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Selective post-emergence herbicide for grass and broadleaf weed control in wheat and winter sown barley.

Weeds controlled:
SUSCEPTIBLE: Annual poa, chamomiles, charlock, chickweed, fathen, groundsel, lesser canary grass, nettle, penny cress, shepherd’s purse, spurry.
MODERATELY SUSCEPTIBLE: Ryegrasses, wild oats.
TOLERANT: Cleavers, black nightshade, fumitory, henbit, sow thistles, speedwells


Rate/Ha: 2-3 litres/ha
Critical Comments: Apply between early post-emergence and first node. Best control will be achieved with application to weeds at the 1-2 leaf stage. May be tank mixed with chlorsulfuron to give improved control of certain weeds. Use the higher rate on heavy soils or soils which are high in organic matter. Do not apply to oats or durum wheat .

Protugan should be applied to actively growing weeds at the 1-2 true leaf stage. Susceptible weeds germinating after application will be controlled by residual activity. If prolonged dry weather follows application made on to a dry soil, the speed of action will be slow and the overall level of weed control reduces, especially in the spring. Overall weed control may be reduced if the seedbed is coarse or if there is excess organic matter. Do not use on soils with an organic matter content over 10%. Do not apply to waterlogged soils, or those prone to waterlogging after heavy rain, as weed control may be reduced. To avoid run off, DO NOT use Protugan where soils are cracked or excessively dry Protugan may be used on all varieties of wheat at any growth stage up to jointing although it may cause slight crop yellowing under cool wet conditions or on light soils. This is temporary and will not affect subsequent crop growth or yield. Protugan should not be applied to cereals undersown with grass or clover; to oats, triticale, or durum wheat, rye or other cereals not listed; under drought conditions; or if severe frosts are expected.

Half fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitating. Add the required quantity of Protugan to the spray tank and add the remaining water. Continue agitation until spraying is complete. Ensure the sprayer and all measuring equipment is thoroughly cleaned after use with water and a wetting agent. Do not leave the sprayer standing with mixture in it. Apply in a water volume of 150-300 litres of water/ha. Avoid overlapping as this can cause crop injury.

After harvest thoroughly cultivate soil before sowing subsequent crops. In the event of a winter crop failure through drought or disease, replant in the spring only with wheat after thorough cultivation.

Rainfall within 6 hours following treatment may reduce effectiveness.

Compatible in tank mixtures with bromoxynil, chlorsulfuron and mecoprop.

Tank mixtures with other herbicides may result in crop damage.


Registered for culturesRate
Winter wheat2 - 3 l
Spring wheat2 - 3 l
Winter barley2 - 3 l