metres). Use the low rate for preventative applications and the high rate as a curative application. Under conditions of high pressure repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals. As the surface of diseased turf may be hard to wet, especially where thatch is present, add a wetting agent to ensure adequate penetration and control of residual infection resources.
MUST NOT be used on areas to be grazed.

Disease: Ascochyta spp, Didymella, Glume Blotch, Sooty Moulds
Rate/100 litres water: - 
Rate/ha: 0.7 to 1.4 litres
Critical Comments: Apply at flag leaf emergence and again up until ear fully emerged if cool, wet conditions prevail. Use the higher rate where disease risk levels are high. Tank mix BRAVO WEATHERSTIK  with other cereal fungicides for control of other diseases.

ΔBotrytis: BRAVO WEATHERSTIK  applied as a full season cover spray will prevent Botrytis. However, during periods of high risk (wet, humid weather) use a specific Botrytis fungicide.

BRAVO WEATHERSTIK is a protectant fungicide that will provide effective control of fungus diseases on a wide range of vegetable, fruit, ornamental crops, turf and wheat. BRAVO WEATHERSTIK can be used effectively through high volume, low volume or aircraft spray equipment.

BRAVO WEATHERSTIK Fungicide contains A member of the CHLORONITRILE group of fungicides. BRAVO WEATHERSTIK is a Group M5 fungicide. Resistance to this fungicide could develop from repeated use. 

If the container has been standing for some while, slowly invert several times to ensure a uniform mixture is drawn off. Add the required amount of BRAVO WEATHERSTIK  to the partly filled spray tank and top up with water. Keep mechanical agitator or bypass running while filling, during spraying, and before recommencing spraying after a stoppage.

Suggested spray volume: It is important that good spray coverage of the crop is achieved and for high volume spraying use a minimum of 800 litres of water per hectare, increasing as necessary to ensure complete foliar cover at all stages of crop development. The rates suggested are for high volume spraying to run off. For concentrate spraying adjust dilution rates accordingly.

BRAVO WEATHERSTIK  is compatible with most commonly used fungicides and insecticides. Unless prior experience has shown the combination to be physically compatible and non-injurious to crop, DO NOT combine with emulsifiable formulations, including oils, in the spray tank. DO NOT use with lime sulphur or Bordeaux mixture. BRAVO WEATHERSTIK is compatible with streptomycin: when using add BRAVO WEATHERSTIK  to the spray tank, top up, then add streptomycin containing product.

It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food Standards.
Beans (Broad, Butter, Green, Pole) ....................................................................................... 7 days
Berryfruit (Boysenberries, Blackberries, Loganberries) .......................................................... 7 days
Blackcurrants ......................................................................................................................... 7 days
Brassicas (Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts)..................................................... 7 days
Celery .................................................................................................................................... 7 days
Cucurbits (Cucumbers, Melons, Squash)................................................................................. 1 day
Grapes................................................................................................................................. 28 days
Lettuce................................................................................................................................. 10 days
Potatoes ................................................................................................................................ 7 days
Tomatoes (Outdoors)............................................................................................................. 7 days
Strawberries............................................................................................................................. 1 day
Stonefruit (Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums).................................... DO NOT use after shuckfall
Wheat .................................................................................................................................. 56 days

Store in the closed, original container in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. When stored appropriately, this product should show no significant degradation for 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Asparagus2.1 l
Beans1.4 - 2.1 l7
Blackberries2.1 l7
Black currant2.1 l7
Broccoli1.4 l7
Brussels sprouts1.4 l7
Cabbage1.4 l7
Cauliflower1.4 l7
Celery2.1 l7
Cucumbers1.4 l1
Melons1.4 l1
Squash1.4 l1
Grapes2.1 l28
Lettuce2.1 l10
Potatoes1.1 l7
Strawberries2.1 l1
Tomatoes2.1 l7
Winter wheat0.7 - 1.4 l56
Spring wheat0.7 - 1.4 l56