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Confidor is a highly effective systemic foliar insecticide for controlling sucking and piercing insects in onion, grapes, lettuce and vegetable brassica crops. Confidor is the proven, accepted solution used by growers to ensure financial returns and crop profitability.
Confidor offers proven, reliable control of sucking and piercing insects, providing growers with peace-of-mind protection from potentially destructive pest populations.

Insect Pest: Mealybugs
Use: Young non-bearing vines and vines for removal: Apply 1.5 ml/500 ml water/vine as a single drench treatment in autumn or winter to the base of non-bearing replant vines or vines awaiting removal. If rainfall or overhead irrigation is not likely in the 2 days after drenching, apply 2.0 L of water/vine once the drench has soaked in. Treated vines must be clearly identified. Any crop set on treated vines must be destroyed within 10 weeks of fruit set.
Bearing vines: Apply 1.5 ml/500 ml water/vine as a single treatment in the autumn period from post-harvest through to the end of the second week of May. Apply with suitable application equipment as a soil drench; targeting the root area of the vines. Apply in the rain or immediately prior to a rainfall or irrigation event. If rainfall is unlikely or irrigation is not possible, a post-treatment application of up to 2.0L of water over the treated area per vine is recommended.

Insect Pest: Aphids
Use: 20 - 30 ml/2.5 L of water per 1000 plants. Apply evenly in a watering can to seedling trays 1 day before transplanting.

Insect Pest: Thrips
Use: 225 ml/ha in 500 - 600 L water/ha. Monitor thrip levels and make first application when pest threshold has been reached. Repeat applications at 7 - 10 day intervals as a cluster with a maximum of 4 applications. The addition of a wetting agent is recommended. Ensure thorough spray coverage.

Insect Pest: Cabbage aphids
Use: 9 ml/2.5 L water per 1000 plants. Apply evenly in a watering can to seedling trays 1 day before transplanting.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Onions225 ml7
Lettuce0 l35
Grapes0 l