Systhane 400 WP

Dow AgroSciences
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For the control of Powdery Mildew and Black Spot on Pipfruit. It contains 400 g/Kg myclobutanil in the form of a wettable powder.

Systhane 400 WP Fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide in the DMI group with systemic, curative and protectant activity. It is effective against both apple black spot (Venturia inaequalis) and powdery mildew (Podasphaera leucotricha) on pipfruit.

Systhane 400 WP Fungicide can be applied with conventional ground spraying equipment. Screens and nozzle strainers finer than 300 micrometres should not be used. Flush equipment with clean water after use as described in the Cleaning Spray Equipment section of this label.

IMPORTANT: In order to select the appropriate nozzles for the required spray quality and tooperate the equipment to minimize spray drift, this product must be applied in accordance with the New Zealand Standard for the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS8409).

Cleaning spray equipment:
After using Systhane 400 WP Fungicide: Empty the spray tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the unit using a pressure hose. Drain spray unit and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles.
After cleaning the spray unit as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate the water through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice.
Discard rinse water on land already sprayed or on wasteland away from food and feed crops and water sources.

A convenient method of mixing is to place the appropriate number of water-soluble packs into the inlet filter of the sprayer where they will dissolve as the spray tank is filled. Agitate thoroughly before and during spraying, and before spraying after a stoppage.
Alternatively place the required number of unopened sachets in a bucket of water, stir and when the bag has dissolved and the powder is in suspension add to the spray tank with agitation. Pour into the partly filled tank and while agitating, add the remainder of the water. Agitate thoroughly before and during spraying, and before spraying after a stoppage.

Systhane 400 WP Fungicide is compatible with many other commonly used pesticides, but is not compatible with products containing boron. Always place Systhane 400 WP Fungicide into the spray tank prior to adding co-applied agricultural chemicals.

Water-soluble packs should not be stored in a moist environment. Reseal the outer container carefully for storage. Do not remove them from the outer container before they are needed and do not handle the sachets with wet hands or wet gloves. Avoid wetting water-soluble packs inside the container.

Pipfruit: Do not apply within 35 days of harvest.
Grazing Restriction: The following restrictions on the use of this product must be observed. Do not feed treated crops or pasture to stock. Take care not to allow this product to drift ontopasture or crops that may be grazed. Do not graze stock in orchards or vineyards which may have been treated with Systhane 400 WP Fungicide.

Rates are for high volume spraying to run-off. For concentrate spraying adjust dilution rate accordingly.

PIPFRUIT: Black Spot and Powdery Mildew
Apply 12g Systhane 400 WP Fungicide per 100 litres of water, mixed with a suitable protectant, as a high volume dilute application at 7-10 day intervals, commencing at pink and continuing until second cover. During very severe periods of black spot infection (“Mills Periods”), re-apply Systhane 400 WP Fungicide within 4 days of rainfall.

Resistance Management: Always mix with a black spot protectant. Do not use more than 4applications during the season.
NOTE: Resistance to this fungicide and related DMI products could develop in some diseasesituations from repeated use. To minimise this risk use strictly in accordance with label instructions.
Users are warned that fruit russet may result from applications of Systhane 400 WP Fungicide to the variety “Cox’s Orange”.

Registered for culturesPreharvest Interval